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Bachelor's degree in Agri-food Engineering

Bachelor's degree in Agri-food Engineering

Academic year 2023-2024

The Bachelor's degree in Agri-food Engineering studies the branch of engineering dedicated to producing foods. There are two majors: farm exploitation (agriculture and stockbreeding) and agricultural and food industries (food processing industries).

General information

General information

Name of the course:
Bachelor's degree in Agri-food Engineering
Branch of knowledge:
Engineering and architecture
4 years
European credits:
What qualifications can lead to:

Graduate in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Girona

Teaching institution:
Polytechnic School
Indicative number of places:
Last admission mark:

Grades required for the June 2023 examination call

Approx. price for the first year:
See How much does it costs to study at the University of Girona?
Valid report:
Report (2009)
Other information:
Monitoring indicators

It's useful to know

The agri-food sector is the leading industry sector in Catalonia and plays a key role in the Catalan economy and in the future of industry here. Having healthy, quality foods is vital for society. The agri-food engineer is the person who acts on the design, management and production of these foodstuffs.

Graduates of the bachelor’s degree in Agri-food Engineering are engineers, fully capable of designing and planning: they are the only professionals in the sector with a comprehensive knowledge of food production in every aspect involved in the production process: processes, infrastructures, facilities, raw materials, economy, energy, environment, quality, etc.

Image of the process Production -> Food industry -> Marketing

These studies offer two specialities: farm exploitation (specialisation in the primary sector) and agricultural and food industries (specialisation in the secondary sector).

Graph of the two specialisations within the degree

There is a high demand for such graduates: the food industry is extremely strong in our region (in fact, it is the strongest sector in Catalonia), whereas the agriculture sector is strategic, given that it is the supplier of food raw materials.

The course maintains strong link with the business world: we are continuously in touch with companies, we organize visits and establish work placements in companies of the sector with the stays in the work environment.

Logos of companies in the sector

And not only this: apart from foods there is other areas of work we also perform: design of sport fields, gardens and landscape gardening, environmental management, energy efficiency, biotechnology...

Finally, these studies have professional attributes recognised by the Spanish State (Act 12/1986); this means that there is work that an engineer will be able to do but which other types of professionals in the same field will not. It is an important advantage in the world of work. Obviously, graduates will also be able to perform all activities related to the sector that do not require regulated attributes.

Studies for the Bachelor's degree in Agri-food Engineering, in its farm exploitation pathway, enable students to obtain the degree that qualifies them to work as an advisor in Integrated Pest Management (GIP) according to Spanish Royal Decree 1311/2012. This Royal Decree establishes the obligation to complete 12 credits in subject areas covering plant protection for the purposes of obtaining this degree, a condition that can be achieved depending on the optional subjects chosen by the student. The Observations section in each subject outline specifies the credits valid to this end.

These very studies provide skills for exercising technical responsibility for treatments with biocide products in accordance with the Royal Decree 830/2010, of 25 June, and the “guidance document for the recognition of university degrees for exercising the technical responsibility of biocide services” from the Ministry of Health.


Access requirements

Upper secondary school education
Access: university entrance examinations (PAU), general stage. Admission: weighting of subjects examined in university entrance exam (PAU) linked to the branch of knowledge of Engineering and Architecture.
Higher level training cycles (CFGS).
Access: all CFGS. Admission: weighting of subjects examined in university entrance exam (PAU) linked to the branch of knowledge of Engineering and Architecture.
Over 25 years old
Preferential option in successful entrance exam: Engineering and Architecture.
Over 40 years old
Assessment of professional experience relating to the bachelor's degree that the applicant wishes to be admitted to and sufficient interview outcome.
Over 45 years old
Entrance exam passed and favourable interview outcome.
Special types of access recognised under current regulations .

Another information on access

Pre-enrolment code:
Weighting parameters of the subjects in the specific phase of the PAU
Validated credit transfer from higher level training cycles
Validated subjects and credit transfers from higher level vocational training cycles


You will be an engineer.An engineer is dedicated to applying scientific knowledge to find solutions for real technical problems. In our case, we are the engineers of processes involving living beings. Our qualification uses engineering knowledge (such as the construction or design of facilities) applied to food production (plants, animals and their derivatives; in short, biological materials) in a way that respects the environment (sustainability) and with an objective of profitability (economy).

You will be able to:

  • Plan from scratch a food business (moving earth, foundations, structure, facilities and production lines), an agricultural installation (such as an irrigation system or a farm) or a garden or sports field, directing works, conducting technical reports, etc.
  • Being a food-industry manager or technician in several areas, such as a quality-control manager, production manager, logistics lead, environmental manager, R+D and so on.
  • Be a manager or technician of agricultural cooperatives or auxiliary companies (fertilisers, seeds, additives, phytosanitary, machinery, etc.).
  • Be a technical advisor of agricultural and farming exploitations, plant defence groups, communities of irrigators, associations and agricultural unions, etc.
  • Be an expert in agricultural appraisals and valuations. 
  • Accessing the technical body of the public authorities (in agricultural, food or environment bodies, among other things).
  • Accessing the technical body of the public authorities (in agricultural, food or environment bodies, among other things).
  • Be a researcher in public or private centres and bodies (normally after having completed academic training through a master's degree or doctoral degree).
  • Be a business owner (creating your own company).

These studies offer you a great future: in 2012, Forbes magazine, one of the American publications best known for topics relating to economics and finance, included agricultural engineering in the list of the 10 university qualifications with the best 10-year future. The next years are expected to see a reduction in the global area available for crops, as well as an increase in food prices. At the same time, rich countries will ask for healthier and better products. According to Forbes magazine, all this will ensure jobs for professionals with the know-how for responding to such global needs.

Continue studying

This degree gives you access to the master in Food Biotechnology or any of the technological and scientific master's degrees. If you want to continue in the field of research, you can access the doctoral programme in Technology.


Curriculum Subjects offered for 2023-2024

Mathematics18.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Matemàtiques 1Matemáticas 1Mathematics 1  (3105G06001)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Matemàtiques 2Matemáticas 2Mathematics 2  (3105G06002)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Estadística i informàticaEstadística e informáticaStatistics and Computer Science  (3105G06003)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Physics12.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Física 1Física 1Physics 1  (3105G06004)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Física 2Física 2Physics 2  (3105G06005)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Chemistry6.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

QuímicaQuímicaChemistry  (3105G06053)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Graphic Expression6.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Expressió GràficaExpresión GráficaTechnical Drawing  (3105G06054)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Business6.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

EmpresaEmpresaBusiness  (3105G06055)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Biology6.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

BiologiaBiologíaBiology  (3105G06056)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Geology6.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Geologia, edafologia i climatologiaGeología, edafología y climatologíaGeology, Edaphology and Climatology  (3105G06006)

BBasic 6.00 SSemester long YES

Technological bases of plant production12.00 credits

Technological bases of animal production6.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Bases tecnològiques de la producció animalBases tecnológicas de la producción animalTechnological Bases of Animal Production  (3105G06057)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Science and technology of the environment12.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Ecologia i enginyeria ambientalEcología e ingeniería ambientalEcology and Environmental Engineering  (3105G06009)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Anàlisi agroalimentària i ambientalAnálisis agroalimentario y ambientalAgrifood and Environmental Analysis  (3105G06010)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Engineering of the rural environment24.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Topografia i SIGTopografía y SIGTopography and GIS  (3105G06011)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

EstructuresEstructurasStructures  (3105G06012)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Hidràulica i ElectrotècniaHidráulica y ElectrotecniaHydraulics and Electrotechnics  (3105G06013)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

ProjectesProyectosProjects  (3105G06014)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Agricultural Economy6.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Comercialització i valoració agroalimentàriaComercialización y valoración agroalimentariaAgri-food marketing and valuation   (3105G06015)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

It is necessary to pass 1 of the following modules

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Fisiologia i genètica animalFisiología y genética animalAnimal Physiology and Genetics   (3105G06016)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Alimentació animalAlimentación animalAnimal Nutrition  (3105G06017)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

FitotècniaFitotecniaPhytotechnics  (3105G06018)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Protecció vegetalProtección vegetalPlant Protection  (3105G06019)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Cultius herbacisCultivos herbáceosArable Crops  (3105G06020)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Construccions i instal·lacions agropecuàriesConstrucciones e instalaciones agropecuariasMixed Farm Constructions and Installations  (3105G06021)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Maquinària agrícolaMaquinaria agrícolaAgricultural Machinery  (3105G06022)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

RegsRiegosIrrigation  (3105G06023)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Política agrària i desenvolupament ruralPolítica agraria y desarrollo ruralAgricultural Politics and Rural Development  (3105G06024)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Operacions bàsiques d'aliments 1Operaciones básicas de alimentos 1Basic Food Operations 1  (3105G06035)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Operacions bàsiques d'aliments 2Operaciones básicas de alimentos 2Basic Food Operations 2  (3105G06036)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Tecnologia de processos en les agroindústriesTecnología de procesos en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Process Technology  (3105G06037)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Gestió de la qualitat i seguretat alimentàriaGestión de la calidad y seguridad alimentariaFood Quality and Safety Management  (3105G06038)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Bioquímica dels alimentsBioquímica de los alimentosFood Biochemistry  (3105G06039)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Enginyeria i disseny de les agroindústriesIngeniería y diseño de las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Engineering and Design  (3105G06040)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Automatització i control de processos en les agroindústriesAutomatización y control de procesos en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Automation and Process Control  (3105G06041)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Construccions i instal·lacions agroindustrialsConstrucciones e instalaciones agroindustrialesAgro-Industrial Constructions and Installations  (3105G06042)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Microbiologia dels alimentsMicrobiología de los alimentosFood Microbiology  (3105G06043)

OBCompulsory 6.00 SSemester long YES

Optional modules 15.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Producció integrada i ecològicaProducción integrada y ecológicaIntegrated and Organic Agricultural Production  (3105G06025)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Producció de fruiters i viversProducción de frutales y viverosFruit Production and Nurseries  (3105G06026)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Producció de monogàstricsProducción de monogástricosMonogastric Production  (3105G06028)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Producció de remugantsProducción de rumiantesRuminant Production  (3105G06029)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Jardineria i camps esportiusJardinería y campos deportivosGardening and Sports Fields  (3105G06032)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Projectes de restauració ambiental i paisatgísticaProyectos de restauración ambiental y paisajísticaEnvironmental and Landscape Restoration Projects  (3105G06033)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Pràctiques en empresaPráctica en empresaPractical Work Placement  (3105G06034)

OPOptional 15.00 SSemester long YES

Enologia i indústries derivadesEnología e industrias derivadasOenology and Related Industries  (3105G06044)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries hortofructícolesIndustrias horto-frutícolasFruit and Vegetable Industries  (3105G06046)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries làcties i d'ovoproductesIndustrias lácticas y de ovoproductosDairy and Egg Industries  (3105G06049)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries de l'oli i la farina Industrias del aceite y la harina Oil and Flour Industries   (3105G10031)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries càrnies Industrias cárnicasMeat industries  (3105G10032)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Productes de la pesca i plats preparatsProductos de la pesca y platos preparadosFish and Ready Meal  (3105G10033)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Producció hortícolaProducción hortícolaVegetable Production  (3105G06027)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Produccions ramaderes alternativesProducciones ganaderas alternativasAlternative Livestock Production  (3105G06030)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Avaluació i gestió de sòlsEvaluación y gestión de suelosSoil Testing and Management   (3105G06031)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Indústries de l'oli i greixosIndustrias del aceite y grasasOil and Fats Industries  (3105G06045)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Indústries càrnies 1Industrias cárnicas 1Meat Industries 1  (3105G06047)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Indústries càrnies 2Industrias cárnicas 2Meat Industries 2  (3105G06048)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Tractaments de residus a les agroindústriesTratamientos de residuos en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Waste Treatment  (3105G06050)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Tractaments d'aigües residuals a les agroindústriesTratamientos de aguas residuales en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Wastewater Treatment  (3105G06051)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Gestió energètica a les agroindústriesGestión energética en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Energy Management  (3105G06052)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Bachelor’s thesis 15 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Projecte fi de grauProyecto final de gradoFinal Degree Project  (3105G06058)

OBCompulsory 15.00 SSemester long YES

It is necessary to pass 1 of the following modules

Optional subjects for the module on technology specific to farm exploitations
30.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Pràctiques en empresaPráctica en empresaPractical Work Placement  (3105G06034)

OPOptional 15.00 SSemester long YES

Enologia i indústries derivadesEnología e industrias derivadasOenology and Related Industries  (3105G06044)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries hortofructícolesIndustrias horto-frutícolasFruit and Vegetable Industries  (3105G06046)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries làcties i d'ovoproductesIndustrias lácticas y de ovoproductosDairy and Egg Industries  (3105G06049)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries de l'oli i la farina Industrias del aceite y la harina Oil and Flour Industries   (3105G10031)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries càrnies Industrias cárnicasMeat industries  (3105G10032)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Productes de la pesca i plats preparatsProductos de la pesca y platos preparadosFish and Ready Meal  (3105G10033)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries de l'oli i greixosIndustrias del aceite y grasasOil and Fats Industries  (3105G06045)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Indústries càrnies 1Industrias cárnicas 1Meat Industries 1  (3105G06047)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Indústries càrnies 2Industrias cárnicas 2Meat Industries 2  (3105G06048)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Tractaments de residus a les agroindústriesTratamientos de residuos en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Waste Treatment  (3105G06050)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Tractaments d'aigües residuals a les agroindústriesTratamientos de aguas residuales en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Wastewater Treatment  (3105G06051)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Gestió energètica a les agroindústriesGestión energética en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Energy Management  (3105G06052)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Optional modules + academic transfer51.00 credits

Name of subject Type Credits Duration Offer for 2023-2024

Producció integrada i ecològicaProducción integrada y ecológicaIntegrated and Organic Agricultural Production  (3105G06025)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Producció de fruiters i viversProducción de frutales y viverosFruit Production and Nurseries  (3105G06026)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Producció de monogàstricsProducción de monogástricosMonogastric Production  (3105G06028)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Producció de remugantsProducción de rumiantesRuminant Production  (3105G06029)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Jardineria i camps esportiusJardinería y campos deportivosGardening and Sports Fields  (3105G06032)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Projectes de restauració ambiental i paisatgísticaProyectos de restauración ambiental y paisajísticaEnvironmental and Landscape Restoration Projects  (3105G06033)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Pràctiques en empresaPráctica en empresaPractical Work Placement  (3105G06034)

OPOptional 15.00 SSemester long YES

Enologia i indústries derivadesEnología e industrias derivadasOenology and Related Industries  (3105G06044)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries hortofructícolesIndustrias horto-frutícolasFruit and Vegetable Industries  (3105G06046)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries làcties i d'ovoproductesIndustrias lácticas y de ovoproductosDairy and Egg Industries  (3105G06049)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries de l'oli i la farina Industrias del aceite y la harina Oil and Flour Industries   (3105G10031)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Indústries càrnies Industrias cárnicasMeat industries  (3105G10032)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Productes de la pesca i plats preparatsProductos de la pesca y platos preparadosFish and Ready Meal  (3105G10033)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long YES

Producció hortícolaProducción hortícolaVegetable Production  (3105G06027)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Produccions ramaderes alternativesProducciones ganaderas alternativasAlternative Livestock Production  (3105G06030)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Avaluació i gestió de sòlsEvaluación y gestión de suelosSoil Testing and Management   (3105G06031)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Indústries de l'oli i greixosIndustrias del aceite y grasasOil and Fats Industries  (3105G06045)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Indústries càrnies 1Industrias cárnicas 1Meat Industries 1  (3105G06047)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Indústries càrnies 2Industrias cárnicas 2Meat Industries 2  (3105G06048)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Tractaments de residus a les agroindústriesTratamientos de residuos en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Waste Treatment  (3105G06050)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Tractaments d'aigües residuals a les agroindústriesTratamientos de aguas residuales en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Wastewater Treatment  (3105G06051)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Gestió energètica a les agroindústriesGestión energética en las agroindustriasAgro-Industrial Energy Management  (3105G06052)

OPOptional 5.00 SSemester long Not

Calendar and timetables

Through the following links you can access the calendars and timetables that correspond to this bachelor's degree.

The academic calendar marks the beginning and end of classes, non-teaching days, holidays, exam periods, and so on. The administrative calendar marks the periods to make the different formalities administrative.


It puts special emphasis on practical classes. All the subjects have assigned practicals, of various types depending on their respective specific training requirements. The different types of practicals include:

  • The Polytechnic School’s laboratory and technology-plant practicals.
  • Field practicals (in the PS's experimental land plot or Girona's Agrifood Campus).
  • Practicals in the computer room.
  • Visits to companies.

Laboratory practicals 1 Laboratory practicals 2
Photographs of lab practicals (@Roger Lleixà)

Visit to the San Miguel brewery Visit to the RCD Espanyol stadium
Photographs of technical visits to the San Miguel brewery and RCD Espanyol stadium

Even though these types of practicals are very common in the PS’s various degrees, the field ones and technology-plant ones are exclusive to the agrifood degree. Apart from that, the Bachelor's Degree in Agrifood Engineering (BAE) involves more visits to companies, given its aim to foster direct contact between students and the reality of our environment's productive sector.

It is with this very philosophy that the BAE encourages students to carry out placements in real companies (known as “work placements”) with the aim of applying and complementing the acquired training, giving students access to the professional reality they are working and developing their skills in, to increase their chances of entering the job market.

Bachelor's thesis

Before they can obtain their degree, BAE students have to complete a bachelor's thesis (TFG) that applies, integrates and develops the expertise, capacities, competencies and skills acquired during their studies. This work can be, for example, an engineering project or research work.


One of the main features of current university education is the importance placed on the international aspect. This is possible thanks to the institutional relations established and regulated under agreements and to the mobility and exchange programmes, as well as the grant programmes and specific existing grants supporting such activity (including grants for people with special needs).

At the University of Girona, all these elements are managed from the Office of External Relations (ORE). The ORE is the University's administrative service responsible for programmes such as ERASMUS and SICUE that cover an extensive range of options and countries. By extension, it is also the administrative unit responsible for receiving participants in these programmes from other universities. The head of the ORE is also in charge of accommodation at the UdG which is an external service, despite being part of the student-reception programme.


First year enrolment


Once the Catalan government has allocated you your place, you will receive an email from the UdG with your user code and a link for setting your password, as well as links to online enrolment applications and information on enrolling on your bachelor's degree studies. If you do not receive the message, fill in and send the user-account application form for newly admitted students for the academic year.


Use the link provided in the message to set your password. The user code and the password make up your digital identity as a UdG student and will allow you to access the university's online services.


Use your user code and password to access the online enrolment and check the enrolment period assigned to you. If the period has already started, the application will inform you that you can start your enrolment.


Click on the Grants and allowances tab. If you are entitled to any discounts that are not recognised, you will have the option to start the recognition procedure by pressing the corresponding "Request” button and attaching scans of the necessary documentation. Your school’s secretary's office will validate the documents so that, where appropriate, you can enjoy the corresponding discount on your enrolment or free enrolment.


Review the enrolment information on your bachelor's-degree studies and see the Basic Guide for online enrolment on first-year bachelor's-degree studies.


Formalise your online enrolment following the guide's instructions. If you have queries, contact the secretary’s office at your teaching institution. Remember you must enrol before the deadline provided for, otherwise, you will lose your place.

Check the subjects for which you can enrol in the section Subjects > Available subjects 2023-2024 of the website for your bachelor's degree studies.
Consult the enrolment fees and deductions available to you.
You can pay the enrolment fee in full, in two or three instalments or in monthly instalments. See the terms and conditions in the Enrolment Regulations.
If you have applied for the MEFP general scholarship and you meet the academic requirements established in the call for applications, you will be able to enrol without paying the public fees (subject to the subsequent award of the scholarship).
Third language
If your degree course requires a level of knowledge of a third language to obtain the qualification and you already have a recognised certificate of this level or higher, we recommend that you present it together with the rest of the documentation required for the first enrolment. Check the Regulations about a third language.
If you are under 28 years old, you are obliged to take out compulsory school insurance for €1.12 per year. If you are over 28 years old, you will be covered by a compulsory accident insurance for 6.65 euros per course. Further information on the Insurance policies page.
Bear in mind that if you do not pass a minimum of 30 credits in the first two years, you will not be able to continue the same course at the UdG. Check the Rules for staying.

Spanish nationals do not need to produce their national ID (DNI) unless they opposed the University of Girona's collection of personal data during their online enrolment (see the guide for online enrolment).

If you are a national of a EU member state, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or Andorra, you will need to present a valid ID or passport from your country of origin.

Otherwise you will preferably need to present a valid foreign-national identification care (TIE) or passport if do you not have a TIE.

You will need to attach a scanned copy of the document through the corresponding online procedure and present the original in person at the academic secretary’s office.

For online submissions you can use “Application to the administration” procedure in the online procedures section of the Virtual Secretary’s Office, preferably, or (with digital certificate) the UdG’s e-register.

You have until the 21 November to submit the document.
Admission documents
If you have been admitted to the UdG through university pre-enrolment, from PAU, CFGS, admission exams for individuals over the age of 25, 40 or 45 or university degree obtained from the UdG, you will not need to produce any documents.

If you have been admitted to the UdG through university pre-enrolment, from a university degree completed at another university, you will need to forward a copy of your degree online (e-degree or authenticated digital copy of the degree) or provisional degree certificate (with digital signature and CSV), or produce the original in person at the academic secretary's office.

If you have been admitted to the UdG through academic record transfer or university pre-enrolment from a university degree started at another university, you will have to send proof, online, of payment, of your transfer fees, signed electronically and with SVC, or present the original in person at the secretary’s academic office.

For online submissions of documents, you can use “Application to the administration” procedure in the online procedures section of the Virtual Secretary’s Office, preferably, or (with digital certificate) the UdG’s e-register.

You have until the 21 November to submit the documents.
Allowances and exemptions
Before you register, review the self-enrolment’s "Grants and allowances" tab. If you are entitled to allowances that are recorded as accredited and are valid on the date of the start of the academic year (12 September), you will not need to produce any documents.

If you are entitled to allowances that are not recorded as accredited, you can start the accreditation procedure by clicking on the corresponding "Request" button, and uploading the necessary documents there for applying the corresponding enrolment discount or payment exemption.

You can also use the “Document Accreditation” procedure from the online procedures section of the Virtual Secretary’s Office, preferably (with digital certificate) the electronic register of the UdG, or to produce the documents in person at the academic secretary's office.

If your documents are currently being processed or pending renewal, you will not be eligible for the enrolment-fee discount, but presentations of updated documents will be accepted up to 31 December for subsequently regularising your situation.
Further information from the Allowances and Loans page.
Bank details
If you are not the holder of the bank account from which the registration fee will be paid by direct debit, you must submit the completed bank details notification/ modification form and proof of identification for the account holder.

For online submissions of documents you will have to use the “Communicating or amending bank details” procedure in the online procedures section of the Virtual Secretary’s Office, preferably, or (with digital certificate) the UdG’s e-register.

These documents will have to be produced within a period of 10 work days as from the date of enrolment.
Enrolment application (only for face-to-face enrolment)
If you not enrol online (online enrolment), you will have to fill in an enrolment-application document for the teaching centre. The centre itself will provide you with the document and which you will have submit duly filled in and signed on the day of enrolment.
After you have enrolled, you will need to produce a personal photograph through the La meva UdG intranet (Staff > digital Identity), in accordance with the instructions provided on the same webpage.
Note: accreditation by electronic means is not definitive, except in the case of original electronic documents or authentic electronic copies. The UdG reserves the right to request the corresponding physical documentation at a later date.

Online enrolment


  • Octavi Creus Nolla

    Founder of Octavi Creus Enginy S.L.

    “I work as an advisor for golf and pitch & putt courses in Catalonia and Italy. As a professional hobby, I collaborate with architects on landscaping tasks. I chose my degree according to the type of work I wanted to do, and studying at the UdG was the final push to achieving it”.

    Octavi Creus Nolla
  • Martí Espigulé Vallmajó

    Girona Fruits, SCCL, field and grant management technician.

    “Studying this type of engineering has opened up the world of farming in a way I could never have imagined.”

    Martí Espigulé Vallmajó
  • Celestí Macias Llombart

    Own professional practice and La Sanera de Bolvir exploitation partner.

    “My education in agricultural engineering opens up new opportunities for me every day.”

    Celestí Macias Llombart
  • Xevi Salvi

    Agrosalvi SL - Espais Verds, technical and commercial head.

    “Studying this kind of engineering at the UdG has helped me a lot to go for everything and not to find any door closed to me in the agricultural and green spaces sector. And, above all, it helped me to acquire the habit of ongoing training, something that is becoming increasingly necessary in this world if you want to stay in game.”

    Xevi Salvi
  • Pepita Cordonet Gou

    Meats and Cold Meats Jordi Vilarrasa, technician.

    “These studies have allowed me to gain all the necessary knowledge to manage the company."

    Pepita Cordonet Gou
  • Montse Bassas Galià

    Agricamp, technical advisor on extensive crops.

    “Despite an uncertain start, in the end you realise how many doors to the job market this degree opens. I chose to learn about technical advice on extensive crops, pesticides and seeds.”

    Montse Bassas Galià

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