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Mrs.   Xabadia Palmada, Maria Angela

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en anàlisi econòmica

Brief CV

Àngels Xabadia has a Diploma in Business Studies from the University of Girona, a degree in Economics and Business from the CDES Abat Oliba of Barcelona and a PhD from the University of Girona.

Her teaching experience comprises various subjects at the University of Zaragoza and the University of Girona (mathematics, statistics, econometrics and economic theory), in 6 different degrees and in various postgraduate and masters of the University of Girona. 

With respect to research, she has specialized in environmental and natural resource economics, particularly in the analysis of environmental policies to control pollution, in the management of water resources and in forest management. She has made several research stays at the University of California, Berkeley, in the Agricultural Research Service of the Government of Aragon and in the Paris School of Economics, CNRS. He has participated in the organization of four conferences and two international workshops, and her research has been published in journals such as American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Applied Mathematics Letters, Ecological Economics, Forest Science, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Forest Economics and Water Resources Research.

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