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Curs acadèmic:
En funció de les necessitats detectades s'organitzarà un seminari monogràfic sobre un tema vinculat a les RP o per aprofundir en algun aspecte del temari de les assignatures obligatòries, o bé per oferir-ne una certa continuïtat curricular amb alguna matèria també obligatòria daquest àmbit. Coneixements en l'àmbit de la infografia com una de les formes de disseny gràfic i de comunicació, visualització de dades, textos publicitaris i adquisició d'habilitats per treballar amb programari per a la creació d'infografia. Dins de la disciplina, les tecnologies de visualització es consideren un element clau de la comunicació de l'empresa amb el públic objectiu. S'està duent a terme un estudi multidimensional d'eines per a la creació d'un producte visual per a diferents àmbits de l'espai mediàtic; dominar la tecnologia per crear imatges publicitàries brillants mitjançant gràfics, presentacions i modelatge. El domini dels mòduls implica el desenvolupament del pensament de disseny, que s'associa amb l'anàlisi del context, la recerca i formació de problemes, la generació d'idees i solucions, el pensament creatiu, el dibuix i el dibuix, el modelatge i prototipatge, la prova i l'avaluació de el producte visual creat per a les relacions públiques.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup EN

Margaryta Netreba
Idioma de les classes:
Castellà (10%), Anglès (90%)


  • CG.3. Treballar en equip manifestant capacitat per assolir el rol que es demana en cada context desenvolupant vincles que potenciïn la cooperació
  • CE.3. Descriure els principals components estructurals de tots els sectors implicats en la comunicació publicitària i en les relacions públiques


1. Visual çcontent and new forms of information presentation

          1.1. Classification of visual elements of information.

          1.2. Classification of multimedia formats for presenting the information.

          1.3. Information visualization tools

2. Presentation: Types, formats, design

          2.1. Presentation ecosystem: purpose, types, basics. Types and purposes of creating presentations.

          2.2. Software for creating presentations and features of their use. From idea to presentation: the structure of preparing a presentation.

          2.3. The role of visual elements in presentations.

3. Infographics as a tool for visualizing information

          3.1. Types of infographics.

          3.2. Adapting infographics to digital.

          3.3. Content infographics: multimedia stories, long reads, interactive maps.

          3.4. The process of creating infographics and data visualization.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Prova d'avaluació 2,00 15,00 0 17,00
Treball en equip 15,00 33,00 0 48,00
Tutories individuals 5,00 5,00 0 10,00
Total 22,00 53,00 0 75


  • David McCandless (2021). Beautiful News: Positive Trends, Uplifting Stats, Creative Solutions Hardcover . William Collins.
  • Delayed Gratification (2021). An Answer for Everything: 200 Infographics to Explain the World Hardcover . Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Jonatan Hilden Juso Koponen (2018). Data Visualization Handbook Paperback. Aalto-yliopisto.
  • Sandra Rendgen, Julius Wiedemann (2021). History of Information Graphics Hardcover.. TASGJ|#Taschen.
  • Karen Sawrey (2018). The Infographic Bible: Visualising the Drama of God's Word Hardcover. ZONDERVAN.
  • Garr Reynolds (2019). Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery . New Riders Publishing.
  • Matt Carter (2020). Designing Science Presentations: A Visual Guide to Figures, Papers, Slides, Posters, and More . Academic Press.
  • Echo Swinford, Julie Terberg (2021). Building PowerPoint Templates v2 . Independently published.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Theory evaluation
Understanding of design thinking methodology. The extent to which these methodologies are applied to the project.
Visual product Understanding the resources required to implement the presentation. 40
Teamwork Selected project for presentation preparation.Creative (creative inspiration, originality).Design (style of submission of materials, graphic solution)
Individual aproach The overall impression of the presentations and individual work 20


Criteria for assessing semester control: the creation of presentations and infographics based on a real case and Pitch session of student projects.

When evaluating assignments, the teacher, first of all, pays attention to the topics covered.
Each following assignment is assessed with a set of criteria, which allows you to evaluate the student's progress during training:
• Selected project for presentation preparation.
• Understanding of design thinking methodology. The extent to which these methodologies are applied to the project.
• Fulfillment of all conditions of tasks.
• Understanding the resources required to implement the presentation.
• The overall impression of the presentations.
• Creative (creative inspiration, originality)
• Design (style of submission of materials, graphic solution)

The overall assessment includes:
Theory -20%
Visual product - 40%
Teamwork - 20%
Individual approach - 20%

Students who are unable to attend class must take a ONE-TIME assessment. This involves taking an exam on the day that decides the faculty with all the content worked on the course. To do this I recommend students who intend to follow this method of evaluation contact me, in an email to agree on how to proceed. In addition to that, students need to contact with Academic Secretary to inform them about their decision.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student will be considered ‘Not presented’ if s/he does not participate in the assessment proposed.

Avaluació única:
students who are unable to attend class must take a ONE-TIME assessment.

This involves taking an exam on the day that decides the faculty with all the content worked on the course.

To do this I recommend students who intend to follow this method of evaluation contact me, in an email to agree on how to proceed.

In addition to that, students need to contact with Academic Secretary to inform them about their decision.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To approve this subject students must have a final grade of 5.0. The final grade is achieved by averaging between activities.
Students who do not attend two (2) sessions of the subject will be evaluated by a final exam, without taking into account everything they have done so far. Their grade will be that of the final exam. If they fail, they will be entitled to a recovery exam. Similarly, students who fail the assignment average will also be able to go to a final exam. The grade of the assignment, in these cases, will always be that of the recovery exam.


You can arrange a personal tutorial by sending an email to the teacher.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

On Moodle where all information related to the subject will be published to make sure all students have the same information.

Email will be the ordinary communication channel between the teacher and the students and to arrange tutorials.


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