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Mrs.   Garcia Lozano, Carla

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Research group
Grup de Recerca Laboratori d'Anàlisi i Gestió del Paisatge

Brief CV

Carla Garcia Lozano graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Geography in University of Girona in 2013 as well as a Master’s degree in Environmental Change: Analysis and Management in the same university. Currently she is PhD student in Physical Geography with the research group of Landscape Analysis and Management Laboratory (LAGP) studying the current status of coastal dune systems of Catalonia (NW Mediterranean Sea), focusing on the changes that occurred in the last 150 years and the future prospects of coastal dune systems of the Catalan shore.

Throughout her research career is focused on different lines of research as biogeography, landscape ecology and littoral geomorphology, as well as she has specialized in geographical information systems (GIS) in her researches. She has realized studies about habitat availability and ecological connectivity of medium mammals, as jaguar in Costa Rica or wolf in Catalonia.

Currently her thesis project assesses the geomorphological and ecological status of coastal dune systems of the Catalan shore using morphological data and plant coverage. Her research quantifies and qualifies the historical changes on beach and dunes system through historical ecology.



- Pintó, J.; Garcia-Lozano, C. (2016). Recent historical transformation and current situation of the dune landscape in Catalonia. Recerca i territori. Vol. 7.

- Garcia-Lozano, C.; Pintó, J.; Vila Subirós, J. (2016). El lobo (Canis lupus) en Cataluña y en los Pirineos orientales. Disponibilidad de hábitat y conectividad ecológica. En Gómez, J.; Arias, J.; Olmedo, J.A.; Serrano, J.A. (eds.), Avances en biogeografía Áreas de distribución: entre puentes y barreras (p. 181 - 190). Granada: Universidad de Granada y Tundra Ediciones. 

- Garcia-Lozano, C.; Pintó, J.; Vila, J. (2015). Análisis de la disponibilidad de hábitat adecuado para el lobo (Canis lupus) en Cataluña y en los Pirineos orientales. Pirineos. 170-e014.

- Pintó, J.; Furlan, S.A.; Costa, L.C.; Garcia-Lozano, C. (2014). Corredores ecológicos e a conectividade para as comunidades de onças-pintadas da Costa Rica. A Kuri, N.P. i Passarini, L.C. (ed.), Iniciação científica e tecnológica: o jovem pesquisador em ação IV. São Carlos: EESC/USP.

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