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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Química Teòrica i Computacional; Teoria dels Orbitals Moleculars; Aproximacions Hartree-Fock i post-Hartree-Fock; Teoria del funcional de la densitat, Anàlisi del rendiment dels mètodes ab initio i DFT; Programari i aspectes pràctics dels càlculs de l’estructura electrònica de les molècules


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Josep Maria Luis Luis  / Pedro Salvador Sedano
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CB1 - Que els estudiants sàpiguen aplicar els coneixements adquirits i la seva capacitat de resolució de problemes en entorns nous o poc coneguts dins de contextos més amplis (o multidisciplinaris) relacionats amb la seva àrea d'estudi.
  • CB2 - Que els estudiants siguin capaços d'integrar coneixements i enfrontar-se a la complexitat de formular judicis a partir d'una informació que, sent incompleta o limitada, inclogui reflexions sobre les responsabilitats socials i ètiques vinculades a l'aplicació dels seus coneixements i judicis.
  • CB3 - Que els estudiants sàpiguen comunicar les seves conclusions i els coneixements i raons últimes que les sustenten a públics especialitzats i no especialitzats d'una manera clara i sense ambigüitats, fent servir com a llengua vehicular l'anglès.
  • CE3 - Identificar els principis de la Química Quàntica i el seu fonament matemàtic, i conèixer i distingir la metodologia específica de la Química Teòrica i Computacional i els seus límits d'aplicació.
  • CE5 - Identificar les diferents forces intra i intermoleculars i reconèixer la seva importància en l'estructura i propietats físiques i químiques de sistemes moleculars i supramoleculars.


1. Theoretical, Computational and Quantum Chemistry

          1.1. What can be modelled and to which accuracy

          1.2. Molecular Mechanics vs WaveFunction methods

2. Elementary Quantum Chemistry

          2.1. The molecular Hamiltonian and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation

          2.2. Electronic and Nuclear Schrödinger equations

          2.3. Variational Principle and Perturbation Theory.

3. Molecular Orbital Theory

          3.1. The LCAO-MO approximation and the Secular equation

          3.2. Electron Spin and Antisymmetry Principle

          3.3. Many-electron Wave Functions: Hartree-product and Slater Determinant

4. Ab initio methods of electronic structure

          4.1. The Hartree-Fock approximation. Restricted and unrestricted WF

          4.2. Electron Correlation: dynamical and static correlation

          4.3. Configuration Interaction: Brillouin Principle. Truncated CI. Full-CI. Size consistency

          4.4. Moller-Plesset Perturbation Theory.

          4.5. Coupled-Cluster theory

          4.6. Multiconfigurational SCF and multireference methods.

5. Density functional theory

          5.1. Hohenberg–Kohn principles

          5.2. Kohn-Sham DFT

          5.3. “Classical” exchange-correlation functionals: The Jacob’s Ladder

          5.4. Hybrid functionals and the adiabatic connection

          5.5. Long-range corrected functionals and dispersion corrections

6. General performance overview of ab initio and DFT methods.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 30,00 0 34,00
Resolució d'exercicis 8,00 22,00 0 30,00
Sessió expositiva 36,00 50,00 0 86,00
Total 48,00 102,00 0 150


  • Andrés, Juan Beltrán, Juan (DL 2000 ). Química teórica y computacional . Castelló: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Catàleg
  • Levine, Ira N (cop. 2001 ). Química cuántica (5ª ed.). Madrid [etc.]: Prentice Hall. Catàleg
  • Bertran Rusca, Juan (DL 2000 ). Química cuántica : fundamentos y aplicaciones computacionales . Madrid: Síntesis. Catàleg
  • Jensen, Frank (cop. 1999 ). Introduction to computational chemistry . Chichester [etc.]: John Wiley & Sons. Catàleg
  • Cramer, Christopher J (cop. 2002 ). Essentials of computational chemistry : theories and models . West Sussex: Wiley. Catàleg
  • Young, David C (cop. 2001 ). Computational chemistry : a practical guide for applying techniques to Real-World problems . New York [etc.]: Wiley-Interscience. Catàleg
  • Szabo, Attila (1996 ). Modern quantum chemistry : introduction to advanced electronic structure theory . New York [etc.]: Dover. Catàleg
  • Helgaker, Trygve (2000 ). Molecular electronic-structure theory . Chichester [etc.]: John Wiley & Sons. Catàleg
  • McWeeny, R (1989 ). Methods of molecular quantum mechanics (2nd ed.). London [etc.]: Academic Press. Catàleg
  • Schaefer, Henry F (2004 ). Quantum chemistry : the development of ab initio methods in molecular electronic structure theory . Mineola, NY: Dover Publications. Catàleg
  • Parr, Robert G (1989 ). Density-functional theory of atoms and molecules . Oxford [etc.]: University Press. Catàleg
  • Lewars, Errol (cop. 2003 ). Computational chemistry : introduction to the theory and applications of molecular and quantum mechanics . Boston [etc.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Catàleg
  • Lewars, Errol (cop. 2003 ). Computational chemistry. Boston [Mass.]: Kluwer Academic. Recuperat 04-07-2013, a Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Exercise solving Solving, analysis and discussion of exercises related to the topics in the course in the classroom and at home 30 No
Final exam Evaluation of understanding of the most relevant concepts in the course by means of questions of both the theoretical foundations and practical applications. 54
Moodle true/false and multiple-choice test True/False and/or multiple choice questions about both the theoretical foundations and practical applications 16


The final exam and the moodle test can be retaken. It will be evaluated the degree of understanding of the concepts and theories, the connection between the theories and practical applications, and the ability of solving new problems.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A "Not presented" mark will only be considered if the student has not carried out any of the evaluation activities.

Avaluació única:
An exam to evaluate the understanding of the most relevant concepts in the course by means of questions of both the theoretical foundations and practical application. This exam can be retaken. The student must get a minimum mark of 5.0

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
Minimum mark to pass taking into account all evaluation activities is 5.0. The student must get a minimum mark of 3.5 for final exam in order for the activities to be considered in the final global evaluation mark.


Students can ask for individual or group appointment by contacting the lecturers during lectures or via e-mail.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Interaction takes place during lectures or using email

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
Escenari semipresencial / Blended learning scenario
In blended learning scenario the activities will remain essentially the same but combining on-line and place-based classroom methods.

Escenari tancament UdG / UdG closure scenario
Scheduled sessions will remain the same but will be held on-line through Google Meet, skype or similar online platforms.

Tractament d'estudiants vulnerables o amb confinament temporal / Treatment of vulnerable or temporarily sheltered students
Classes will be streamed. In case it is necessary, individualized tutorials will be carried out using Google Meet (or other similar online platforms) to assist the vulnerable or temporarily sheltered students.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Escenari semipresencial / Blended learning scenario
All the grading place-based classroom activities will be carried out with no change respect to the full-face-to-face scenario.

Escenari tancament UdG / UdG closure scenario
All evaluation activities will be carried out in an on-line basis using moodle combined with Google Meet or similar platforms. The grading activities will be as equivalent as possible to the full-face-to-face scenario. The weight of the different activities in the final grade will be the same as in the face-to-face scenario.

Tractament d'estudiants vulnerables o amb confinament temporal / Treatment of vulnerable or temporarily sheltered students
Assessment activities missed by a vulnerable or temporarily sheltered student will either be replaced by virtual ones or will be postponed.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Escenari semipresencial / Blended learning scenario
Face-to-face tutorials will be prioritized, but if they cannot be carried out, they will be done via Moodle, emial, Google Meet or similar platforms. These tutorials will be done at times agreed with the teachers via e-mail.

Escenari tancament UdG / UdG closure scenario
Tutorials will be held via Moodle, emial, Google Meet or similar platforms. These tutorials will be done at times agreed with the teachers via e-mail.

Tractament d'estudiants vulnerables o amb confinament temporal / Treatment of vulnerable or temporarily sheltered students
Tutorials will be held via via Moodle, emial, Google Meet or similar platforms. These tutorials will be done at times agreed with the teachers via e-mail.

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