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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Es presentaran problemes relacionats amb la variació i el canvi en les llengües. S'analitzarà la relació entre variació sincrònica i canvi diacrònic, els fonaments del canvi i la percepció que en tenen els parlants. PAREU ATENCIÓ A AIXÒ: En aquest programa s'especifiquen les petites variacions en la manera d'agrupar els continguts de l'assignatura per temes i també en la manera de distribuir les tasques d'avaluació (vegeu cadascun del grups). L'ESTUDIANT S'HAURÀ DE MATRICULAR NOMÉS A UN DELS DOS GRUPS.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup B

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup SE

Semestral, 1r semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CTUdG01 Utilitzar la llengua anglesa
  • CTUdG02 Recollir i seleccionar informació de manera eficaç
  • CTUdG05 Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit
  • CTUdG04 Treballar en equip
  • CTUdG08 Dissenyar propostes creatives
  • CTUdG11 Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge i elaborar estratègies per millorar-los
  • E8. Aplicar l'estudi científic a l'anàlisi lingüística i literària de manera rigorosa, mitjançant l'ús dels diferents mètodes científics proposats per diferents escoles i utilitzant les eines informàtiques (bases de dades, aplicacions d'anàlisi, etc.) adients per aconseguir resultats de qualitat



2. TOPIC 1. Linguistic universals and language variation

3. TOPIC 2. On the nature of linguistic change

4. TOPIC 3. The concept of linguistic distance

5. TOPIC 4. Accent and linguistic identity

6. TOPIC 5. Stylistic variation and language change

7. _________________________________________________________


9. TOPIC 1. Introduction: Basic principles of linguistic variation and change.

10. TOPIC 2. Linguistic change: Universals of language change: Syntheticity and Analycity. Grammaticalisation. Reanalysis. Endogenous vs. Exogenous Linguistic Change.

11. TOPIC 3. Linguistic Variation: Variation. Varieties. Analysis of dialects/languages according to their societal functions. Classification by speaker/societal usage. Standard vs. Non-standard Varieties

12. TOPIC 4. Areal variation: Characteristics of geographical variation.

13. TOPIC 5. Social variation: Main features of social variation.

14. TOPIC 6. Stylistic variation: Variation concerning style and register. Written vs. Oral Speech. Formal vs. Informal Speech.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Altres 9,00 0 9,00
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 42,00 105,00 147,00
Exposició dels estudiants 0 6,15 6,15
Prova d'avaluació 66,00 49,00 115,00
Sessió pràctica 9,00 0 9,00
Treball en equip 9,00 0 9,00
Total 135,00 160,15 295,15


  • Chambers, J. K. (2002 ). The Handbook of language variation and change . Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. Catàleg
  • Coupland, Nikolas (2007 ). Style. New York: Cambridge University Press. Recuperat 04-07-2013, a Catàleg
  • Good, Jeff (2008 ). Linguistic universals and language change . New York: Oxford University Press. Catàleg
  • Nettle, Daniel (1999 ). Linguistic diversity . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Catàleg
  • Dalby, Andrew (cop. 2003 ). Language in danger : the loss of linguistic diversity andthe threat our future . New York: Columbia University Press. Catàleg
  • Badia i Margarit, Antoni M.|q(Antoni Maria) (1993 ). Atles lingüístic del domini català : qüestionari . Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Catàleg
  • Veny, Joan (1985 ). Introducció a la dialectologia catalana . Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana. Catàleg
  • Penny, Ralph (2000 ). Variation and change in Spanish . Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press. Catàleg
  • Lipski, John M (1994 ). Latin american spanish . London: Longman. Catàleg
  • Moreno Fernández, Francisco (DL 2009 ). La lengua española en su geografía . Madrid: Arco/Libros. Catàleg
  • Hughes, Arthur (1988 ). English accents and dialects : an introduction to social and regional varieties of British English (2ond. ed.). Baltimore: Edward Arnold. Catàleg
  • Trudgill, Peter (1986 ). Dialects in contact . Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
GROUP B. SECOND TERM (MONTSERRAT BATLLORI): _______________________ First individual short written assignments (125/200-word summaries) with relation to the topic previously lectured in class.
Upper-intermediate level of writing. Capacity to summarise, develop and assess arguments. Ability to analyse data critically. Evidence of relevant reading. 5
Second individual short written assignments (125/200-word
summaries) with relation to the topic previously lectured in class.
Upper-intermediate level of writing. Capacity to summarise, develop and assess arguments. Ability to analyse data critically. Evidence of relevant reading. 5
Third individual short written assignments (125/200-word
summaries) with relation to the topic previously lectured in class.
Upper-intermediate level of writing. Capacity to summarise, develop and assess arguments. Ability to analyse data critically. Evidence of relevant reading. 5
Fourth individual short written assignments (125/200-word
summaries) with relation to the topic previously lectured in class.
Upper-intermediate level of writing. Capacity to summarise, develop and assess arguments. Ability to analyse data critically. Evidence of relevant reading. 5
Fifth individual short written assignments (125/200-word
summaries) with relation to the topic previously lectured in class.
Upper-intermediate level of writing. Capacity to summarise, develop and assess arguments. Ability to analyse data critically. Evidence of relevant reading. 5
Sixth individual short written assignments (125/200-word
summaries) with relation to the topic previously lectured in class.
Upper-intermediate level of writing. Capacity to summarise, develop and assess arguments. Ability to analyse data critically. Evidence of relevant reading. 5
A 10/15-minute oral presentation Upper-intermediate level of speaking. Capacity to develop, assess and explain arguments. Evidence of relevant reading and capacity to understand relevant source materials. 20
Listening comprehension Upper-intermediate level. Capacity of understanding English speakers of different origins. 20
Final exam covering the topics developed in class Written English fluency. Capacity to write an essay. Ability to understand relevant source material. 30



This course covers the basics of the linguistic disciplines that deal with variation and change.

The main aims are

To foster an awareness of the causes and parameters of variation in languages, and of the value of studying variation for the development of linguistic theory.

To introduce the key concepts, methodologies and theories in describing linguistic variation and language change and to provide experience of the kinds of argumentation employed in interpreting empirical data.

To promote basic independent research in all aspects of language variation and change: Identify and frame a research question in the context of relevant literature and present data as evidence in support of a theoretical argument.

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

Formulate linguistically informed hypotheses and test them
Detect universal principles among diverse languages and dialects
Give simple accounts for a range of puzzling language facts
Have fun learning about human languages and linguistic theory

All reading assignments and videos are available online. There is no textbook.

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