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Curs acadèmic:
Estudi del funcionament del cos humà. Estudi de les funcions bioquímiques, físiques i mecàniques de l'organisme, i la interrelació entre els diferents òrgans del cos humà. Adaptacions fisiològiques produïdes per l'activitat física.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Jessica Latorre Luque
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Comunicar-se de mode efectiu i clar
  • Tenir la capacitat d'aprenentatge autònom
  • Resoldre problemes
  • Tenir capacitat de gestió d'informació
  • Aprendre a aprendre (aprendre de manera autònoma, actualitzar-se i poder aprofundir en coneixements permanentment)
  • Treballar de forma autònoma amb responsabilitat i iniciativa.
  • Conèixer i comprendre la morfologia, la fisiologia, la patologia i la conducta de les persones, tant sanes com malaltes, en el medi natural i social.
  • Identificar els efectes de la pràctica de l'exercici físic sobre l'estructura i funció del cos humà


1. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGY. What is physiology? Levels of structural organization. Basic life processes. Homeostasis and feedback systems. Tissues and types of tissues. Epithelial tissue: covering/lining and glandular. Connective tissue. Muscular tissue. Nervous tissue.

2. THE SKELETAL SYSTEM: BONE TISSUE. Composition of the skeletal system. Functions of the skeletal system. Macroscopic and microscopic classification of the bone tissue. Bone formation: types and characteristics. Calcium and osseous metabolism. Joints and articulations.

3. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Types of muscular tissue. Functions and properties of muscular tissue. Components of skeletal muscle tissue. Contraction and relaxation of muscle fiber: the sliding filament mechanism and the neuromuscular junction. Muscle metabolism. Control of muscle tension. Types of skeletal muscle fibers. Cardiac muscle tissue. Smooth muscle tissue.

4. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: NERVOUS TISSUE. Overview and function of the nervous system: CNS & PNS. Histology of nervous tissue. Electrical signals in neurons. Signal transmission at synapse. BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. Functions of spinal cord and spinal nerves. Reflexes and reflex arcs. Functions and parts of the brain. AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Overview of the PNS. Comparison of somatic and autonomic motor neurons. ANS neurotransmitters and receptors. Agonists and antagonists. Physiology of the ANS. SPECIAL SENSES. Sensation, Olfaction, Gustation, Vision, Hearing and equilibrium.

5. THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: BLOOD. Functions of the blood. Components of the blood. Hematopoiesis. Erythrocytes and hemoglobin. Leukocytes. Platelets. Hemostasis. Blood groups and types. THE HEART. Systemic and pulmonary circulation. Cardiac muscle tissue and conduction system: Histology of cardiac muscle, Autorhythmic fibers, Contraction of cardiac muscle fibers. Electrocardiogram. Cardiac cycle. BLOOD VESSELS AND HEMODYNAMICS. Structure and function of blood vessels. Capillary exchange. Hemodynamics: Blood pressure, Vascular resistance. Control of blood pressure.

6. THE LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEM. Structure and function. Innate and adaptive immunity. Cell-mediated immunity and antibody-mediated immunity. Complement system. Immunological memory.

7. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Functions and respiration. Alveoli and respiratory membrane. Pulmonary ventilation. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

8. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Overview and functions of the digestive system. Physiological anatomy of the GI wall. Types of motility of the GI tract. Mechanical and chemical digestion. Mouth and salivation. Esophagus. Stomach and secretion of gastric juice. Pancreas and pancreatic juice. Liver and gallbladder. Small and large intestines.

9. THE URINARY SYSTEM. Functions of the urinary system. Histology of the kidneys. Urine composition and formation. Glomerular filtration. Tubular reabsorption and tubular secretion. Hormonal regulation. Production of diluted and concentrated urine.

10. THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. Comparison of nervous and endocrine systems. Functions of hormones. Endocrine glands and hormones. Mechanisms of hormone action. Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland. Other endocrine tissues.

11. THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. Male reproductive system. Spermatogenesis. Female reproductive system. Oogenesis and folliculogenesis. The female reproductive cycle.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Elaboració individual de treballs 5,00 25,00 0 30,00
Prova d'avaluació 7,00 0 0 7,00
Sessió expositiva 50,00 140,00 0 190,00
Sessió pràctica 3,00 10,00 0 13,00
Tasques i qüestionaris formatius 0 10,00 0 10,00
Total 65,00 185,00 0 250


  • Guyton & Hall. (2015). Textbook of medical physiology. (13th). Saunders.
  • Rhoades & Bell (2013). Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine (4th). Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Tortora & Derrickson (2014). Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (14th). Wiley.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Lab practicals Moodle test consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions. 10 No
Partial exam Exam consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions at half term. 20 No
Oral communication Short oral presentation of 10 minutes about a particular disease. The goal is to link the characteristics and pathophysiology of the disease with the learned concepts. 10 No
Final exam Exam consisting of 50 multiple-choice questions and 2 short questions. 60


COURSE QUALIFICATION: 60% final exam + 40% continuous evaluation (20% partial exam + 10% oral presentation + 10% lab practicals test)

FINAL EXAM (60%): 50 multiple-choice questions (7/10 points) + 2 short questions (3/10 points). There is only one true answer out of the 4 possible options. Each correct answer scores +1. Each wrong answer discounts -0,25.
It is mandatory to bring the UdG student card or to know the UdG code. On the contrary, the student may not have the grade in the preset period.


- PARTIAL EXAM (20%): 25 multiple-choice questions. There is only one true answer out of the 4 possible options. Each correct answer scores +1. Each wrong answer discounts -0,25. It is mandatory to bring the UdG student card or to know the UdG code. On the contrary, the student may not have the grade in the preset period.

- LAB PRACTICALS (10%): Attendance to practical lessons in small groups. Afterwards, evaluation through a Moodle questionnaire consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions. Attendance is mandatory to be eligible to take the Moodle test.

- ORAL COMMUNICATION (10%): Students will organize themselves in groups, choose a topic and prepare a 10 minutes presentation about a disease, relating to the concepts previously learned at class.

A minimum of 4.75 points out of 10 is required in the FINAL EXAM in order to calculate the mean qualification of the whole course. Otherwise, the grade will be that of the lowest scored evaluation.

The COURSE QUALIFICATION MUST BE A MINIMUM of 5 points out of 10 to pass the course.

Only for those students who fail the course (less than 5 points out of 10 as course qualification) will be eligible to take the BASIC COMPETENCES EXAM. In this exam, if passed (minimum of 5 points out of 10), the maximum grade given will be 5 points out of 10 AND will be the course qualification.

IMPORTANT: Students who already passed any of the parts of continuous evaluation, their scored mark will be kept for current course.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
No show will be those students that do not show in any of the evaluations.

Avaluació única:
The evaluation system of EUSES - a center attached to the UdG - is, in general terms, continuous evaluation. If the student wants to stick to unique evaluation, he/she must communicate this to the professor responsible for the subject and to the degree coordinator during the first two weeks of the semester.

In case of unique evaluation, the final grade will be given by the qualification obtained in the final exam (100%). A minimum of 5 out of 10 must be obtained to pass the course.

The exam will consist of 40 multiple-choice questions (6/10 points) + 4 short questions (4/10 points). There is only one true answer out of the 4 possible options. Each correct answer scores +1. Each wrong answer discounts -0,25.

Students who fail the final exam will be eligible to take the BASIC COMPETENCES EXAM. In this exam, if passed (minimum of 5 points out of 10), the maximum grade given will be 5 points out of 10 AND will be the course qualification.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
Continuous evaluation:
A minimum of 4.75 points out of 10 is required in the FINAL EXAM in order to calculate the mean qualification of the whole course.
Continuous assessment activities do not have a minimum grade.

Unique evaluation:
A minimum of 5 out of 10 must be obtained to pass the course.

To consider the subject passed, a minimum of 5 out of 10 must be obtained in the course qualification.


Mentoring will be carried out in person in the enabled classrooms and also virtually.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Communication and interaction with students will be done both in person and virtually. Moodle, video conferencing and email will be used to ease the interaction.
Information to the students will be transferred through Moodle platform in "Announcements and News) section, and email.


Learning outcomes:

- Knowing the importance of physiological processes in the functioning of the human body.
- Identifying the interference of physiological processes in various pathologies and/or dysfunctions.
- Knowing and identifying the influence and physiological functioning of the different systems and their interrelations.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Anatomia I
  • Anatomia II
  • Biologia
  • Bioquimica

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle forum and email will be used in addition.
Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
The teaching activities will be carried out through online platforms (theoretical activities).
All the activities will be adapted using on-line resources, trying to conform to the possible extent to the study plan initially created.
Theoretical lessons will be implemented online. A questionnaire through Moodle platform will be available for the students to practice the theory, as well as extra material called “Thinking questions”, to promote the reasoning capacity.
Referring to practical part, students will have to read a manual and answer a short task that will be evaluated, together with the Moodle test consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions.
Oral presentations will be adapted to an on-line format. Students will be scheduled for presenting their work in groups of 4-5 following the initial program. Considering that only the lecturer will be able to attend the presentations, the content of the oral presentations will NOT be evaluated in the final exam.
Partial and final exams will be performed on-line through Moodle platform.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle forum and email will be used in addition.
Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
All the evaluation will be performed by means of on-line resources, following the initial evaluation criteria, as follows:
Practical, accounting for 10% of the final mark will be evaluated by a delivery task and short multiple-choice test through Moodle, accounting 5% each part. The students will have 15 days to perform both parts.
The oral presentations (10 minutes about a particular disease), accounting for 10% of the final mark will be performed on-line, with small meetings between the group and the lecturer. Link the pathophysiology of the disease with the learned concepts will be the main goal.
The final exam, accounting for 60% of the final mark will be performed through Moodle platform.
The partial exam, accounting for 20% of the final mark will be performed through Moodle platform.
A minimum of 4.75 points out of 10 is required in the FINAL EXAM in order to calculate the mean qualification of the whole course.

COURSE QUALIFICATION: 60% final exam + 20% partial exam + 10% oral presentation + 10% practical. The course qualification must be a minimum of 5 points out of 10 to pass the course.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition.
Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
The communication and professor meetings will be carried out through the platforms enabled by the UdG (google meet, Microsoft teams, Skype ...)

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