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Curs acadèmic:
Crear, gestionar i monitoritzar la imatge, marca i reputació d’una ciutat.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup 4A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Natàlia Ferrer Roca
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 3. Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge i elaborar estratègies per a la seva millora
  • CG.6. Analitzar els fets a partir d'una guia externa, identificant les causes i expressant l'opinió personal de forma sintètica
  • CE.2. Gestionar estratègicament la comunicació
  • 23. Utilitzar tècniques, mètodes i models bàsics de les disciplines turístiques
  • CE.13. Diferenciar i utilitzar tots els elements visibles i no visibles que constitueixen una Imatge


1. Introduction to the concepts of image, brand and reputation management of cities.

2. The five steps to create and implement a good image and brand strategy in different cities.

3. The most common problems when creating a city image and brand strategy.

4. The usefulness of a good image and city brand strategy to attract tourism, investment and talent.

5. Quality, innovation, positioning and internationalization: Case studies on how to apply a successful city image and brand strategy around the world.

6. City reputation management: Definition, characteristics and monitoring.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Exposició dels estudiants 3,00 9,00 12,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 0 12,00 12,00
Sessió participativa 15,00 0 15,00
Treball en equip 3,00 33,00 36,00
Total 21,00 54,00 75


  • Anholt, S. (2010). Introduction. Dins (Ed.), Places: Identity, Image and Reputation (, p. 1-8). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Anholt, S. (2010). Chapter 1: Images of place: Is this about marketing, or isn't?. Dins (Ed.), Places: Identity, Image and Reputation (, p. 9-19). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Avraham, E. (2004). Media strategies for improving an unfavourable city image. Cities, 21(6),
  • Braun, E.; Kavaratzis, M. and Zenker, S. (2013). My city - my brand: The different roles of residents in place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 6(1),
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2004). From city marketing to city branding: Towards a theoretical framework for develo. Place Branding, 1(1), 58-73
  • Lucarelli, A. and Berg, O.B. (2011). City branding: A state-of-the-art review of the research domain. Journal of Place Management and Development, 4(1), 9-27
  • Parkerson, S. and Saunders, J. (2005). City branding: Can goods and services branding models be used to brand cities?. Place Branding, 1(3), 242-264
  • Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto (2015). European Place Marketing Institute.
  • Trueman, N.; Cook, D. and Cornelius, N. (2008). Creative dimensions for branding and regeneration: Overcoming negative perceptio. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 4(1), 29-44
  • Govers, R. (2018). How we become admired (Chapter 4). Dins (Ed.), Imaginative Communities (, p. 57-73). Reputo Press.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Attendance and participation in class, tutorials and course activities
Active listening, asking thoughtful questions, show interest for the subject, respect the rest of the students 5
Reflexion Exercises Analysis, interpretation and critical thinking 25
Group project Analysis, teamworking skills, problem solving, critical thinking and decision making 50
Final presentation Positive visualization, verbal and non-verbal communication 20


A continuous evaluation criteria will be applied throughout the course following these evaluation criterion:

Attendance and participation in class: Active listening, asking thoughtful questions, show interest for the subject, respect the rest of the students

Reflexion exercises: Analysis, interpretation and critical thinking

Group project: Analysis, teamworking skills, problem solving, critical thinking and decision making

Final presentation: Positive visualization, verbal and non-verbal communication

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Qualification: it will be the sum of the four evaluation activities defined above. A student will be considered “Not presented” if s/he does not do the assessment 2 or participates in assessments 3 and 4.


Aquesta assignatura es desenvoluparà en anglès. Tenir un nivell B2 és requisit per poder cursar l’assignatura amb èxit. / This course will be taught entirely in English. It is a requirement to have at least a B2 level.

The objective of this subject is to offer an introduction on the creation, management and monitoring of the image, brand and reputation of destinations, be they cities, towns, regions, provinces, countries or nations. Destinations represent structures in constant transformation and are so complex that their image, brand and reputation cannot be created or managed by implementing standard marketing techniques used, of example, to sell toothpaste. Destinations – and cities in particular – need a different strategy to represent the always-changing reality and improve the place, not only for its citizens but also for attracting tourism, investment and talent in order to promote sustainable economic development.

Given the practical load of this subject there is continuous evaluation. Therefore, it is essential to attend class regularly. Non-attendance will prevent student’s evaluation. Since the subject is in English, all work must be also in this language. The quality of the work will be evaluated, not the level of the language. However, if the language prevents the teacher from understanding the student’s main arguments, this will impact the final grade.

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