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Curs acadèmic:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Maria Luisa Garcia-Romeu de Luna
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CB02  Recollir i seleccionar informació rellevant que permeti desenvolupar una recerca original relacionada amb la innovació empresarial o gestió de la tecnologia
  • CB03  Analitzar, avaluar i sintetitzar críticament i creativament les idees noves i complexes en els textos científics del camp de la innovació, empresa, gestió, desenvolupament de producte o processos tecnològics
  • CB04 Comunicar de manera original i creativa als experts i els públics inexperts
  • CB12  Analitzar i resoldre situacions complexes, individualment i en equips multidisciplinaris
  • CB13  Comunicar-se en llengua anglesa, en diferents formats i contextos sobre temes de la seva especialitat
  • CE02  Planificar i aplicar estratègies necessàries per a la direcció de l'empresa quan aquesta opera en entorns internacionals
  • CE06  Promoure reflexions que afavoreixin un avenç en la millora de la sostenibilitat ecològica, econòmica i humana, en les propostes d'actuació que es plantegin des del propi camp d'investigació i/o àmbit laboral especialment de la innovació, empresa, gestió i tecnologia
  • CE08  Provocar la capacitat de valorització de la tecnologia i accions d'emprenedoria a partir de l'aplicació de la recerca i innovació.


1. Section I: Conceptual Part

          1.1. Knowledge concepts and definition

                    1.1.1. Data,Information & Knowledge

                    1.1.2. Knowledge Classification

                    1.1.3. Knowledge creation processes

          1.2. Knowledge management concepts and models

                    1.2.1. Knowledge Perspectives

                    1.2.2. The role and the effect of Information Technology in KM Systems

                    1.2.3. Knowledge Management Principles

2. Section II: Procedural Part

          2.1. Use of KM tools and technologies

                    2.1.1. KM Technology classification

                    2.1.2. Association of KM tools to knowledge processes

          2.2. Knowledge in different organizational contexts.

                    2.2.1. Knowledge processes in global multinational

                    2.2.2. Knowledge processes in network/virtual organizations

                    2.2.3. Knowledge processes in engineering organizations

3. Section III: Behavioral Part

          3.1. Social and cultural variables and values affecting organizational knowledge management

                    3.1.1. Motivation for sharing knowledge

                    3.1.2. Power, conflict and knowledge processes


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 2,00 0,50 2,50
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 0 3,00 3,00
Debat 4,00 2,50 6,50
Elaboració individual de treballs 5,00 13,00 18,00
Exposició dels estudiants 2,00 1,00 3,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 1,50 3,00 4,50
Prova d'avaluació 1,00 2,00 3,00
Sessió expositiva 8,50 13,00 21,50
Sessió participativa 4,00 3,00 7,00
Treball en equip 2,00 4,00 6,00
Total 30,00 45,00 75


  • Hislop, Donald (2005). Knowledge management in organisations a critical introduction. Oxford :: Oxford University Press,.
  • Valhondo, Domingo (2003). Gestión del conocimiento del mito a la realidad. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.
  • Knowledge Management (1998). Dins (Ed.), Harvard Business review on (, p. 223). Harvard Business School Press. Catàleg
  • Sowa, John F. (2000). Knowledge representation : logical, philosophical, and computational foundation. Pacific Grovs: Brooks/Cole.
  • Guia de gestió del coneixement (2003). Dins (Ed.), Guies i eines de suport a la innovació (, p. 44). Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya : CIDEM,. Catàleg
  • Honeycutt, Jerry, Carbonell Ayuso, María Inés (cop. 2001). Así es la gestión del conocimiento. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Reading of solved cases-studies. - Critical analysis and assesment of the given assignment
- Capacity of understanding the main concepts of the case without enoguh background
- Capacity of finding the main ideas in the cases and connecting them in concepts that will appear in the subject
- Participation in classroom teamgroup work in order to elaborate the final summary
Collaborative reading. A text will be divided and distributed among students so each student will have only a piece of the total text. They will have time to read it. Next, they will make groups in order to complete the text. They will have to explain to each other their part and build together the summary or a scheme with the main ideas of the text.
It is a cooperative learning activity.
- Critical analysis of the given assignment
- Capacity of elaborating a good summary
- Capacity of finding the main ideas in the text and connecting them in concepts that appear in the text.
- Participation in classroom teamgroup work in order to elaborate the final summary
X.3 Case-study resolution. Teamworking to develope the draft of the resolution project - Selection and summary of the chosen information to answer the cas study resolution in a firt stage
- Ability to find a KM tool for solving the case, if it exist
- Ability to present and defend the own work and ideas in a public presentation inside the group
X.4 Case-study resolution. Debate between the different groups around their case and the solution that they have found. - Active participation in classroom debate.
- Suitability of the ideas presented in the subject studied.
- Ability to argue, present and defend the opinion that one has.
- Respect to others points of view
- Respect word turn
- The no monopolization of the debate
X.5 Case-study resolution. Elaboration of the project that gives answer to the case study given by the professor to each group. The final document presented will be avaluated:
- inclusion of all the documents and files of the final report
- good structure of the report:clear and well-organized
- description of the work carried out making clear the achieved leaerning
- coherents conclusions
- good use of the related terminology
- work deliveration on time
X.6 Case-study conclusion presentation. Presentation of the conclusion of the work. The defender will be choose randomly inside the members of the group - It will be evaluated the presentation format and the capacity of communication of the main ideas of the work, by the defender
- Clarity of the exposition : organization and coherent contents, good expression
- Capacity of capturing the audience
- Good use of the information support
- Capacity of giving good answers to the questions
Evaluation To solve a questionnaire-exam 35
Course Activities The previous described evaluation course tasks will take part of this activity. In each activity the evaluation criteria have been defined, and its weight will be decided according the course development 15


Final Mark = 0.65 Course activities + 0.35 Final exam

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
The Non Attended (NA) mark will be provided if the student leaves the continuous evaluation before and do not attend the final exam. If continuous evaluation is left after an specific date, students will not have a Non Attended (NA) as a final mark.

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