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Mr.   Valls Roig, David

Personal page

Brief CV

David Valls Roig has been the Academic Director of Euroaula Escuela Universitaria since September 2016. Before that, he was the Director for 10 years. In this center he teaches the Marketing subjects of the first and second year of the Degree in Tourism and the elective subjects of the fourth year "Teamwork and Leadership" and "Customer Relations". He also deals with the international area of ??the School as well as issues related to Quality.
Mr. Valls studied Communication Sciences at the UAB (finishing his studies in 1995). A few years later he did a postgraduate degree in Business Communication at Pompeu Fabra University (academic year 2006-2007) and from 2001 to 2003 he did a full-time Master in Business Administration at ESADE in Barcelona.
On a professional level, he worked at Spanair (1994-1998); the press and advertising agency NOA (1998-2001); at Leroy Merlin (2003-2005), at the Open University of Languages ??language schools (2005-2006) and finally at Euroaula.

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