Instituts > 2n Congrés de SIBECOL / XXI Congrés de l'Associació Ibèrica de Limnologia
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Institut d’Ecologia Aquàtica

2n Congrés de SIBECOL / XXI Congrés de l'Associació Ibèrica de Limnologia

03/07/2022 - 00:00
08/07/2022 - 00:00
Aveiro, Portugal

El 2n Congrés de SIBECOL es planteja com una trobada conjunta amb el XXI Congrés de l'Associació Ibèrica de Limnologia, i tindrà lloc a la ciutat d'Aveiro, Portugal (2-8 de juliol). Es desenvolupa sota el lema "Ecologia: Apostant pel nostre futur sostenible a través del coneixement científic" i tornarà al format presencial. Atesa la naturalesa integradora i transdisciplinar de la recerca ecològica, aquesta trobada pretén unir contribucions d'investigadors que treballen a totes les subdisciplines de l'ecologia, així com a tots els ecosistemes i nivells d'organització biològica. També dóna la benvinguda a polítics, gestors ambientals i altres persones interessades a l'ecologia ia la promoció d'un futur sostenible.

Diversos membres i col·laborador/es de la secció de Limnologia de l'Institut portaran a terme presentacions:


Dr. Sergi Sabater (GRECO, Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica, UdG / ICRA): “A reflection for Science in Ecology. Does river flow show a path?” Keynote speaker Auditorium Thursday 7th of July, 14:15h-15h:15h 

Dr. Sergi Sabater (GRECO, Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica, UdG / ICRA): "Global evidence of extreme climate events on river biodiversity and functions" Oral Communication 116 RS5: Ecological research on environmental global changes and extreme events Room 3, 5th of July 

Dr. David Cunillera-Montcusí (GRECO / FEHM Lab): "Connected through space and time: a method to assess and quantify spatiotemporal connectivity in dynamic ecosystems" Oral Communication 117 SS5: Ecology and conservation of temporary aquatic ecosystems Room 1, 5th of July 

Dr. David Cunillera-Montcusí (GRECO / FEHM Lab): "The backbone of dispersal: Unfolding the interaction of landscape configuration and dispersal and how it shapes metacommunity diversity" Oral Communication 213 SS9: Meta-systems ecology across boundaries: new insights to advance the science and management of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems Room 3, 7th of July 

Dr. David Cunillera-Montcusí (GRECO / FEHM Lab): "Freshwater salinisation: a research agenda for a saltier world" Oral Communication 248 SS13: Salinization of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: the challenges at a global scale Room 4, 8th of July 

Sr. Andrés Fernández-Vilar (GRECO, Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica, UdG): "Developing a stereo-video system to study fish microhabitat and ecology in wetland ecosystems" Oral Communication 075 RS4: Ecological restoration Room 5, 4th of July 

Sra. Judit Boadella (GRECO, Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica, UdG): "Effect of drying on microbial functioning in a saline shallow lake’s sediment" Oral Communication 075 092 SS3: Uniqueness, patterns and processes in saline ecosystems, does the salt matters? Room 3, 4th of July 

Sr. Joan Ferriol (GRECO, Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica, UdG):  "Salinity effects on dissolved organic matter microbial decomposition in lentic systems" Oral Communication 093 SS3: Uniqueness, patterns and processes in saline ecosystems, does the salt matters? Room 3, 4th of July 

Sra. Anna Doménech (GRECO, Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica, UdG): "Effects of drought on the decomposition of Sarcocornia fruticosa woody stems in a hypersaline watershed" Oral Communication 094 SS3: Uniqueness, patterns and processes in saline ecosystems, does the salt matters? Room 3, 4th of July 

Dr. Rocío López-Flores (Universitat de Saragossa): "Cumulative effects of canyoning sport over a decade and resilience of the benthic community in the Formiga river, Sierra y Cañones de Guara Natural Park" Oral Communication 048 RS2: Ecological connectivity and biodiversity conservation Room 4, 4th of July


Dr. Lluís Benejam (Ecologia Aquàtica, Universitat de Vic): "Size spectra and size diversity as ecological indicators of river fish communities: a review of recent studies" Oral Communication 053 RS2: Ecological connectivity and biodiversity conservation Room 4, 4th of July

Dr. Lorenzo Proia (Ecologia Aquàtica, Universitat de Vic): "Driving factors of microbial production of geosmin in freshwater biofilms: a multi-scale study" Oral Communication 226 RS11: Microbial Ecology Room 1, 8th of July 

Dra. Anna Freixa (ICRA): "The relevance of wet events during dry periods on bacterial communities in temporary streams" Oral Communication 119 SS5: Ecology and conservation of temporary aquatic ecosystems Room 1, 5th of July +


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