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Curs acadèmic:
We explore the aspects of graphic design within two-dimensional and three-dimensional projects. An introduction to project methodology and creative strategy. The mechanisms, nature and perspectives of graphic design. An analysis of projects and graphic images that surround using tools to understand the conception and practice of design. Definition and boundaries of graphic design. History of graphic design. Analysis of design projects. Digital image processing. Vector graphics.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Jose Luis Corazon Ardura  / Marina Juanet Casulleras  / Carolina Trebol Paillisse
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup B

Jose Luis Corazon Ardura  / Marina Juanet Casulleras  / Carolina Trebol Paillisse
Idioma de les classes:


  • B6. Seleccionar i utilitzar les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades a cada situació, en els àmbits personal i professional.
  • B7. Expressar-se en anglès oralment i per escrit a nivell equivalent del B2 d'acord amb els estàndards del marc europeu de referència.
  • B10. Desenvolupar la capacitat d'anàlisi, de síntesi i de judici crític, identificant i argumentant les causes i el context
  • E1. Aprendre els conceptes bàsics de la comunicació audiovisual i multimèdia
  • E7. Aplicar el programari audiovisual i multimèdia


1. Definition of design

          1.1. What is design?

          1.2. Design definitions

          1.3. Design boundaries

2. Design theory

          2.1. Design: Social transformer or economic dynamizer

          2.2. Design and technology

          2.3. Design and culture

          2.4. Graphic design and communication

          2.5. The role of design in society

          2.6. Design: art, trade, culture or advertising?

3. History of design

          3.1. From crafts to design

          3.2. Industrial Revolution and the "Arts and Crafts" movement

          3.3. Bauhaus School

          3.4. Avant-garde of the inter-war period

          3.5. The 70's

          3.6. Postmodernism

          3.7. Formalism and functionalism

4. Design areas

          4.1. Editorial

          4.2. Advertising

          4.3. Graphic identity

          4.4. Infographics

          4.5. Multimedia

          4.6. Environmental

          4.7. Signage

          4.8. Packaging

5. Basic elements of design

          5.1. Typography

          5.2. Color theory

          5.3. Image

          5.4. Grids and visual composition

          5.5. Visual perception

6. Grammar and rhetoric of design

          6.1. Visual perception

          6.2. Rhetoric and discourse

7. Methodology process

          7.1. Methods and analysis

          7.2. Creativity methods

8. Analysis and design critique

          8.1. Case studies

          8.2. Debate

9. Drawing vector objects

          9.1. Creation and edition of layouts

          9.2. Image vectorization

          9.3. Path effects

          9.4. Simplifying shapes

10. Color

          10.1. Color guides

          10.2. Color mode

11. Editing text

          11.1. Composing text

          11.2. Grid Systems and organizing type

12. Image processing

          12.1. Layers, fusion, filters, text and basic shapes

          12.2. Actions and automated tools

          12.3. Retouching and photomontage

          12.4. Save for web / Printing

13. 2D character design workshop

14. Lettering workshop

15. Poster design workshop

16. Logo workshop

17. Branding and corporate identity workshop

18. Photography retouch workshop

19. Illustration portrait workshop

20. Prepress workshop

21. User interface workshop

22. Art direction workshop


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Altres 7,00 5,00 0 12,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 40,00 60,00 0 100,00
Exposició dels estudiants 25,00 70,00 0 95,00
Prova d'avaluació 6,00 0 0 6,00
Resolució d'exercicis 12,00 0 0 12,00
Total 90,00 135,00 0 225


  • Eye magazine. The International Review of Graphic Design. Recuperat , a
  • Graffica. Grà Recuperat , a
  • Robin Kinross (1987). Black Art. Recuperat , a
  • Satué Llop, Enric. (1987). El Disseny gràfic a Catalunya. Sant Cugat del Vallès: Amelia Romero. Catàleg
  • Wong, Wucius (1987). Principles of color: designing in color. Wiley & Sons.
  • Livingston, A., Livingston, I. (1992). Dictionary of Grahic design and designers. Thames and Hudson.
  • Satué, E. (1997). El diseño gráfico en España. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
  • Müller Brockmann, J. (1998). Historia de la comunicación visual. Mexico: Gustavo Gili.
  • Apeloig, Philippe (2001). Au Coeur du Mot (Inside the Word). Lars Müller Publishers.
  • Chaves, Norberto (2001). El oficio de diseñar.. Gustavo Gili.
  • Martin, J.L. , Mas, M. (2001). Manual de tipografía del plomo a la era digital. Valencia: Campgràfic.
  • Wong, Wucius (2001). Principios del diseño en color: diseñar con colores. Gustavo Gili.
  • ROM, J. (2002). Els fonaments del disseny gràfic. Procés projectual i metodologia. Barcelona: Papers d’estudi. Editorial Trípodos.
  • Arnheim, Rudolph (2004). Art and visual perception visual: A psychology of the creative eye. University of California Press.
  • Samar, Timothy (2004). Diseñar con y sin retícula. Gustavo Gili.
  • Papanek, V. (2004). Textos entorno a un diseñador crítico. Barcelona: Pol·len edicions. Monográfica.
  • Heller, Eva. (2004). Psicología del color :. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili. Catàleg
  • Kimberly, Elam (2005). Grid Systems: Principles of Organizing Type. Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Kane, John (2006). Manual de tipografía. Gustavo Gili.
  • Lupton, Ellen; Cole Jeniffer (2009). Graphic design. The new basics. Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Jardí, Enric (2007). Veintidós consejos sobre tipografía, que algunos diseñadores jamás revelarán. Barcelona: Actar.
  • Terry Lee Stone (2010). Managing the design process. Concept development. Rocksport Publishers.
  • Garfeld, Simon (2010). Just my type. A book about fonts. Profile books.
  • Lupton, Ellen (2010). Thinking with Type. Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Alberts, Josef (2013). Interaction of Color. Yale University Press.
  • Blackwell, Lewis (2013). Twentieth century type and beyond. Lawrence King Publishing.
  • Ambrose, Gavin Harris, Paul (2015). Bases del diseño. Color. Parramón.
  • Ambrose, Gavin Harris, Paul (2015). Bases del diseño. Imagen. Parramón.
  • Ambrose, Gavin Harris, Paul (2015). Bases del diseño. Layout. Parramón.
  • Rodríguez Valero, D. (2016). Manual de tipografía digital. Valencia: Campgrafic.
  • Kessels, Erik (2016). ¡Qué desastre! Cómo convertir errores épicos en éxitos creativos. Phaidon press limited, Londres.
  • Qu, Yehua (2019). Layout design. Diseño rompedor y de vanguardia. Parramón.
  • Ambrose, Gavin Harris, Paul (2015). Bases del diseño. Tipografía. Parramón.
  • Días, R., Oliveira, R., Martina, F., Dantas, R. (2019). Making a book. The book block. Industrial bookbinding tecniques. Grafica Maiadouro. Itemzero.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Practical projects Solving practical design projects
Creative ideas and methodology process
Good quality graphics and correct grammar
30 No
Graphic design projects The student will develop projects and show knowledge of the related subjects and previous contents, obtaining an incremental evaluation 30 No
Co-evaluation The students self-evaluate themselves and the rest of their classmates 5 No
Theoretical exam Individual exam of knowledge about the contents
Those exams with a grade below 4 will not be accepted as an integral part of any calculation. The grade must be superior in order to pass
25 No
Practical exam Students must prove technical skills of the software used in the subject 10 No


60 % Practical design projects
35 % Exams
5 % Co-evaluation

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students who do not participate in half of the exams and delivery of projects may be classified as Not presented.

Avaluació única:
The learning strategies and skills of this subject involve a continuous work of progressive evaluation. Students obtain feedback on their achievements through continuous assessment.
The assessment on the tasks are designed to get a progressive knowledge.
Students will achieve and consolidate their skills.
Solving practical design projects with contents quality and correct grammar.
Demonstrate creativity and methodology process.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
The subject, must obtain minimum qualification of 5.0


According to the official tutoring schedule of the ERAM university school.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Moodle internal messaging system and email. A virtual classroom will be used when appropriate for health and social distancing reasons.


It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the educational license of Adobe software (Photoshop and Illustrator) to continue the development of the course. Otherwise, you can use the computers of ERAM laboratory.

Assignatures recomanades

  • A-Creació d'empreses
  • A-Cultura i pensament
  • A-Direcció de projectes transmedia
  • A-Disseny interactiu
  • A-Estètica i teoria de l'art
  • A-Fonaments de la multimedia
  • A-Fotografia
  • A-Fotografia creativa
  • A-Màrqueting
  • A-Projecte creatiu
  • A-Projecte transmedia: Eines
  • A-Projecte transmedia: Expressió
  • A-Projecte transmedia: idea
  • A-Projectes de disseny gràfic
  • A-Seminaris complementaris
  • A-Taller de generació d'idees
  • A-Teoria i anàlisi de la imatge

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