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Curs acadèmic:
Anglès Específic per Turisme. Nivell C1 segons el Marc Europeu de Llengües. Curs basat en temes turístics i aprenentatge per tasques. Extensió del llenguatge clau i habilitats comunicatives necessàries per a treballar en el sector turístic. Es pot cursar l'assignatura de manera independent del curs Domini Funcional 1.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup 2X

Natasha Judith Stöckl
Idioma de les classes:
Castellà (100%)

Grup 2Y

Idioma de les classes:
Castellà (100%)


  • 9. Tenir habilitat per a les relacions personals en qualsevol context i situació.
  • 17. Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit
  • 21. Utilitzar la terminologia i el llenguatge dels diversos àmbits turístics


1. CULTURAL TOURISM. Reading, listening, speaking and writing activities around the theme. Grammar and language work.

2. ACADEMIC ENGLISH FOR TOURISM. Reading, listening, speaking and writing activities. Grammar and language work.

3. WRITING ABOUT TOURISM Reading, listening, speaking and writing activities around the theme. Grammar and language work.

4. CYCLE TOURISM. Reading, listening, speaking and writing activities around the theme. Grammar and language work.

5. FUTURE TOURISMS. Reading, listening, speaking and writing activities around the theme. Grammar and language work.

6. ALTERNATIVE TOURISMS Reading, listening, speaking and writing activities around the theme. Grammar and language work.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 9,00 0 0 9,00
Aprenentatge basat en problemes (PBL) 9,00 12,00 0 21,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 18,00 12,00 0 30,00
Exposició dels estudiants 18,00 12,00 0 30,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 18,00 12,00 0 30,00
Sessió participativa 18,00 12,00 0 30,00
Total 90,00 60,00 0 150


  • Paul Dummet, John Huges, Helen Stephenson (2018). LIFE Advanced - COMBO SPLIT B (2nd). HEINLE Cenage Learning. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Participatory task based learning activities - collaborative tasks, individual tasks, holistic activities that involve all four skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. These tasks are 10% of the final mark. Students are expected to turn in all corresponding work for 10% of their final mark. Only students who attend at least 80% of classes will receive their corresponding ration of this percentage: This work includes:
Completion of workbook,
Grammar and Use of English activities,
Six written texts and other activities done in and out of the classroom.
10 No
Speaking activities - debates, expression of opinions, polite conversation, giving detailed information etc. The speaking tasks are part of holistic activities that give the student the opportunity of developing many different skills at the same time. Students will give 2 Oral presentations and do an Oral Test which will result in 20% of their total mark. 2 Oral presentations and an oral test. Speaking is evaluated using the established criteria adapted from the CEFR for this level and posted in the Moodle.

The speaking tasks will be evaluated on overall impression, register and task achievement, cohesion,fluency and organization, vocabulary range and control, and grammatical range and accuracy.
Writing activities - note taking, professional texts, essays, descriptions, annotation of graphs The writing tasks are part of holistic activities that give the student the opportunity of developing many different skills at the same time. Students will do 2 Writing Tests which will result in a total of 20% of their final mark. Two written texts as Tests 1 & 2. Texts are evaluated according to the established criteria adapted from the CEFR and published in the Moodle. The writing texts will be evaluated on overall impression, register and task achievement, cohesion,fluency and organization, vocabulary range and control, and grammatical range and accuracy. 20
Reading activities - professional and non-professional text types, reading for gist/detail. The reading tasks are part of holistic activities that give the student the opportunity of developing many different skills at the same time. Students will do 2 Reading Tests which will result in 20% of their final mark. Two reading texts with questions

The reading tasks will include reading for specific information, reading to writing/speaking, reading for gist etc
Listening activities - listening for gist/detail, to peers, the teacher, video, film etc. The listening tasks are part of holistic activities that give the student the opportunity of developing many different skills at the same time. Students will do 2 Reading tests which will result in 20% of their final mark. Six listening texts with questions.

The listening tasks will include multiple choice questions, gap filling and selection.
Attendance is given 10% of the mark. Students must come to all the classes and only those students who attend 80% of classes will receive the ratio corresponding to this total. Attendance is given 10% of the mark. Students must come to all the classes and only those students who attend 80% of classes will receive the ratio corresponding to this total. 10 No


Students receive their course mark through a system of Continuous Evaluation which assigns the following weight to each of the required activities:

Area 1- 20% 2 Writing Tests
Area 2- 20% 2 Reading Tests
Area 3- 20% 2 Listening Tests
Area 4- 20% 3 Oral Presentations

10% Attendance: Only students who come to a minimum of 80% of classes will be given their ration of this 10%.*

10% Participation In & Out of the classroom: Only students who come to a minimum of 80% of classes will be given their ratio of this 10% which includes work done both in the classroom and as homework.*

*Students who do not attend the 80% minimum classes do not qualify for the additional 10% Attendance ratio nor the 10% Participation ratio which means their final mark is calculated by their test performances and oral presentations only.


Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students who have done neither Continuous Evaluation nor the single session exam will be "No presentat".

Avaluació única:
Exceptionally and at the individual student's request within the UdG's established timeline, students can request to do a single-session evaluation which consists in a 4-part, 4-hour exam evaluating student competence in Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Writing Competency and Speaking Competency. With each skill weighing 25%, students are required to pass each area of competence with a score of 5 out of 10 and an overall total of 50% of the exam points. Here is the breakdown of the points of the Single-session Evaluation:

Single-session Evaluation: 100 points:
Writing 25 points (2 Writings)
Speaking 25 points (9-minute individual)
Listening 25 points (2-3 Listenings)
Reading 25 points (2-3 Readings)

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To pass the course, the student has to achieve a minimum of 5 overall and a minimum of 5 in each of the following areas: Participation, Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening


The student will be invited to a tutorial with the teacher half-way through the course to discuss progress.

If the student wants to talk to the teacher outside class, they should contact the teacher to arrange a suitable time.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

By mail:
By Whatsapp: a group will be formed at the start of the course.
By Moodle


You should have already attained the European level of English B2.2 in order to register for this course. This course can be taken independently of the Domini funcional efectiu 1 course.

Students are expected to attend 100% of the classes

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