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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Els professionals que presten directament serveis de transport, contracten aquests serveis per a integrar-los en viatges combinats, o intervenen com a intermediaris en la comercializació d’aquesta mena de serveis han de conèixer com poden autorregular llurs interessos si volen dur a terme una gestió empresarial creativa i eficient.
Idioma principal de les classes:
Sense especificar
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Sense especificar
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Sense especificar


Altres Competències

  • - To transmit to the student a basic knowledge of the main aspects of used contracts more in the benefit of the transport service and of package holidays contracts, as well as of their regulating instruments so that in a future it can act consequently in his professional practice.
  • - To know the frame regulating transport contracts and package holidays contracts and to be able to go to its regulating sources at the time of developing its professional activity.
  • - To acquire a basic knowledge of the most important content of this regulation.
  • - To adapt its professional activity to the imperative rules and, also, to become aware on which is their operation margin in any negotiation in which it can be seen immersed in providing that service.
  • - To identify the economic interests that there are behind the most used clauses of studied contracts and the possible conflicts that the same ones can originate between the contracting parties.
  • - To prevent possible conflicts with other professionals or the clients by means of caring the writing with the contract like regulating instrument of the relation between the parties.
  • - To regulate its own professional and economic interests within the legal limits.


1. The charter contract.

          1.1. Concept and economic function.

          1.2. Regulating sources.

          1.3. Elements of the contract. A) Subjects. B) Object. C) Form.

          1.4. Rights and obligations of the parts.

          1.5. The responsibility of the owner and the charterer

2. The intermediation of transport services and package holidays.

          2.1. Intermediation of transport services. A) The relation between the provider of the service and the travel agency. B) The relation between the travel agency and the consumer. C) The mediation.

          2.2. Intermediation of package holidays. A) Relation between organisers and retailers. B) Its obligations in front of the package holidays consumers.

3. The package holiday contract.

          3.1. Legal notion of package holiday.

          3.2. Subjects. A) The organizer and the retailer. Its condition of travel agency. B) The consumer: the principal contractor, the beneficiary and the transferee.

          3.3. Duties of information.

          3.4. Modifications of the contract.

          3.5. Cancellation of package holiday.

          3.6. The price.

          3.7. Transfer of the booking.

          3.8. Cancellation by the consumer.

          3.9. Remedies. A)Reduction of the price. B) Continuation of the package. C) Damages.

4. The transport contract.

          4.1. General concept and characteristics.

          4.2. Modalities of transport and national and international regulation.

          4.3. The transport and luggage documents.

          4.4. Responsibility of the carrier. A) Responsible subjects. B)Recoverable damages: type and moment of its production. C) Imputation of the breach. D) Legal caps. E) In particular, the airline liability for denied boarding of passengers.

5. Transport and Package Holidays Consumers Protection

          5.1. Unfair terms.

          5.2. The tourism product and services liability.

          5.3. Consumer complaints. The "Commission de Litiges Voyages" (ASBL)


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 10,00 0 10,00
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 0 15,00 15,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 2,00 18,00 20,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 0 10,00 10,00
Sessió expositiva 10,00 0 10,00
Tutories de grup 10,00 0 10,00
Total 32,00 43,00 75


  • Adolfo AURIOLES MARTÍN (2002). Introducción al Derecho turístico (Derecho privado del turismo). Madrid: Tecnos.
  • Josep M. BECH SERRAT (2002). Responsabilidad contractual del organizador de viajes combinados por accidentes. La Ley, 2(), 1841-1848
  • Gema BOTANA GARCÍA/Miguel RUÍZ MUÑOZ (1999). Curso sobre protección jurídica de los consumidores. Madrid: McGrawHill.
  • Anna BOTTI (1996). Il contratto di intermediazione di viaggio alla luce del recente Decreto Legisla. Dins Gabriele SILINGARDI/Alfredo ANTONINI/Francesco MORANDI (Ed.), Dai tipi legali ai modelli sociali nella contrattualistica della navigazione, de (, p. 627-639). Milano: Guiffrè Editore.
  • David GRANT/Stephen MASON (2003). Holiday Law (3rd.ed.). London: Sweet and Maxwell.
  • Miquel MARTÍN CASALS (1999). La responsabilidad civil derivada del contrato de viaje combinado. Revista General del Derecho, (658), 9404-9443
  • Miquel MARTÍN CASALS (2000). Las condiciones generales del contrato de viaje combinado. Dins Adolfo AURIOLES MARTÍN (Ed.), Derecho y Turismo, III Jornadas de Derecho Turístico (, p. 3-30). Sevilla: Consejería de Turismo y Deporte de Andalucía.
  • Fernando MARTÍNEZ SANZ (2000). El contrato de chárter aéreo. Dins Ricardo GARCÍA MACHO/ Andrés RECALDE CASTELLS (Ed.), Lecciones de Derecho del turismo (, p. 335-356). València: Tirant lo Blanch.
  • María de los Ángeles PARRA LUCÁN (2002). La responsabilidad civil por productos y servicios defectuosos. Dins Luis Fernando REGLERO CAMPOS (Ed.), Lecciones de Responsabilidad Civil (, p. 211-249). Cizur Menor: Aranzadi/Thomson.
  • Pierre PY (1996). Droit du Tourisme (4 éd.). Paris: Dalloz.
  • Luis Fernando REGLERO CAMPOS (2002). Responsabilidad civil y seguro de la circulación de los vehículos de motor. Dins Luis Fernando REGLERO CAMPOS (Ed.), Lecciones de Responsabilidad Civil (, p. 211-249). Cizur Menor: Aranzadi/Thomson.
  • Fernando RODRÍGUEZ ARTIGAS (1974). El "chárter aéreo": una aproximación al estudio de su régimen jurídico. Revista de Derecho Mercantil, (134), 429-484
  • Klaus TONNER (2000). Der Reisevertrag. Neuwied/Kriftel/Berlin: Luchterhand.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Assignment on the part of the student on one of the contracts that comprise of the programm It will be valued its academic level and the possibilities of application to the activities that are own of the companies of the professional sector.


Assignatures recomanades


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