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Mr.   Botey Lopez, Jorge

Personal page

Area of knowledge

Brief CV

Jordi Botey has worked for more than twenty years as account director in different national and multinational advertising agencies (McCann Erickson, Bassat Ogilvy & Mather, MMLB and Puzle Newton 21) with responsibilities for the advertising of different brands. His work has been carried out both in the field of private companies and in the Public Administration and political parties.

He has a PhD in Advertising and Public Relations from the Ramon Llull University and followed Marketing Management Studies at ESADE.

He has participated in competitive research projects with public and private funding. He is Academic Visitor at the Colorado University at Boulder (USA) and has been a guest professor at the Publitalia Master in Marketing, Digital Communication, Sales Management that takes place in Milan (Italy) under the tutelage of the Mediaset Group.

He combines his teaching task as an independent communication consultant for companies and public and private entities. He has also served as Press Officer and Communications Director of the Association of Substitute Judges and Substitute Magistrates of Spain (AJSYMS) and as Delegate Partner for Spain of the Gato Communications consultancy specializing in “media training”.

He has published several scientific and professional articles in academic and professional journals and book chapters. In 2021 he published, together with Ramon Martin Guart PhD, the "Glossary of Digital Marketing" (Ed. UOC).

He is also a regular contributor to radio and television programs in which he participates as an expert in business communication, advertising, public relations and branding.

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