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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Tecnologies modernes de fabricació. Sistemes de control numèric. Màquines eina de control numèric. Sistemes de fabricació integrats i flexibles.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Ines Ferrer Real  / Maria Luisa Garcia-Romeu de Luna
Idioma de les classes:
Català (80%), Anglès (20%)


  • CT05 Recollir i seleccionar informació de manera eficaç
  • CE28 Coneixement aplicat de sistemes i processos de fabricació, metrologia i control de qualitat.






          1.4. PROCESS PLANNING


          2.1. PROBLEM SOLVING

          2.2. LAB ACTIVITIES



Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 26,00 35,00 0 61,00
Prova d'avaluació 3,00 10,00 0 13,00
Sessió expositiva 0 12,00 26,00 38,00
Total 29,00 57,00 26,00 112


  • Kalpakjian, Serope (cop. 1997 ). Manufacturing processes for engineering materials (3rd ed). Menlo Park, Ca.: Addison-Wesley. Catàleg
  • Schey, John A (2000 ). Introduction to manufacturing processes (3rd ed). Boston [etc.]: McGraw-Hill. Catàleg
  • Mitchell, F. H.|q(Ferdinand Haverman) (cop. 1991 ). CIM systems : an introduction to computer-integrated manufacturing . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Catàleg
  • Delchambre, A. (cop. 1996 ). CAD method for industrial assembly : concurrent design ofproducts, equipment, and control systems . New York: Wiley. Catàleg
  • Rehg, James A (1994 ). Computer-integrated manufacturing . Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall Career & Technology. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable

- Lab Sessions (LS)

- Problem Solving (PS)

- Project Development (PD)

- Middle Term Exam M(MTE)
- Lab sessions: The practices are done in the workshop/lab within the stipulated time. The mark of this activity (LS) represents % of the final mark (FG). This note will be calculated based on two components that are directly added: behavioural mark in the workshop / laboratory, evaluated by a rubric that will be published at the beginning of the year, and the delivered report itself.
- The problem solving activity (PS) consist of solving various types of exercises using different forms of learning methodologies in the classroom. There will be compulsory problems to be solved in the classroom, while the outside problems will be developed by the student as homework and could be used to improve the learning of this activity. The overall grade of this activity represents % of the final grade (FG). The maximum grade of the mark can be obtained by delivering the 80% of the tasks that will be defined in this section. There will also be a behavioral mark evaluated by a rubric that will be published at the beginning of the year.
-The project development activity (PD) consist of planning the manufacturing of a specific part and machine it by CNC machine. The overall grade of this activity represents % of the final grade (FG) and is obtained by delivering several tasks during the project and the final project documentation. There will also be a behavioral mark evaluated by a rubric that will be published at the beginning of the year.

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FINAL EXAM The final exam (FE) is compulsory and recoverable.

It also consists of two parts:

i) 50% of theory articulated in questions. There will be no form nor calculator.

ii) 50% problem solving., articulated in one or several issues short. With a clean form ( nothing written on it). It requires a minimum of 3.5 in both the theory and problems to pass the exam and calculate the mean.

The examination review is a done in a classroom with all students together, at a date and time set. Written claims will be required.



The final grade for the course (FG) is calculated considering:

• The Lab sessions mark (LS) which counts % of the CE.
• The Problem solving (PS) which counts % of the CE.
• The Project development (PD) which counts % of the CE based on delivered reports and presentation/defense.

• The final exam (FE) will count % of the final mark. The exam consist of:
• 50% of theory articulated in different types of questions. There will be no form nor calculator.
• 50% problems, divided into several problems short. With a clean form.
It should take at least 3.5 in each part to pass the exam and calculate the mean.
It is mandatory to have a minimum of 4.5 to be considered in the minimum final grade calculation and to pass the course. Recoverable activity within the period of recovery. The date of this examination is defined by the EPS in the normal assessment period.

Final grade (FG) is calculated according to the following procedure:

• Final grade (FG) = 30% CE + 70% FE

In recovery period , students can retrieve the final exam.
The recovery exam consist of:
• 50% of theory articulated in questions. There will be no form nor calculator.
• 50% problems, divided into several problems short. With a clean form.
It should take at least 3.5 in each part to pass the exam and calculate the mean.
The date of this examination is defined during the recovery period for the EPS.

In the continuous evaluation activities rubrics will be used and they will be available at the beginning of the course.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
The Non Attended (NA) mark will be provided if the student leaves the continuous evaluation before 2nd November 2021 and/or do not attend the compulsory evaluation activities. If continuous evaluation is left after this date, students will not have a Non Attended (NA) as a final mark.

However, if the student decides to follow Single Assessment, Non Attended (NA) mark will be provided if the student does not attend the exam.

Avaluació única:
Students who wish to take part in the single assessment must request it following the procedure and timetable set by the EPS for the 2021/22 academic year.
The single evaluation will consist of:
- A unique exam, articulated in theory and problems, that will cover theoretical and practical aspects treated within the own subject. A minimum of 3.5 from each part must be taken to average.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To be considered to have passed the subject, a minimum grade of 5.0 must be obtained


Tutorials that cannot be resolved during face-to-face classes will be scheduled individually or in groups in a video call session through different media offered by EPS (Meets or others), at the request of the student or group of students.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

The main communication channel will be moodle (Notices and News section, mainly) and mail for any questions. There will also be video calls when necessary through the channels or media provided by the UdG.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de l'avaluació:
The assessment will not be modified if teaching changes to a 100% in virtual

Tutoria i comunicació:
Tutorials will continue to be done through the different media offered by EPS (Google Meet or others) and the main communication channel will be Moodle (News section, mainly) and mail for any questions. In any case, the subject will be adapted to any means made available by the UdG.

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