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Curs acadèmic:
Anglès Específic per Turisme de nivell B2. Curs basat en temes turístics mitjançant l'aprenentatge per tasques. Llenguatge específic i d'habilitats comunicatives necessàries en el sector turístic. El nivell de sortida de l'assignatura és el B2 segons el Marc Europeu de Llengües. Es recomana disposar del nivell B2.1 per cursar aquesta assignatura.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup 1X

Semestral, 1r semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup 2X

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup 2Y

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CG. 2 Expressar-se amb correcció, oralment i per escrit en diverses llengües.
  • CG.7 Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge i elaborar estratègies per millorar-los.
  • CE.9 Utilitzar la terminologia i el llenguatge dels diversos àmbits turístics


1. DEBATING TOURISM. Case studies, role-plays and speaking activities. Reading and listening texts on the themes of impacts of tourism and sustainability. Language and grammar practice.

2. TRENDS IN TOURISM. Speaking, listening and reading activities on the theme of trends in tourism. Language and grammar practice.

3. EXPERIENCES & TOURISM. Case studies, role-plays, speaking activities. Reading and listening texts on the theme of experiences in tourism today. Language and grammar practice.

4. CAREERS IN TOURISM. Case studies, dialogues and speaking activities. Reading and listening texts on the theme of careers in tourism. Language and grammar practice.

5. EVENTS TOURISM. Case studies, dialogues and speaking activities. Reading and listening texts on the theme of business and events tourism. Language and grammar practice.

6. HERITAGE TOURISM. Case studies and speaking activities. Reading and listening texts on the theme of heritage tourism. Language and grammar practice.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 0 57,00 0 57,00
Exposició dels estudiants 1,00 3,00 0 4,00
Prova d'avaluació 6,00 0 0 6,00
Sessió participativa 83,00 0 0 83,00
Total 90,00 60,00 0 150


  • Paul Dummet, John Hughes, Helen Stephenson (2019). Life Upper Intermediate Student's Book and Workbook, Split B (2nd Edition (Second)). Hampshire, SP10 5BE United Kingdom: National Geographic Learning.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Out of class Reading, Writing, Listening and Oral-prep Activities Out of classroom activities include but are not limited to: reading weekly articles from the Textbook/Workbook (LIFE Units 7-12) and the press; weekly writings based on a variety of sources including in-class activities; individual and group written or oral projects based on research via written or audiovisual sources and similar, all of which will be taken into account for the student's overall mark. 20 No
Reading Tests Students will take 2 reading tests throughout the semester in order to evaluate their competence in this skill at the B2 level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). 20
Writing Tests Students will take 2 in-class writing tests which will be evaluated on overall impression, register and task achievement, cohesion, fluency and organization, vocabulary range and control, and grammatical range and accuracy using descriptors for the B2 level (CEFR). 20
Listening Tests Students will take 2 listening tests throughout the semester in order to evaluate their competence in this skill at the B2 level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. 20
Evaluated Oral Tasks Students will be evaluated in 3 ways: 1 Oral Test at the beginning of term, 1 Oral presentations in the middle of the course, and one Final Oral Exam at the end of term. These tasks are evaluated in accordance with the criteria for the level as adapted from the CEFR and focusing on the delivery, the content and the language accuracy as found in the Assessment Criteria in the Moodle. The dates for these tasks are on the syllabus. 20


The English language courses at the UdG’s Faculty of Tourism are based on the following system of Continuous Assessment:

WORK IN PROGRESS 40%: Students are awarded 40% of their final mark by coming to all class sessions and completing the work assigned in and out of the classroom. Daily assignments given throughout the semester correspond to 6 units from the LIFE course book plus the 6 Tourism Modules on the course Moodle. Examples of work to be done include readings, writings, oral presentations, individual and group activities, videos with follow-up activities, weekly quizzes on the 4 skills (Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking) and class debates.

EVALUATED TESTS 60%: In addition to work done in and out of class, students are awarded 60% of their final mark by taking a series of evaluated tests:
15%: Reading Test 1 (5%), Reading Test 2 (10%)
15%: Listening Test 1 (5%), Listening Test 2 (10%)
15%: Writing Test 1 (5%), Writing Test 2 (10%)
15%: 1 Oral Test (4.5%) 1 Oral Presentation (3%), 1 Oral Exam (7.5%)

In this way, each of the 4 skills have a total weight of 15%, with all 4 parts totalling 60% of the final mark.

Students must pass each of the 4 skills with a minimum mark of 5/10.

In the event a student fails one or more skills, after averaging, the highest possible mark given will be a 4/10.

Continued Assessment is calculated by WORK IN PROGRESS 40% + EVALUATED TESTS 60% = 100%

Students can retake parts of the exam which they have failed at the scheduled Examen de recuperació (see the syllabus for exact times and dates).

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students who have done neither Continuous Evaluation nor the single-sesssion evaluation will receive the mark "No presentat".

Avaluació única:
Students granted Avaluació Única by the Faculty of Tourism will be evaluated through a 4-part exam calculated as follows:

25% -Reading Test (2 Readings per test)
25% -Listening Test (3 Listenings per test)
25% -Writing Test (2 Writings per test)
25% -Oral Exam (4-part/9-minute individual test)

Students must pass each of the 4 skills areas with a minimum mark of 5/10. In the event a student fails one or more skills, after averaging, the highest possible mark given will be a 4/10.

Students are advised to check the Syllabus on the Moodle for the exact dates and times in which the 4-part exam will be held.Students can retake parts of the exam which they have failed at the scheduled Examen de recuperació (see the syllabus for exact times and dates).

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
Per considerar superada l’assignatura, caldrà obtenir una qualificació mínima de 5.0


Students should feel free to contact their instructors for individual help or tutorials related to the course. This should be done by addressing their instructor via their official UdG email address. In addition, the instructor will invite students to tutorials during the course to discuss their progress.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Students can communicate with their language instructor via the course Moodle as well as through their instructor's official UdG email address.


Per cursar aquesta assignatura l'alumne hauria haver consolidat prèviament el nivell B2.1 d'anglès. L'assistència amb regularitat (100%) és molt important donat que les classes són participatives i que el temari s’avança diàriament.

Students should have a solid B2.1 level of English to register for this course. Regular class attendance (100%) is a priority as classes involve active participation and subject matter is cumulative.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Anglès avançat 1
  • Anglès B2.1

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