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Curs acadèmic:
Millora i intensificació de la llengua anglesa per al desenvolupament professional dels estudiants, augmentant el seu nivell de domini de la llengua respecte al nivell d'entrada. Aquest curs està dissenyat per a estudiants que ja tenen un coneixement intermig d'anglès. S'empra un enfocament funcional i temàtic per permetre que l'alumnat estengui i millori el seu coneixement dins del context de la Logística. Basant-se en els temes i les habilitats professionals pertinents per a l'alumnat, així com tenint en compte la perspectiva de gènere, el curs també incorpora un complert temari de gramàtica, vocabulari i treball sistemàtic d'expressió i comprenssió orals i escrites. Introdueix i practica les habilitats lingüístiques necessàries per relacionar-se amb col·legues de parla anglesa i per comunicar-se amb parlants anglesos dins del sector de la logística. L'assignatura Anglés I ha de permetre a l'estudiant adquirir el nivell B1.2 del Marc Europeu Comú de referència per a les Llengües (MCERL) adaptat a les necessitats de l'entorn professional de la logística.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Marta Bosch Vilarrubias  / Leo Bernard Mcpartland
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup B

Marta Bosch Vilarrubias
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 1G- Ser hàbil en la comunicació, tant per escrit com verbalment, en l'idioma propi i en altres llengües estrangeres
  • 3G- Saber elaborar i defensar arguments i resoldre problemes dins de l'àrea d'estudi, convertint un problema empíric en un objectiu d'investigació i presentar conclusions


1. INTRODUCTION TO LOGISTICS: Setting the scene, jobs in logistics, regular activities. Professional skills: Describing jobs, talking about regular activities. Language skills: present tenses, Cambridge exam preparation.

2. LOGISTICS SERVICES: Logistics acronyms, product ranges, 3PL providers, value-added services. Professional skills: Selling services, explaining online services. Language skills: past tenses and “used to”, Cambridge exam preparation.

3. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND PROCUREMENT: Inventory management, continuous replenishment, job advertisements. Professional skills: Giving and asking for opinions, making suggestions, agreeing. Language skills: the passive, Cambridge exam preparation.

4. MODES OF TRANSPORT: Transport and handling equipment, container types, types of goods. Professional skills: making comparisons and describing features. Language skills: comparatives, adjectives, Cambridge exam preparation.

5. PLANNING AND ARRANGING TRANSPORT: Transport options, measurements, quotations. Professional skills: Making enquiries and requests, advising and offering alternatives, numbers, dimensions, and weight. Language skills: indirect questions, Cambridge exam preparation.

6. SHIPPING GOODS: Markings, loading, advice of shipment, shipping instructions. Professional skills: explaining how to do something, talking about shipping problems. Language skills: Prepositions, Cambridge exam preparation.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 0 5,00 5,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 2,50 4,00 6,50
Prova d'avaluació 16,50 20,00 36,50
Resolució d'exercicis 2,50 5,00 7,50
Sessió expositiva 2,00 2,00 4,00
Sessió participativa 2,50 2,00 4,50
Simulacions 1,00 2,00 3,00
Treball en equip 1,00 5,00 6,00
Visionat/audició de documents 2,00 0 2,00
Total 30,00 45,00 75


  • Roy Norris (2015). Ready for First Coursebook. Macmillan.
  • Malcome Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles (2014). Destination B2 Grammar and Vocabulary. Macmillan.
  • John Eastwood (2005). Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford University Press.
  • Raymond Murphy (2012). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.
  • L.G. Alexander (1990). Longman English Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students. Longman.
  • David Cotton, Simon Kent, David Falvey, Iwonna Dubicka, Margaret O’Keeffe (2010). Market Leader Logistics Management. Pearson.
  • Ernesto d' Acunto (2013). Flash on English for Transport and Logistics . European Language Institute.
  • Marion Grussendorf (2009). English for Logistics. Oxford University Press.
  • Cambridge Dictionary. Recuperat , a
  • Wordreference. Recuperat , a
  • English Purdue. Recuperat , a
  • Grammar. Recuperat , a

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Midterm 1 Exam El Midterm 1 Exam val 12% de la nota final. 12
Term 1 Exam El Term 1 Exam val 14% de la nota final. 14
Midterm 2 Exam El Midterm 2 Exam val 12% de la nota final. 12
Term 2 Exam El Term 2 Exam val 14% de la nota final. 14
Skills Tests Els Skills Test valen 10% de la nota final. 10
Writing Tests Els Writing Tests valen 10% de la nota final. 10
Oral Presentation La presentació oral val 14% de la nota final. 14
Cambridge Speaking Test El Cambridge Speaking Test val 14% de la nota final. 14


Students may opt to follow a continuous assessement system or a final assessment system. If students opt for the one-off/final assessment, they should contact their teacher to justify their choice. If the final mark of the continuous assessment is below 5, students will take the final exam in the official calendar date of “convocatòria extraordinària” established by the university.

- Continuous Assessment:

a) The continuous assessment will be based on different tests during the course. Those are: skills tests (reading and listening), writing tests, oral presentations, a Cambridge speaking test, as well as two midterm exams (grammar and vocabulary) and and two exams on the official university dates in January and May/June (convocatòria ordinària). The final mark will be calculated following the percentages below:
Midterm 1 Exam: 12%
Term 1 Exam: 14%
Midterm 2 Exam: 12%
Term 2 Exam: 14%
Skills Tests: 10%
Writing Tests: 10%
Oral Presentation: 14%
Cambridge Speaking Test: 14%

b) The dates of tests and assessment activities will be announced in due time in class and will also be published in Moodle. Students will NOT get a chance to do the exam on a different date unless there is a medical or work justification, and will only be able to do so in the alternative times and dates proposed by the professor.

c) Students will NOT be able to make up for continuous assessment tests once classes are over.

d) For students to be assessed they need to take part in both the written part and oral part of the course.

Please bear in mind that:

a) In order to follow the continuous assessment, students need to attend a minimum of 80% of the sessions. In order to do that, students will sign an attendance sheet. If a student cannot attend class for work or personal reasons, they will have to follow the final assessment, but will be welcome to attend class as well.

b) Regarding speaking skills, the following items will be taken into account: use of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and intonation, interaction, as well as cohesion and coherence.

c) In order to pass the continuous assessment, the average of the oral part of the course needs to be equal to or over 4.

d) The marking criteria for written work will take into account: the use of vocabulary, grammar, as well as discourse markers and cohesion and coherence.

e) In order to follow the continuous assessment, the average of midterm tests and Test 1 and 2 need to be equal to or over 5.

- Final (one-off) assessment:

The final exam (convocatòria ordinària/extraordinària) consists of four parts: Speaking (40%), Listening (20%), Reading (20%), and Written Exam (20%).

A minimum mark of 4 is required in the written and oral part of the final exams.

In order to pass the course, the average of all parts of the assessment needs to be at least 5.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Segons normativa de la Universitat de Girona: La qualificació de "No Presentat" exhaureix convocatòria de qualificació als efectes previstos en la normativa de Permanència i progressió en estudis de grau de la Universitat de Girona.


Students are advised against plagiarism or any form of cheating. Any detected and proved case of plagiarism or cheating will automatically be marked as a “0” (zero).

In order to follow the continuous assessment format, students need to attend 80% of the sessions. Students failing to attend 80% of sessions will need to follow one-off/final assessment.

The dates of Tests will be announced in due time.

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