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Dr.  Cabrefiga Olamendi, Jordi

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Ng-Choi, I., Soler, M., Güell, I., Badosa, E., Cabrefiga, J., Bardají, E., Montesinos, E., Planas, M., Feliu, L.

Antimicrobial peptides incorporating non-natural amino acids as agents for plant protection

(2014) Protein and Peptide Letters, 21 (4), pp. 357-367.


Barbé, S., Llop, P., Blom, J., Cabrefiga, J., Goesmann, A., Duffy, B., Montesinos, E., Smits, T.H.M., López, M.M.

Complete sequence of Erwinia piriflorinigrans plasmids pEPIR37 and pEPIR5 and role of pEPIR37 in pathogen virulence

(2013) Plant Pathology, 62 (4), pp. 786-798. Cited 1 time.


 Bonaterra, A., Badosa, E., Cabrefiga, J., Francés, J., Montesinos, E.

Prospects and limitations of microbial pesticides for control of bacterial and fungal pomefruit tree diseases

(2012) Trees - Structure and Function, 26 (1), pp. 215-226.


Llop, P., Cabrefiga, J., Smits, T.H.M., Dreo, T., Barbé, S., Pulawska, J., Bultreys, A., Blom, J., Duffy, B., Montesinos, E., López, M.M.

Erwinia amylovora novel plasmid pEI70: Complete sequence, biogeography, and role in aggressiveness in the fire blight phytopathogen

(2011) PLoS ONE, 6 (12), art. no. e28651, . Cited 11 times.


Mora, I., Cabrefiga, J., Montesinos, E.

Antimicrobial peptide genes in Bacillus strains from plant environments

(2011) International Microbiology, 14 (4), pp. 213-223. Cited 10 times.


Cabrefiga, J., Francés, J., Montesinos, E., Bonaterra, A.

Improvement of fitness and efficacy of a fire blight biocontrol agent via nutritional enhancement combined with osmoadaptation

(2011) Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77 (10), pp. 3174-3181. Cited 5 times.


Güell, I., Cabrefiga, J., Badosa, E., Ferre, R., Talleda, M., Bardají, E., Planas, M., Feliu, L., Montesinos, E.

Improvement of the efficacy of linear undecapeptides against plant-pathogenic bacteria by incorporation of D-amino acids

(2011) Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77 (8), pp. 2667-2675. Cited 12 times.


Llop, P., González, R., López, M.M., Pulawska, J., Bultreys, A., Dreo, T., Cabrefiga, J.

The new plasmid pEI70 is present in Erwinia amylovora European strains

(2008) Acta Horticulturae, 793, pp. 131-136. Cited 7 times.


Ruz, L., Cabrefiga, J., Bonaterra, A., Moragrega, C., Montesinos, E.

Evaluation of fire blight control methods based on plant defence inducers and biological control agents

(2008) Acta Horticulturae, 800 PART 2, pp. 891-897.


Llop, P., López., M.M., Cabrefiga, J., Ruz, L., Montesinos, E.

Study of the virulence in wild-type strains of Erwinia amylovora devoid of the plasmid pEA29

(2008) Acta Horticulturae, 793, pp. 145-148. Cited 6 times.


Badosa, E., Ferre, R., Planas, M., Feliu, L., Besalú, E., Cabrefiga, J., Bardají, E., Montesinos, E.

A library of linear undecapeptides with bactericidal activity against phytopathogenic bacteria

(2007) Peptides, 28 (12), pp. 2276-2285. Cited 37 times.


Bonaterra, A., Cabrefiga, J., Camps, J., Montesinos, E.

Increasing survival and efficacy of a bacterial biocontrol agent of fire blight of rosaceous plants by means of osmoadaptation

(2007) FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 61 (1), pp. 185-195. Cited 12 times.


Cabrefiga, J., Bonaterra, A., Montesinos, E.

Mechanisms of antagonism of Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e against Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire blight

(2007) International Microbiology, 10 (2), pp. 123-132. Cited 10 times.


Llop, P., Donat, V., Rodríguez, M., Cabrefiga, J., Ruz, L., Palomo, J.L., Montesinos, E., López, M.M.

An indigenous virulent strain of Erwinia amylovora lacking the ubiquitous plasmid pEA29

(2006) Phytopathology, 96 (8), pp. 900-907. Cited 42 times.


Francés, J., Bonaterra, A., Moreno, M.C., Cabrefiga, J., Badosa, E., Montesinos, E.

Pathogen aggressiveness and postharvest biocontrol efficiency in Pantoea agglomerans

(2006) Postharvest Biology and Technology, 39 (3), pp. 299-307. Cited 24 times.


Llop, P., Donat, V., López, M.M., Palomo, J.L., Cabrefiga, J., Ruz, L., Montesinos, E., Rodríguez, M.

An Erwinia amylovora strain without plasmid pEA29 isolated in a nursery from hawthorn

(2006) Acta Horticulturae, 704, pp. 431-437.


Cabrefiga, J., Montesinos, E.

Analysis of aggressiveness of Erwinia amylovora using disease-dose and time relationships

(2005) Phytopathology, 95 (12), pp. 1430-1437. Cited 35 times.


Pujol, M., Badosa, E., Cabrefiga, J., Montesinos, E.

Development of a strain-specific quantitative method for monitoring Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS62e, a novel biocontrol agent of fire blight

(2005) FEMS Microbiology Letters, 249 (2), pp. 343-352. Cited 23 times.


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