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Curs acadèmic:
Els continguts d’aquesta assignatura van dirigits a identificar i conèixer les estructures anatòmiques amb la finalitat d’establir relacions dinàmiques amb l’organització funcional de les mateixes i la seva aplicació en la fisioteràpia. Generalitats del cos humà. Extremitat superior (osteologia, artrologia, miologia, neurologia i angiologia). Extremitat inferior (osteologia, artrologia, miologia, neurologia i angiologia). Tronc (osteologia, artrologia, miologia, neurologia i angiologia) .Efectes de la pràctica de l'exercici físic sobre les estructures musculo-esquelètiques.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Maria Isabel Miguel Pérez  / Sara Ortiz i Miguel
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Comunicar-se de mode efectiu i clar
  • Tenir la capacitat d'aprenentatge autònom
  • Resoldre problemes
  • Tenir capacitat de gestió d'informació
  • Aprendre a aprendre (aprendre de manera autònoma, actualitzar-se i poder aprofundir en coneixements permanentment)
  • Treballar de forma autònoma amb responsabilitat i iniciativa.
  • Conèixer i comprendre la morfologia, la fisiologia, la patologia i la conducta de les persones, tant sanes com malaltes, en el medi natural i social.
  • Identificar els efectes de la pràctica de l'exercici físic sobre l'estructura i funció del cos humà


1. INTRODUCTION - Define anatomy and its subdivisions. - Name regions, cavities, planes and systems of the body. - Define anatomical positions and anatomical terms.

2. HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS (Systemic Anatomy) Study of the human body systems: - Skeletal-Osteology - Skin and fascias, - Muscular- Myology, - Cardiovascular, - Lymphatic, - Nervous System.

3. UPPER LIMB: Osteology. Soft tissue. Joints. Fascias. Blood supply. Somatic Innervation. Lymphatics. Surface Anatomy.

4. BACK: Osteology (vertebral column, scapula, coxa). Soft tissue. Joints. Intrinsic and Extrinsic muscles of the back. Fascias. Spinal cord and Spinal Nerves. Cervical and Brachial Plexuses. Surface Anatomy.

5. LOWER LIMB: Osteology. Soft tissue. Joints. Fascias. Blood supply. Somatic Innervation. Lymphatics. Surface Anatomy.

6. NECK: Seminars.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Exposició dels estudiants 8,00 24,00 0 32,00
Prova d'avaluació 2,00 72,00 0 74,00
Sessió participativa 44,00 0 0 44,00
Total 54,00 96,00 0 150


  • Drake et al. (2014). Gray's Anatomy for Students (3rd). Elsevier.
  • Atlas: Your choice (2015). Netter's, Sobotta's, Thieme.... ....
  • Kamina (1997). Anatomie Clinique. Membres. Malone.
  • Gilroy MacPherson Schuenke Schulte Schumacher (2013). Atlas of human Anatomy Prometheus (Volume I, II, III) . Panaamericana.
  • Drake (2010). Gray's The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, Expert. Elsevier.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Preparing an oral presentation in groups Please read Students Guide 10 No
1st & 2nd Partial exam Please read Students Guide 70
Attendance and participation Please read Students Guide 20 No


The semester mark will consist of the following assessment opportunities:

- Two partial exams that will correspond to the 70% of the final mark
(35% each of them).
- Attendance and participation in practical exercises done during the
lectures and/or as homework. 20% of the final mark.
- Preparing an oral presentation in groups. 10% of the final mark.

* The mínimum necessary mark to pass ALL the exams (partials, final, and BCE, is of 6/10).

In case of passing the two partial exams, attending the final exam will not be necessary.
In case of failing a partial exam, students will take the final exam only of the contents evaluated in the failed partial exam.
In case of failing the two partial exams, students will take the final exam of the contents evaluated in the two partial exams.

The exam will consist of 40 multiple-choice questions, with 5 possible answers and only one correct answer.

In case of having to attend the BCE exam, no continous assessment marks will be taken into account. The BCE mark will become the the final mark of the subject.
The BCE exam will have a different structure from the partial and final exams.

Class participation will also be taken into account: Students who participate regularly in class discussions and show evidence of having prepared the lectures, may have their grade "rounded up" to the higher unit (for example, if a final grade is of 8.9/10. It may be raised to a 9/10. Students who do not participate will not have their grade raised.
On the other hand, students who miss lectures, are usually late, or engage in disruptive behaviors may have their grade "rounded down". Disruptive behaviours include: leaving class once the lecture has started, speaking out of turn, and having a cell phone ring during the lecture.

*Students who miss class for a serious and compelling reason should let the lecturer know in a timely manner (preferably before the lecture day) if they want it to be considered as a "justified absence".

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students not attending any activity will be considered 'Not attended'

Avaluació única:
The evaluation system of EUSES -center attached to the UdG is( almost always) the continuous evaluation. If the student prefers to take a single assessment, he / she must communicate this option writing to the teacher responsible for the subject and to the degree coordinator during the first two weeks of the semester.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To consider the subject as "passed", students have to obtain a minimum grade of 6.0


Success in anatomy comes from knowing the terminology, the three-dimensional visualization of the structure(s) and using that knowledge in solving problems. The discipline of anatomy is usually studied in a dual approach:

• Regional approach - description of structures regionally and their relationships to each other (back, thorax,abdomen, pelvis, perineum, neck, head, upper limb, lower limb)
• Systemic approach - description of the major systems of the body – musculoskeletal, nervous cardiovascular,lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, endocrine, urinary and reproductive.

The Anatomy I course is organized mostly around a regional approach to anatomy, but time is taken throughout the course to review information from a systemic standpoint because true understanding requires that both approaches are used.

Learning outcomes:

- Identifying anatomical structures as a knowledge base to establish dynamic relationships with functional organisation.
- Knowing the different movement orientations and the position in space of the human body.

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