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Curs acadèmic:
En aquesta assignatura s'aprendran les bases de l’aplicació dels Agents Físics en Fisioteràpia. Per entendre millor la seva aplicació es treballaran els conceptes i principis científics, les modalitats tèrmiques i no tèrmiques, les modalitats d’estimulació elèctrica i quines son les seves indicacions, contraindicacions, riscos i precaucions.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Jason Daza Collier  / Ivan Leo Bacha
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Resoldre problemes
  • Resoldre problemes complexos de forma efectiva en el camp de la Fisioteràpia.
  • Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu, mostrant dots d'innovació.
  • Conèixer i comprendre els mètodes, procediments i actuacions fisioterapèutiques, encaminats tant a la terapèutica pròpiament dita a aplicar a la clínica per a la reeducació o recuperació funcional, com a la realització d'activitats dirigides a la promoció i manteniment de la salut
  • Adquirir l'experiència clínica adequada que proporcioni habilitats intel·lectuals i destreses tècniques i manuals; que facilitin la incorporació de valors ètics i professionals; i que desenvolupi la capacitat d'integració dels coneixements adquirits, de manera que, al final dels estudis, els estudiants sàpiguen aplicar-los tant a casos clínics concrets en el medi hospitalari i extrahospitalari, com a actuacions en l'atenció primària i comunitària.


1. Introduction of the subject. Basic concepts of electromagnetic waves. The relationship between physiotherapy and physical agents. Physiology of pain and the excitable tissue.

2. Infrared radiation. Lamps and lasers

3. Infrared lamp and laser (practical)

4. Basic concepts of sound waves. Ultrasound application

5. Ultrasound generation and properties (practical)

6. Basic concepts of electrotherapy. Types of currents

7. Basic concepts of magnetism. Electromagnetism. Transcutaneal electrical stimulation - TENS (practical)

8. Magnetotherapy: Interactions with the human body

9. Diathermy, capacity and resistance. Diathermy applications

10. Thermal agents: Thermotherapy and Cryotherapy

11. Hydrotherapy

12. Seminars

13. Evidence-based case studies

14. Midterm exam

15. Final exam


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 12,00 10,00 6,00 28,00
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 15,00 0 19,00
Resolució d'exercicis 6,00 12,00 3,00 21,00
Sessió expositiva 27,00 40,00 5,00 72,00
Sessió pràctica 6,00 0 0 6,00
Tutories de grup 2,00 0 2,00 4,00
Total 57,00 77,00 16,00 150


  • Cameron, Michelle H. (2013). Physical Agents in Rehabilitation (4th Ed.). Elselvier.
  • Rodgriguez-Martín, J.M. (2013). Electroterapia en Fisioterapia (3a Ed.). Panamericana.
  • Prentice, W. E. (2015). Therapeutic modalities in Rehabilitation (5th Ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Seminars Seminars will consist of a list of short questions and exercises, which will have to be solved in the Moodle. The subject of the seminars will be related to the previous lectures. 20 No
Evidence-based case studies Students will be divided in groups and will be requested to prepare oral presentations for case studies concerning specific pathologies and the application of different physical agents.
20 No
Midterm exam (Moodle quiz) Multiple choice questions done in the Moodle, regarding the concepts learned in lectures, practical lessons and seminars.
The midterm exam will consist of 20 multiple choice questions about concepts and short solving problems. A penalty of 20% of its value will be deducted for each incorrect answer. There is no penalisation for unanswered questions.
10 No
Final exam Multiple choice questions about the lectures, practical lessons and seminars.
The final exam will consist of 40 multiple choice questions about concepts and short solving problems, including all contents given in the course. A penalty of 20% of its value will be deducted for each incorrect answer. There is no penalisation for unanswered questions.


- NORMAL EVALUATION (CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT): Students will be continuously assessed by seminars, evidence-based case study and midterm exam, thereby receiving a weighted average of the continuous assessment: 20% for seminars, 20% for evidence-based case studies, 10% for midterm exam and 50% for final exam.


There will be 3 seminars during the course (check the timetable available in February on the course). The activities will consist of a list of questions and exercises related to the previous lectures. There will be activities in the Moodle (Moodle Quiz) and the professor will give the deadline to submit the activity. The subject of the seminars will be related to the previous lectures and it will last approximately 60 minutes. The professor will support any group of students who ask for it. Non-delivered activities will result in zero.

The activities will average altogether to obtain the overall score of the seminars. If the student does not attend the seminars, it will result in a zero score for the missed activities.

Students can make an appointment via email to ask questions related to the seminar activities.

The overall score of the activities held during the seminars (which represents the 20% of the final qualification) will be uploaded before the final exam.


Students will be divided in groups and requested to prepare oral presentations of case studies concerning specific case studies and the application of different physical agents.

Students can make an appointment via email to request mentoring for the case studies.

Each group member will receive the same mark. The student will receive a zero in case of not attending their own group presentation or not contributing to the preparation of the presentation (as informed by the majority of group members).

Evidence-based case studies represent the 20% of the final qualification. Marks will be uploaded before the final exam.

3) MIDTERM EXAM (Moodle quiz):

It represents 10% of the final qualification.

The midterm exam will be a Moodle quiz of 20 multiple choice questions about concepts and short solving problems. Each question will have five possible answers, only one of which is correct. A penalty of 20% of its value will be deducted for each wrong question. There is no pensalisation for unanswered questions. In this exam the use of non-programmable calculator is permitted. However, no formula sheet will be allowed. A blank sheet of paper is allowed to do the exercises. Attendance will be checked via Zoom.


It represents a 50% of the final qualification.

A minimum score of 4.5 is required to obtain the weighted average score, which includes the final exam, midterm exam, seminars and case studies. This average will be the overall score of the subject.

Students who score less than 4.5 on the final exam will not be able to count the continuous assessment (seminars, evidence-based case studies and midterm exam) as part of their final mark. In this case they will have to sit the Basic Competences Exam (BCE).

The final exam has 40 multiple choice questions about concepts and short solving problems. Each question will have five possible answers, only one of which is correct. A penalty of 20% of its value will be deducted for each incorrect answer. There is no penalisation for unanswered questions.

In this exam the use of non-programmable calculator is permitted. However, no formula sheet will be allowed. The exam will last approximately 90 minutes.

If the overall score of the subject less than 5 the student will fail the subject.


Students who fail the subject will have the opportunity to sit the Basic Competences Exam (BCE). It will have a similar format of the final exam and a minimum score of 5 is required to pass it.
In this case, the scores of the continuous assessment (seminars, case study presentations and midterm exam) will be cancelled. As it is a Basic Competences Exam, students who pass it will have 5 as the overall grade in the subject.

- SPECIAL EVALUATION (NON-CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT): Students can skip all seminars, case study presentations and midterm exam, and only sit the final exam. In this case, they will NOT be continuously assessed, therefore 100% of their mark will correspond to the final exam. The minimum mark to pass the exam is 5/10.

Students must choose the most suitable option and inform their final decision by sending an email to the lecturers within the first 2 weeks of the course.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students who do not attend an evaluation or not deliver an activity will be marked with a zero for the corresponding evaluation component.

Avaluació única:
For students who opt for the Special Evaluation (non-continuous assessment), the final examy will account as 100% of the final mark.
A minimum mark of 5 is required to pass the exam. In case of scoring less than 5, the student will be required to sit the BCE.
Please note that the decision for taking the Special Evaluation must be informed to the professor by email within the first 2 weeks of the course.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
For students in the Normal Evaluation (continuous assessment), it is required a minimum qualification of 4.5 on the Final Exam in order to pass the subject.
For students opting for the Special Evaluation (non-continuous assessment), it is required a minimum qualification of 5 on the Final Exam in order to pass the subject.
For all students sitting the BCE, a minimum qualification of 5 is required to pass the subject.


The lecturer will be available for mentoring upon previous request via Moodle chat or email.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Students must contact the lecturers via Moodle chat or email.


Learning outcomes:

- To understand the principles and theories of physical agents and their applications in Physiotherapy.
- To learn the principles of electrophysiology and the main applications in Physiotherapy.
- To predict the physiological and structural changes that occur as a result of the application of physical agents in the human body.
- To design and apply intervention procedures using different therapeutic modalities: Diathermy, Ultrasounds, Electrotherapy, Magnetotherapy, Hydrotherapy, and Thermotherapy.

NB: Reading the recommended bibliography and practising the exercises are essential tools to succeed in this subject.

Enjoy the learning process!

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
SCENARIO I. In person: No changes.

SCENARIO IV. Confinement: Videolectures will be recorded and uploaded to Moodle.
PHYSICS FIELD - No changes.
THERAPEUTIC FIELD - Evidence-based case studies: Students will work in groups to solve case studies and prepare the presentations that will be held via video conference (Zoom).

Modificació de l'avaluació:
SCENARIO I. In person: No changes.

SCENARIO IV. Confinement: There will be no changes in the midterm exam (Moodle quiz).
The final exam will be done as a Moodle quiz, keeping the same format and weight (%) as specified in the subject outline.

Tutoria i comunicació:
SCENARIO I. In person: tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, using the Moodle forum (Announcements) and via email.

SCENARIO IV. Confinement: Any tutorial will be conducted via Zoom or Moodle chat throughout the course. Communication and interaction with the students will be conducted virtually, through the Moodle forum (Announcements), video-conferencing means (e.g. Zoom) and email.

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