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Dr.  Quintana Recasens, Marc

Personal page

Brief CV

Professor of EUSES – Center attached to the UdG. Doctor in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. He has completed a Master's in Sports Performance, Technology and High Level.

He is a National Football Coach, a sport in which he has developed a large part of his professional career. He has been part of the Methodology Area of FC Barcelona under the direction of Paco Seirul·lo. In addition, he has international experience as Technical Coordinator of the Barça Academy in the EMEA area (Europe – Middle East – Africa). At the same time, he has advised professional footballers. Previously, he had trained sportsmen linked mainly to the motor world.

He has participated as a speaker in specific soccer training courses and masters, being co-author of several of them, linked, above all, to the optimization of the player in training soccer.

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