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Mr.   Ruda Gonzalez, Alberto

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Research group
Grup de Recerca en Dret Privat Europeu

Brief CV

Dr. Albert Ruda is the Dean of the Faculty of Law (Facultat de Dret) at the University of Girona.

Please see his profile at Academia.eduDialnet, Portal de la recercaFacebook, Google Scholar, LinkedinOrcid, Publons, ResearchGate, ResearcherID, Twitter.  

Albert Ruda is an Associate Professor (professor agregat) in Private Law at the Faculty of Law of Girona, where he completed his law degree and the Doctorate (Dr. eur.). His research focuses in the law of torts and contract law. He has authored more than 100 publications, including a book on barter exchange agreements (El contrato de cesión de suelo por obra, Tirant lo blanch, 2002) and another one on pure ecological harm (El daño ecológico puro, Thomson Aranzadi, 2008). He was awarded the University of Navarre award to the best Spanish doctoral thesis on a private law topic (Premio Sancho Rebullida, 2006), the Civil Protection Award to the best thesis on civil protection (Spanish Ministr of Inner Affairs, 2006), and the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize (2008). He is the editor of the European Law Institute's Spanish Hub series on European Case Law, which includes: "Estudios de jurisprudencia europea: materiales del I y del II encuentro anual del Centro español del European Law Institute" (sepin, 2018); "Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea: materiales del III Encuentro anual Centro español del European Law Institute" (vols. 1 & 2, sepin, 2020), and "Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea: materiales del IV Encuentro anual Centro español del European Law Institute" (sepin, 2021).

He is a member of the Research Project "La versión 2.0 de los Principios Europeos de Derecho de la Responsabilidad Civil" (PID2019-104067RB-100); he has been one of the directors of the Research Project "Modernización y armonización del derecho de daños: fronteras de la responsabilidad, daño resarcible y su valoración (II)" (DER2016-77229-R, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness 2016-2019). He is a member of the research group "Grup de recerca consolidat (GRC) Grup de Dret Privat Comparat: Fonaments i Anàlisi” (2017SGR0061, 2017-2020), awarded by the Catalan Government. 

He is a member of the European Centre for Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL), based in Vienna (Austria); Research Fellow at the  Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL); member of the "Centre de droit Economique et de développement - Centre de Droit de la concurence (CDED CDC)" at the Université de Perpignan; the "Instituto Brasilero de Estudos de Responsabilidade Civil" (IBERC), the "Instituto de Derecho Iberoamericano" (IDIBE), where he is the coordinator of the Section on European Contract Law. He is also an "academic collaborator" at the "Centro de Estudios Jurídicos Iusta Causa" (Chile) and a regular collaborator of the "Séminaire conjoint de Droit Civil" (Université Paris 1-Université Catholique de Louvain).

He collaborates with the Catalan Government in the drafting and update of Catalan private law, as a member of the Harmonization Section of the Comissió de Codificació de Catalunya, within the Observatori de Dret privat de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

He is a founding member and chair of the European Law Institute Spanish Hub (together with C. Jerez, Madrid). The Hub has been awarded the "Hub of the Year Award" twice (2019 and 2020). He is also the chair of the ELI Special Interest Group (SIG) on Global Private Law (together with Prof. A. McNaughton, Canberra).

He has done research stays at the Universities of Cambridge and Tilburg, Wake Forest University (USA), Nova Southeastern University (USA) and Ryukoku University (Kyoto), the latter thanks to a Japan Foundation scholarship. He has also done research stays at the ECTIL (Vienna) and the Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé (ISDC) in Lausanne, of which he is a former "van Calker" scholar.

Since 2015, he serves as president of arbitration tribunals for the Junta Arbitral de Consum de Catalunya (Agència Catalana de Consum).

He is a founding member of the Research Ethics Committee (Comitè d'ètica i bioseguretat de la recerca) at the UdG (2015-). 

As regards teaching innovation, he has been a member and director of the Network on Collaborative Learning (Xarxa d'Interès sobre aprenentatge cooperatiu) (UdG 2009-1013), and a member of the Network in Games and Learning (Xarxa sobre joc i aprenentatge). He is currently a member of the Network on "The SDG in Teaching" (ODS en la docència).

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