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Dr.  Lladó Mas, Bernat

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Brief CV

Bernat Lladó Mas (Sabadell, 1978). Doctor in Human Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Interested in the field of geographical thought and philosophy, he is the author of various articles on the theory of geography and cartography, also with the author of the books Franco Farinelli. From the map to the territory (Icaria Editorial, 2013), and Following the steps of El Turista. A guide to travel through thought by Dean MacCannell (La Bibliogràfica, 2020).

Bernat Lladó Mas (Sabadell, 1978). Doctor in Human Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Interested in the field of geographical thought and philosophy, he is the author of several articles on the theory of geography and cartography, as well as the author of the Franco Farinelli books. From the map to the territory (Icaria Editorial, 2013), and Seguint els passes d'El Turista. A guide to travel through thought by Dean MacCannell (La Bibliogràfica, 2020).

Bernat Lladó Mas (Sabadell, 1978). Degree in Human Geography by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Interested in the field of geographic thought and philosophy, he is the author of several articles on the theory of geography and cartography, as well as the author of the books Franco Farinelli. From the map to the territory (Icaria Editorial, 2013), and Following the steps of El Turista. A guide to travel through thought by Dean MacCannell (La Bibliogràfica, 2020).

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