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Curs acadèmic:
L’assignatura es presenta amb l’objectiu de facilitar a l’alumnat l’oprtunitat d’adquirir uns coneixements avançats de llengua anglesa (C1) específics pel desenvolupament del professional de fisioteràpia.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Shelagh Mary Vanderpool
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup B

Semestral, 1r semestre
Shelagh Mary Vanderpool
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Comunicar-se de mode efectiu i clar
  • Tenir capacitat de gestió d'informació
  • Treballar en equip de forma col·laborativa i responsabilitat compartida.
  • Saber organitzar i planificar el treball propi i els estudis ulteriors.
  • Conèixer i comprendre la morfologia, la fisiologia, la patologia i la conducta de les persones, tant sanes com malaltes, en el medi natural i social.
  • Conèixer i comprendre els mètodes, procediments i actuacions fisioterapèutiques, encaminats tant a la terapèutica pròpiament dita a aplicar a la clínica per a la reeducació o recuperació funcional, com a la realització d'activitats dirigides a la promoció i manteniment de la salut


1. Training and working as a physiotherapist

2. Communication skills (C1 CEF) for physiotherapy.

3. Writing (C1 CEF) for physiotherapy. Formal/informal emails. Short articles and blog posts. Reports. Academic abstracts

4. Oral presentations (C1 CEF) for physiotherapy.

5. Consolidation of English grammar and vocabulary appropropriate for C.1. Consolidation and extension of knowledge and use of the following grammar areas appropriate to C1 level. 1.1 Pronouns and adjectival forms. 1.2 Present time. Possessives. 1.3 Past time. 1.4 Future time and conditionality. 1.5 The perfect aspect – past, present; simple, continuous. 1.6 Modality – obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice. 1.7 Verb patterns. 1.8 Passive forms. 1.9 Reported speech. 1.10 Auxiliary and main verbs. 2. 2. Consolidation and expansion of knowledge of topic-based lexical/functional areas for physiotherapy appropriate to C1 level. 2.1 Physiotherapists and the Patient Encounter 2.2 The Human Skeleton 2.3 Joints and movement 2.4 Muscles and Health 2.5 Health and the Workplace 2.6 career choices in Physiotherapy. 3. 3. Development of key communicative skills appropriate to C1 level. 3.1 Developing communication strategies within a group 3.2 Constructive problem solving 3.3 Group presentation techniques and strategies 3.4 Individual presentation techniques and strategies 3.5 Project development and justification as an interactive process 3.6 ‘The long turn’ – developing and consolidating confidence when speaking in front of an audience

6. Awareness and development of a gender perspective within the context Health Sciences


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 80,00 40,00 0 120,00
Total 80,00 40,00 0 120


    Avaluació i qualificació

    Activitats d'avaluació:

    Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
    Listening exam Listening competence in English for Physiotherapy at C1 (CEF) 25
    Speaking exam Speaking competence in English for Physiotherapy at C1 (CEF) 25
    Reading exam Reading competence in English for Physiotherapy at C1 (CEF) 25
    Writting and use of English exam Writing and Use of English competence in English for Physiotherapy at C1 (CEF) 25


    The evaluation will be as follows:

    - 4 exams (listening, speaking, reading, grammar and writting) following the specific format.

    A mean minimum mark of 4 is needed to pass, a minimum mark of 4 is permited in only one part of the exams

    Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
    Students who don't complete ALL elements of evaluation are considered 'no presentat'

    Avaluació única:
    The evaluation system of EUSES -center attached to the UdG is( almost always) the continuous evaluation. If the student prefers to take a single assessment, he / she must communicate this option writing to the teacher responsible for the subject and to the degree coordinator during the first two weeks of the semester.

    Requisits mínims per aprovar:
    Per considerar superada l’assignatura, caldrà obtenir una qualificació mínima de 5.0


    Tutorials will take place either face-to-face online or in designated, appropriate classrooms.

    Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

    Communication and interaction with students will take place face-to-face and online, using Moodle, the subject forum, video calls/conferences and email.


    This course is designed to help C1 students develop their receptive and productive skills in advanced English for physiotherapist. It is an intensive course and students are expected to work both in and outside the classroom to ensure that they acquire the grammar, vocabulary, and communicative skills required for the level.

    Learning outcomes:

    - Mastering and handlling writing, understanding and dialogue fluently in the methodological and healthcare framework.
    - Acquiring the skills and abilities needed for the autonomous writing of formal scientific texts.
    - Developing the bases of critical reading of scientific texts in the health field.

    Modificació del disseny

    Modificació de les activitats:
    The course is as outlined on the contents section of the 'Disseny de l'Assignatura' page.
    Activities are based upon and follow the five main course chapters: Physiotherapists and their Patients, The Human Skeleton, Joints and Movement, Muscles and Health, Career Choices in Physiotherapy.
    Activities ingregrate the four principal language skill areas with an emphasis on communication.
    Grammar and vocabulary have been selected for its relevance to our students' linguistic/professional needs.
    Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition.
    Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
    The teaching activities will be carried out through online platforms (theoretical activities).

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