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Curs acadèmic:
011 Cultura i cinema Entendre la importància que ha tingut el cinema al llarg de la història cultural, social i política del segle XX i principis del XXI. Descobrir que moltes de les propostes audiovisuals actuals tenen els orígens en el passat cinematogràfic. Assimilar com les altres arts i els moviments socials i polítics han influït el cinema, i com el cine, al mateix temps, ha influït les altres arts i la societat i la política. Analitzar visualment i de manera narrativa els diferents períodes estilístics i les obres concretes dels cineastes més significatius. 012 Sensibilització musical La sensibilització musical permet enriquir l'experiència sonora a través de l'audició de la música cinematogràfica, experimentant la riquesa expressiva i les seves implicacions emocionals en relació amb determinats contextos culturals. S'exploren els rudiments del llenguatge audiovisual mitjançant l'aprenentatge dels elements narratius bàsics de la composició per al cinema.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • B2. Llegir, comprendre i comentar textos científics.
  • B3. Comunicar-se de manera efectiva oralment, per escrit i audiovisualment.
  • B4. Analitzar situacions complexes i dissenyar estratègies per resoldre-les, individualment i en equip.
  • B8. Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge, i elaborar estratègies per millorar-los.
  • B10. Desenvolupar la capacitat d'anàlisi, de síntesi i de judici crític, identificant i argumentant les causes i el context
  • E4. Situar els continguts del propi camp de coneixement en la història i analitzar la seva evolució en relació a altres disciplines culturals


1. PART I. MUSICAL AWARENESS. 1. FILM MUSIC. 1.1. Film music narratives. 1.2. Music and context. 1.3. Applied music. 2. DEFINITIONS AND MUSICAL TYPOLOGIES. 2.1. Diegetic music. 2.2. The appreciation of applied art. 3. CHARACTERISTICS AND CONCEPTS. 3.1. Music and the audiovisual field. 3.2. The musical silence. 4. TECHNIQUES. 4.1. Resources in the creation of film composition. 4.2. Intellectual and emotional information. 4.3. Musical images and sound images. 5. PERCEPTION AND ANALYSIS. 5.1. Basis of the valuation and the effectiveness of the filmic musical element. 5.2. Functionality and narrative. 5.3. Thematic ideas of music and sound effects. 6. HISTORY AND EVOLUTION. 6.1. Approach to the most important aspects of the history and evolution of film music. 7. AUTHORS. 7.1. Brief review of the most significant names in film music, classified according to evolution 7.2. Pioneers, classics, innovators, neoclassical and new generations. 8. TERMINOLOGY. 8.1. The specialized, usual and essential vocabulary in the field of film music composition and in the analytical parts. 8.2. Soundtrack, movie scoring, mickey mousing , block or cue, streamer, click track, score, spotting, temp track, overscore and underscore. 9. REFERENCE WORKS. 9.1. Films with significant musical compositions. 10. REFERENCE COMPOSERS. 10.1. Significant and important musicians in the evolution of film music composition

2. PART II. CULTURE AND CINEMA. 1. THE BIRTH OF A MASS MEDIA. 2. CINEMA AS AN ARTISTIC EXPRESSION. Between artistic creation and the cultural movement. Artists and cinema. Cinema as a work of art. 2.1. German Expressionism. 2.2. Italian Neorealism. 2.3. Surrealism. 3. THE SPECTACLE OF CINEMA: The birth of Hollywood. 3.1. The Star System. The Oscars. 3.2. Evolution and continuation: The Actor’s Studio, the decline of Hollywood, the appearance of TV. 3.3. The “witch-hunt”, and the Cold War (science fiction and politics) 3.4. The new Hollywood. 4. CINEMA AS A POLITICAL TRANSMITTER, A REFLECTION OF SOCIETY AND A CREATOR OF THE COLLECTIVE IMAGINARY. 4.1. War and propaganda cinema. 4.2. Soviet cinema. 4.3. Nazi cinema. 4.3. The American Depression and the Crack of 29. 4.4. Cinema in May ’68 (The Nouvelle Vague). 4.5. Cinema in recent years and film as a political denunciation. 5. WOMEN MAKE MOVIES


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 26,00 35,00 0 61,00
Prova d'avaluació 41,50 64,00 0 105,50
Treball en equip 22,50 36,00 0 58,50
Total 90,00 135,00 0 225


  • Altman, R (2004). Silent Film Sound. Columbia University Press.
  • Aumont, J., Bergala, A., Marie, M., and Vernet, M. (1992). Aesthetics of Film. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Bazin, A. (2004). What is Cinema? Vol. I & II. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Beck, J., & Grajeda, T. (2008). Lowering the Boom: Critical studies in film sound. University of Illinois Press.
  • Bordwell, D., Staiger, J., & Thompson, K. (1988). The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960. London: Routledge.
  • Bridgett, R. (2010). From the shadows of film sound: cinematic production & creative process in video game audio: collected publications 2000-2010. R. Bridgett.
  • Chion, M., & Gorbman, C. (2019). Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen. Columbia University Press.
  • Deren, M. & McPherson, B. (2005). Essential Deren. New York: McPherson and Company.
  • Eisenstein, S. M. (1957). The Film Sense. New York: Meridian Books.
  • Gubern, R. (2014). Historia del cine. Barcelona: Anagrama.
  • Karlin, F., & Raybury Wright (2004). On the track: a guide to contemporary film scoring. Routledge.
  • Konigsberg, I. (1998). The Complete Film Dictionary. London: Penguin Books.
  • Krakauer, S. (1950). Theory of Film. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Levitin, D.J. (2019). This is your brain on music: Understanding a human obsession.. Penguin Books.
  • MacKenzie, S. (2014). Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures: A Critical Anthology. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Morin, E. (2005). The Cinema, or the Imaginary Man. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Neumeyer, D. (2014). The Oxford handbook of film music studies. Oxford University Press.
  • Nichols, B. (1975). Movies and Methods: An Anthology. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Petrolle, J., & Wexman, V. (2005). Women and Experimental Filmmaking. Illinois : Illinois University Press.
  • Stam, R. (2017). Film Theory: An Introduction. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Sonnenschein, D. (2013). Sound Design: The expressive Power of Music, Voice, and sound effects in Cinema. Michael Wiese Productions.
  • Tarkovski, A. (2008). Sculpting in Time. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Wells, O. & Bogdanovich, P. (1998). This Is Orson Welles. Cambridge: Da Capo Press.
  • Whittington, W. (2007). Sound Design & Science Fiction. University of Texas Press.
  • YEWDALL, L. (2003). Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound / Buch.. Focal Press.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Theoretical exercises-Musical Awareness Learning and application of terminology 25 No
Final task-Musical Awareness Assessment of the knowledge acquired in this part of the subject 25 No
Creation in groups of a audio-visual document based on the contents of the module Learning and application of theoretical concepts worked in the classes, teamwork, technical aspects in the recording of the document 20 No
Final task-Culture and Cinema Evaluation of the contents of the subject extended with bibliography 30 No


This subject will be treated in two independent units: Culture and Cinema and Musical Awareness. Each of them will be evaluated independently. The student must reach at least 4.0 in each part (Musical Awareness and Culture and Cinema) to average.
In order to evaluate the student it's mandatory to attend 70% of the classes

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Absence from teaching sessions of more than 60% will be listed as Not Presented.

Avaluació única:
Due to the characteristics of this subject, the single assessment option is not considered. The learning strategies and competencies that this subject conveys imply a continuous work of maturation in which, progressively, the students obtain feedbacks of the diverse achievements thanks to the continuous evaluation. The various assessment tasks that are contemplated are designed from a progression in their complexity so that students consolidate and reinforce the learning and skills to be achieved.

In this subject no assignment reaches 40% of the final grade.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To be considered to have passed the subject, a minimum grade of 5.0 must be obtained.


In case of confinenment and not being able to attend classes in person due to coronavirus, please check the section called "Design modification" ("Modificació disseny")

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
All classes will be recorded and can be followed on-line live by the student.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
The evaluation will also consist of 2 exercises (with the same percentage of grade) and the final exam. All relevant instructions will be given in class.

The assessment will also consist of 2 exams (with the same grade point average) and the work will vary slightly. It will be accompanied by a written part. All relevant instructions will be given in class.

Tutoria i comunicació:
The teacher will offer the students the necessary support by e-mail and through on-line tutorships

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