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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Developing concept, contents, design, creativity, art direction and brand identity, layout and final artwork. Development of editorial design, desktop publishing and branding projects. Visual identity systems. Strategic work and marketing, focusing on the visual embodiment of the brand identity. Build a comprehensive and cohesive system for execution; from physical size and shape constraints and varying color formats, to the file types required to perform on all media platforms.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Idioma de les classes:
Català (5%), Castellà (5%), Anglès (90%)


  • B4. Analitzar situacions complexes i dissenyar estratègies per resoldre-les, individualment i en equip.
  • B6. Seleccionar i utilitzar les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades a cada situació, en els àmbits personal i professional.
  • B8. Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge, i elaborar estratègies per millorar-los.
  • B9. Utilitzar l'enginy i la creativitat per trobar solucions adequades a problemes inèdits
  • E7. Aplicar el programari audiovisual i multimèdia
  • E8. Dissenyar solucions gràfiques d'estil propi o bé desenvolupar-les a partir de les demandes de tercers o dels requisits de mercat.


1. Eitorial design

          1.1. Layout

          1.2. Image processing

          1.3. Text processing

          1.4. Final artwork

          1.5. Art direction

2. Graphic expression

          2.1. Research

          2.2. Logotype, isotype, imagotype, isologo and symbol

          2.3. Visual language

          2.4. Graphic application and visual system

          2.5. Manual of corporate identity

3. Graphic design projects

          3.1. Editorial design projects

          3.2. Brand identuty

          3.3. Logotype and typography

          3.4. Packaging

4. Design theory

          4.1. What is marketing?

          4.2. Product design

          4.3. Branding

          4.4. Brand Architecture

          4.5. Personal branding

          4.6. Brand Storytelling

          4.7. Environmental design


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 90,00 135,00 0 225,00
Total 90,00 135,00 0 225


  • Chaves, Norberto (1994). La Imagen corporativa : teoría y metodología de la identificación institucional . Editorial GG.
  • Ind, Nicholas. (1992). La Imagen corporativa : estrategias para desarrollar programas de identidad eficaces. Madrid : Ediciones Díaz de Santos.
  • Olins, Wally (1995). Títol Olins, Wally, International Corporate Identity. Castellà Imagen corporativa internacional. Barcelona : Gili.
  • Jiménez Zarco, Ana Isabel. Rodríguez Ardura, Inma. Conesa Fernández, David. (2007). Comunicación e imagen corporativa. Barcelona: UOC.
  • La Imagen corporativa : teoría y metodología de la identificación institucional (1988). Editorial GG.
  • Swann, Alan (1990). Cómo diseñar retículas. Barcelona: Editorial GG.
  • Jute, André (1997). Retículas: la estructura del diseño gráfico. Index Books.
  • Müller-Brockmann, Josef, (1992). Sistemas de retículas : un manual para diseñadores gráficos = Sistemas de grelhas : un manual para desenhistas gráficos. México, D.F.: Editorial GG.
  • Carter, Rob (1990). Diseñando con tipografía 2 : logotipos, papelería de empresa, identidad corporativa (2a ed.). Switzerland: Crans-pres-Celigny, Switzerland : Rotovision.
  • Phillips, Renée (2000). Packaging graphics. Gloucester: Rockport Publishers.
  • Mollerup, Pe (1997). Marks of excellence: the history and taxonomy of trademarks. London: Phaidon.
  • Golombisky, Kim Hagen, Rebecca (2013). White Space is Not Your Enemy: A Beginner's Guide to Communicating Visually through Graphic, Web and Multimedia Design. Burlington: Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Moore, Rodney J (2004). Design secrets: layout : 50 real-life projects uncovered. Gloucester : Rockport.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Editorial design Research and analysis of the graphic project, qualitative incremental delivery of the project. Using ingenuity and creativity in the development of projects is valued. 33,3 No
Graphic expression Research and analysis of the graphic project, qualitative incremental delivery of the project. Using ingenuity and creativity in the development of projects is valued. 33,3 No
Graphic design projects Research and analysis of the graphic project, qualitative incremental delivery of the project. Using ingenuity and creativity in the development of projects is valued. 33,4 No


Exercises and assignments must be submitted on schedule, they will not be accepted after the deadline.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Specific criteria:

The student who does not attend the 4 blocks of the subject will be graded as Not Presented. The student must achieve a mark in all the blocks to be able to opt to pass the subject.

The absence in the teaching sessions of more than 40% will be considered as Not Presented.

Avaluació única:
Due to the characteristics of this subject, a single evaluation is not contemplated. The knowledge, learning strategies, and skills that this subject conveys involve continuous evaluation in a progressive way, the students get feedback on the various achievements. The various assessment tasks are designed and increasing complexity so the students consolidate and reinforce their learning and skills.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To consider the subject passed, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5.0


According to the official schedule of tutorials of the ERAM university school.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Internal moodle messaging system and email. A virtual classroom will be used where appropriate for health and social distancing reasons.


The aim is to enhance formative assessment of a qualitative nature. Assessment intervenes directly in the learning process and tries, not so much to qualify the students' results but to value and argue the task they are developing and the results it produces.

Assignatures recomanades

  • A-Cultura i pensament
  • A-Estètica i teoria de l'art
  • A-Fonaments de la multimedia
  • A-Fonaments del disseny gràfic
  • A-Fotografia creativa
  • A-Màrqueting
  • A-Metodologia del projecte gràfic
  • A-Projecte creatiu
  • A-Taller de generació d'idees

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