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Mrs.   Recuero Cobos, Sandra

Personal page

Brief CV

Sandra Recuero Cobos obtained her BSc in Biology in 2016 and her MSc in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine in 2017, both from University of Girona.

In September 2017, she joined the Department of Biology, University of Girona, as Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, teaching Cytology and Histology, and Cell Physiology for the BSc degrees in Biology and Biotechnology.

In November 2018, Sandra was awarded a predoctoral fellowship (IFUdG) and joined the Center of Research in Biotechnology of Animal and Human Reproduction (TechnoSperm; This Centre belongs to the TECNIO Network (Government of Catalonia, ACC1Ó) and is linked to the Institute of Food and Agricultural Technology (INTEA, University of Girona).

Sandra´s research interest is focused on paternal-maternal-embryo communication in cattle, and her PhD aims to study the role of seminal plasma as a potential immune-modulator in the maternal reproductive tract. This research will help understand factors that are required to establish a successful pregnancy in cattle, and may also be used as biomedical model for humans. Apart from working in this research area, Sandra also participates actively in other topics, such sperm physiology and gamete cryopreservation.

Apart from her research activities, at present, Sandra has kept teaching for the Department, and lectures at the Faculties of Sciences and Medicine.

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