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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Els objectius de l'assignatura són tres: en primer lloc, identificar les principals causes de l'última crisi econòmica (la Gran Recessió); en segon lloc, analitzar com els governs van reaccionar davant la Gran Recessió; finalment, comprendre com tant la crisi com la intervenció del govern han afectat a les persones, així com la forma en què les llars ha intentat fer front als efectes més negatius de la crisi.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Ramon Ballester Gonzalez  / Jackeline Raquel Velazco Portocarrero
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Construir i defensar arguments lògics a partir del coneixement i la crítica raonada d'altres propostes.
  • Comunicar arguments de manera correcta, oralment i per escrit, en les llengües oficials i en anglès.
  • Analitzar criticament les dades i la documentació econòmica legal, i saber interpretar i extreure resultats significatius i rellevants.
  • Analitzar el funcionament del sistema econòmic i ser capaç de contextualizar el paper i les funcions dels diferents agents i institucions econòmiques.
  • Contextualizar els principals processos de canvi econòmic analitzant els factors històrics, socials, institucionals i ambientals que els condicionen.
  • Utilitzar els conceptes i models econòmics per entendre i explicar la realitat econòmica que ens envolta.
  • Elaborar un discurs econòmic coherent sobre els factors ambientals, internacionals o socials que actualment incideixen en l'economia.


1. Basic tools for empirical economic analysis

2. Defining and measuring poverty, consumption and social exclusion

3. The 2008 Great Recession: causes

4. The 2008 Great Recession: government responses

5. Effects of the Great Recession on the welfare of families


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Prova d'avaluació 4,50 18,00 22,50
Sessió expositiva 4,50 8,00 12,50
Sessió participativa 34,50 60,50 95,00
Total 43,50 86,50 130


  • Sabine Israel (2016). More than Cash: Societal Influences on the Risk of Material Deprivation. Social Indicators Research, 129(),
  • Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, Joan Maya Mazelis (2017). More Unequal in Income, More Unequal in Wellbeing. Social Indicators Research, 132(),
  • Engelbert Stockhammer (2015). Rising inequality as a cause of the present crisis. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 39(3),
  • Jaejoon Woo, Elva Bova, Tidiane Kinda,and Y. Sophia Zhang (2013). Distributional Consequences of Fiscal Consolidation Role of Fiscal Policy: Data. IMF. Recuperat , a

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Topic 2 o 20
Topic 3 o 20
Topic 4 o 20
Topic 5 o 20
Short essay o 20


The course runs on a system of continuous assessment. Students must write one small essay and also sit four exams based on the four compulsory readings.

Each exam based on the readings is worth 20% of the grade for the course, the short essay is worth a remaining 20%. There is no final exam in this subject.

The small essay will be written in groups of three or four people. Some basic knowledge in statistics is needed in order to write the essay.

There is no pass mark for any of the assessment items (readings exams and small essay), but the student must get a minimum of 5 out of 10 to pass the course.

Those who have not passed the subject by the continuous evaluation system and who have obtained a minimum score of 3 out of 10 in the weighted average of the short essay and compulsory readings exams, may take the re-sit exam. Students who have a mark of less than 3 will have failed the subject.

The student is not allowed to take the re-sit exam if he/she has passed the continuous evaluation system.

The re-sit exam is worth 100% of the final grade and will cover the whole set of readings.

The final grade for students that take the re-sit exam will be five if the student passes the re-sit exam. Otherwise, he/she will eventually get the grade obtained in the continuous assessment system.

The student who, taking an evaluation activity (part-time exam, final exam, participation) is caught cheating (for example, possessing and/or using cheat sheets, notes, PowerPoint slides or mobile phones) will have a final grade of zero in the grade for February. In addition to this, we will inform the Coordination of Studies of the Faculty of Business and Economics about the inappropriate behavior of the student, in order to assess the possible opening of a disciplinary procedure.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
The "Not presented" grade involves having participated (only) in elements contained in the assessment criteria that totaled less than 50% of the total weight of the subject.


Explanations in the classroom will focus on the most important ideas contained in the four compulsory readings. In addition to this, topic 1 introduces some basic tools to be used both in the classroom as well as when writing the short essay.

The list of compulsory readings that you can find in the syllabus is provisional. The definitive list of readings will be delivered on the first day of class.

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