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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Anàlisi del nivell d'adaptació al turisme de l'oferta cultural.
Crèdits ECTS:



  • 2. Analitzar, sintetitzar i interpretar en turisme
  • 6. Recollir i seleccionar informació de manera eficaç i eficient
  • 11. Dissenyar propostes creatives, tenir iniciativa i esperit emprenedor.
  • 22. Tenir pensament lògic i esperit crític
  • CG.4 Recollir i seleccionar informació de manera eficaç i eficient, en funció d'objectius predeterminats, i de diferent procedència i format, respectant l'autoria de les fonts.
  • CE.8 Controlar les característiques i iniciatives de la direcció, gestió i planificació turística
  • CE.2 Sintetitzar, analitzar i interpretar el turisme i els seus impactes
  • CE.1 Adquirir coneixements bàsics a les disciplines que estudien el turisme


1. Introduction. Culture, heritage and tourism

2. Tools and strategies for cultural and heritage management from a tourism perspective.

3. Tourism and society

4. Tourism and quality of life

5. Case studies


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 20,00 17,00 0 37,00
Assistència a actes externs 2,00 2,00 0 4,00
Sessió expositiva 15,00 5,00 0 20,00
Total 37,00 24,00 0 61


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Active participation in class (+preparation before class) To prepare the topic before the class.
To actively participate in class activities
80 No
Attendance to external events To attend the proposed event.
To hand in the proposed activity about the event.
20 No


The course will be evaluated by means of continuous evaluation activities, unless a student specifically requests taking the single assessment path.

Class sessions will include some exposition of theory from the professor, but they will be mainly practical in nature.

Students are expected to prepare a topic before class. In class it will be discussed and some exercises will be proposed.
Students need to bring their materials and participate in class activities actively. This counts for up to 80% of the final grade.

The date and time of the external event will be announced as soon as possible. If possible it will be included in the program of "Entre Subjectes i Atributs".

Attendance to the external event + handing in an activity about it count for up to 20% of the final grade.

If the student misses more than 1 class session OR the external event, they will be requested to take the single assessment path (see description).

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student will obtain "No Presentat" as a grade if they do not meet all criteria of the continuous evaluation and do not join in the single assessment either.

Avaluació única:
There will be no exam for this subject.

Single assessment will consist of a writen project on a subject to be agreed individually with each student.
The project will be delivered in writen form AND the student will be required to defend the project (orally).

* For students that know from the beginning that they will not be able to attend classes: it is highly recommended to contact the professor as soon as possible and discuss the topic of the

* Those students that do not participate actively in at least 7 out of 8 sessions AND the external event need to chose single assessment.
Class attendance without proper participation (i.e. having prepared the topics of the day thoroughly before) will not be considered active participation (regardless of the participation in discussion or activities during the class).

* Students taking single assessment are always welcome to attend class sessions that are possible for them, and participate in the activities in their capacity. Yet, this will not contribute to their evaluation.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
- To attend a minimum of 7 out of 8 sessions (you can miss one).
- To deliver whatever materials you prepared for each class at the beginning of it.
- To participate in class activities.
- To attend the external event + handing in an activity about it.

- Hand in a writen project covering all of the contents of this subject (topic to be agreed between the student and the professor).
- Defend the project (orally)

In case a student fails the continuous evaluation and/or the single assessment opportunities, there will be a remedial exam.

The minimum grade in any of the assesment paths (continuous or single) to pass the course is 5.00.
The student needs to get a 5.00 in one of the evaluation opportunities to pass the course.
Any grade below 5.0 does not allow the student to complete the course.


At the beginning of the course the professor will announce her office hours.
Otherwise, meetings can be arranged by email.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

All necessary instructions and clarifications will be given in class.

Students are also encouraged to use forums in moodle to connect amongst them and with the professor, fostering collective intelligence.

All individual needs for support during the course (no substitution for missed classes) will take place during office hours.


The aim of this course is to develop a critical spirit, using analytical capacity and problem-solving abilities in the field of culture and tourism.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Creació d'itineraris i viatges combinats
  • Dimensió socio-cultural del turisme
  • Gastronomia i enologia
  • Gestió del patrimoni cultural
  • Guiatge turístic
  • Interpretació patrimonial del turisme
  • Nous turistes
  • Patrimoni de les destinacions

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
In general, not applicable, unless unexpected circumstances (such as lockdowns) arise. In such case, the course will adopt the measures recommended by the university or faculty.

Only regarding the external event in the continuous evaluation, in the case that eventually it could not take pace, the 100% of the course grade will be calculated using only topic preparation + class participation.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Only in the case class sessions could not be hold face-to-face, they will be delivered online (live) under the same criteria.

Tutoria i comunicació:
At the beginning of the course the professor will communicate her office hours.
Only when a major impediment makes it impossible for the student to attend during these hours, another appointment can be made through email.

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