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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Terminologia anglesa en ciències de la salut i específicament en cures infermeres. Anglès científic. Llenguatge i comunicació amb els usuaris de parla anglesa en els diferents àmbits d'atenció. Comunicació científica escrita i oral en ciències de la salut en anglès.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup O1

Semestral, 2n semestre
Thomas Vincent Burns  / Afra Masià Plana  / Marina Ramírez Carré
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup O2

Semestral, 2n semestre
Thomas Vincent Burns  / Afra Masià Plana  / Marina Ramírez Carré
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup O3

Semestral, 2n semestre
Thomas Vincent Burns  / Afra Masià Plana  / Marina Ramírez Carré
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CB04 - Reconèixer el comportament interactiu de la persona en funció del seu gènere, grup o comunitat, dins del seu context social i multicultural
  • CB11 - Establir una comunicació eficaç amb pacients, família, grups socials i companys i fomentar l'educació per a la salut, respectant el seu sistema de creences i valors
  • CB15 - Treballar amb l'equip de professionals com unitat bàsica en què s'estructuren de forma unidisciplinar o multidisciplinari els professionals i altre personal de les organitzacions assistencials
  • CB16 - Conèixer els sistemes d'informació sanitària
  • CB19 - Incorporar el pensament crític i analític en l'àmbit d'actuació, en la resolució de problemes i en la presa de decisions
  • CB20 - Llegir comprensivament i escriure textos de el propi àmbit de coneixement en llengua anglesa
  • CES08 - Analitzar el context sociocultural de la persona atesa en funció de l'edat, gènere, les diferències culturals, el grup ètnic, les creences i valors, i adequar l'actuació professional de forma individualitzada
  • CES09 - Prestar cures, garantint el dret a la dignitat, privacitat, intimitat, confidencialitat i capacitat de decisió del pacient i família
  • CES32 - Analitzar les dades recollides en la valoració, prioritzar els problemes del pacient adult, establir i executar el pla de cures i realitzar la seva avaluació
  • CES36 - Aplicar els mètodes i procediments necessaris en el seu àmbit per identificar els problemes de salut més rellevants en una comunitat


1. Vocabulary specific to health

2. Patient admissions

3. Nursing care for various health problems

4. Pre and post-operative patient assessment

5. Home care plan


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Altres 4,00 4,00 0 8,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 4,00 18,00 0 22,00
Sessió participativa 4,00 15,00 8,00 27,00
Simulacions 4,00 4,00 0 8,00
Visionat/audició de documents 4,00 6,00 0 10,00
Total 20,00 47,00 8,00 75


  • Allum, V; McGarr, P. (2008). Cambridge English for Nursing Intermediate Plus. Cambridge University Press .

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Text commentaries See the assessment criteria. 25 No
Lectures and Reading texts See the assessment criteria 25 No
Role-playing See the assessment criteria 25 No
Listening to audio See the assessment criteria 25 No


The evaluation of this subject can be done by means of the continuous evaluation of the activities done in class when ALL of the requirements are completed.

1- Students must actively participate in at least 80% of the classroom activities done in the participative classes and 100% participation in the seminars.
2- The completion of continuous evaluation activities must be equal to or higher than 80% with a minimum passing mark equal to or higher than 5.0 for each activity or have an average mark higher than a 7.0.

All continuous evaluation MUST be completed within the assigned time limits.

If the continuous evaluation requirements have not been met, the student will take an exam, which consists of the following areas:

• READING (40 minutes) Reading comprehension consists of 2 tasks. The tasks may be multiple-choice questions, inserting sentences or paragraphs within a text (simple, multiple, vocabulary), completing the sentences and answering questions.

• LISTENING (20 minutes) Listening comprehension consists of 2 tasks. The recordings will be listened to twice. The tasks may be multiple-choice questions, matching (simple, multiple), completing the sentences or answering questions.

• WRITING (45 minutes) The writing consists of one transactional or interactive email. This written task must contain about 200 words.

• SPEAKING: This test is done in pairs and consists of different tasks: Task 1: Introductory questions (1-2 mins/candidate). Task 2: Sustained monologue based on an article (3 mins/candidate). Task 3: Interaction (5-6 mins). The candidates must interact with one another to complete a task on a subject based on some information provided (an image or text).

Each test is worth 25% of the entire exam and a total value of 10 points each.
The student is considered to have passed the exam if they score the minimum mark of 5 in each of the tests.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
An “Absent” mark is given to any student who does not submit any of the compulsory assessment activities and/or non-attendance at the said compulsory activities.

Avaluació única:
This subject is assessed through a single assessment.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
See the assessment criteria.


Individual and/or group tuition sessions will be arranged by email with the teaching staff of the subject. These tuition sessions can be done in person or virtually by prior agreement of the parties involved.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Communication and interaction with students will be carried out mainly through the Moodle platform and by email.


1. General details:
The aim of this subject is to provide students with the necessary linguistic tools to be able to develop their English in academic, social and in professional nursing care fields to a B2 level. They will work specifically with materials, tasks, resources and situations in the field of nursing.
English terminology in health sciences and specifically in nursing care. Scientific English. Language and communication with English speakers in various areas of care. Written and oral scientific communication in health sciences in English.

The planning of the lectures and seminars is arranged within the timetable approved by the Faculty of Nursing’s Governing Committee and can be consulted on the website.

2.General skills:
CB04 - Recognise the interactive behaviour of the person depending on their gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context.
CB11 - Establish effective communication with patients, family members, social groups and colleagues and promote health education, whilst respecting their system of beliefs and values and promoting health education.
CB15 - Work with the team of professionals as a basic unit in which professionals and other healthcare organisations which are structured in a unidisciplinary or multidisciplinary way.
CB16 - Have knowledge of the health information systems.
CB19 - Incorporate critical and analytical thinking in the field of activity, in problem solving and decision making.
CB20 - Read comprehensively and write texts in the field of knowledge in the English language.

3. Specific skills:
CES08 - Analyse the socio-cultural context of the person being cared for in accordance with their age, gender, cultural differences, ethnic group, beliefs and values; and adapt the professional action in an individualised way.
CES09 - Provide care, guaranteeing the right to dignity, privacy, intimacy and confidentiality as well as the ensuring that the patient and their family are able to make their own decisions.
CES32 - Analyse the data collected in the evaluation, prioritise the problems of adult patients, establish and execute a care plan and carry out the subsequent assessment.
CES36 - Apply the necessary methods and procedures in their field in order to identify the most relevant health problems in a given community.

Other skills:
READING: Read articles and reports on current issues and the health field in which authors adopt a certain position or point of view. Understand contemporary scientific texts.
LISTENING: Understand conferences and long speeches, and even be able to follow a complex argument if the topic is reasonably familiar or within the healthcare field. Understand the majority of TV news reports and current affairs programmes as well as scientific documentaries.
WRITING: Write clear and detailed texts on a wide range of subjects related to my personal, work or study interests. Write an essay or a report to convey information giving reasons in favour of or against a particular opinion on topical issues and in the healthcare field. Write letters highlighting the personal importance of certain facts or some personal, work or study-related experiences.
SPEAKING: Communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency, making it possible to interact with native speakers. Actively participate in a conversation in familiar contexts and in the healthcare field, presenting and defending my viewpoint. Present clear and detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my main personal, work or study interests. Explain my viewpoint on a subject giving the advantages and disadvantages of the various options.

The learning results to be demonstrated by the student are:
- To provide the appropriate information to the situation, respecting the decisions of the person being cared for and the family.
- To develop communication skills that aid the therapeutic relationship. Acquire skills to establish conversations, public speaking and interacting in various social settings.
- To apply the process of clinical judgement in various healthcare situations.
- To work autonomously and in a team, being responsible and showing initiative.
- To provide comprehensive care to the person, the family and the community throughout the care cycle, recognising cultural diversity.

The cross-cutting competencies integrated into these subject are:
1. To develop the ability to assess inequalities due to sex and gender, in order to design solutions.The learning results linked to this are:
- To know how use inclusive and non-sexist language.
- To know the gender concepts related to health sciences, identifying the importance for the health of the individual, the roles and gender-related socio-cultural beliefs in women and men.
- To effectively communicate with the patients, demonstrating awareness of the difference of power between professionals and users, including the use of a language that minimises inequalities in power, validating- the experiences of people suffering and eliminating gender stereotypes.

2. To understand the relationship between the SDGs and person-centered care. The learning results linked to this are:
- To identify the SDGs in relation to the health of the people working on the subject.
- To Integrate the perspective of the SDGs in nursing activities.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
100% virtual: The teaching and assessment activities will be carried out in a virtual environment
100% classroom-based: There will be no changes in the activities with the exception that the face-to-face classes will take place in the classroom with the corresponding teaching staff (100%)

Modificació de l'avaluació:
100% virtual: No changes have been made, it will be carried out in a virtual environment.
100% classroom-based: No changes have been made and it will be carried out in the classroom.

Tutoria i comunicació:
100% virtual: All the tuition sessions arranged by email with the teaching staff will be carried out in a virtual environment. Communication with students remains unchanged.
100% classroom-based: No changes, as per the design.

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