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Curs acadèmic:
Llenguatge digital i xarxes socials. Posicionament. Intercomunicació del consumidor i les marques. Introducció al Big data i a les seves eines de gestió amb finalitats publicitàries. Eines per a la monitorització de la publicitat a través dels social media. L'e-comunicació corporativa: web corporatiu, newsteller, xarxes socials, RSS ... Reputació online. Imatge corporativa online. Trànsit i monitorització. Community manager.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup E1

Semestral, 1r semestre
Muntsa Bau Sola
Idioma de les classes:
Català (10%), Anglès (90%)

Grup E2

Semestral, 1r semestre
Muntsa Bau Sola
Idioma de les classes:
Català (10%), Anglès (90%)


  • CG.3. Treballar en equip manifestant capacitat per assolir el rol que es demana en cada context desenvolupant vincles que potenciïn la cooperació
  • CG.4. Recollir i seleccionar informació de forma eficaç i eficient, en funció d'objectius predeterminats, i de diferent procedència i format, respectant l'autoria de les fonts
  • CE.9. Dissenyar, executar i controlar els projectes de publicitat i relacions públiques de productes i serveis de les organitzacions
  • CE.10. Analitzar, des d'una vessant crítica, els diferents factors que conformen la relació entre les diferents empreses de comunicació, especialment entre les de comunicació publicitària i els anunciants, i entre les relacions públiques i els públics
  • CE.16. Classificar els elements estructurals i funcionals de la Web 2.0 i 3.0


1. Brands and Businesses in the Era of the Online world.

2. How and Why do Brands have and online presence

3. Social Media impact on Marketing

4. Online Audiences

5. Online Customer Care

6. Online Events planning & Management

7. Reputation Management Online

8. Online Crisis Management

9. Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and other virtual realms

10. Monitoring our online actions


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 52,00 42,00 0 94,00
Exposició dels estudiants 4,00 10,00 0 14,00
Treball en equip 8,00 34,00 0 42,00
Total 64,00 86,00 0 150


  • Aced, C. (2018). Relaciones Públicas 2.0. Cómo gestionar la comunicación corporativa en el entorno digital. UOC. Catàleg
  • Capriotti, P., Zeler, I., Oliveira, A. (2019). Comunicación dialógica 2.0 en Facebook. Análisis de la interacción en las org.... Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 74(), 1094-1113. Recuperat , a
  • Cuenca-Fontbona, J., Matilla, K. & Compte-Pujol, M (2020). Transformación digital de los departamentos de relaciones públicas y comunic.... Revista de Comunicación, 19(1),
  • Fernández Dutto, M. (2010). Relaciones Públicas 2.0. Razón y Palabra, (52), . Recuperat , a
  • García A. & Aguado G (2011). De un modelo de comunicación one-to-many a un mode-lo one-to-one en el entorno d. Revista Icono14 , 1(),
  • IAB Spain (2019). Estudio anual de redes sociales en España. Recuperat 25/06/2020, a
  • Thomas, M. (2018). The Financial Times Guide to Social Media Strategy (1st edition). Harlow: Pearson.
  • Hazlett, Kirk (2010-11-02). Public Relations and the Social Web: How to Use Social Media and Web 2.0 in Communications (1st edition). Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(7), 650-651 Catàleg
  • Hazlett, Kirk (2013-01-25). Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(1), 88-89 Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Group assignment 1: Analyzing a company from the perspective of its communication and advertising and making improvement proposals According to the progress made in class, students will be required to carry out a project that will begin approximately in the second week of teaching and will end at the end of the semester.

The work will be done in groups of 4 people?. ?The project will consist of analyzing a company from the perspective of its communication and advertising and making improvement proposals for each analyzed aspect, based on the new knowledge we will acquire. In this way, if this document were to be delivered to the company in question, it could enhance its practices and better connect with its customers.

Since the work is done in groups, all group participants must have a good understanding of the work presented and be capable of presenting it and answering questions if asked during the presentation. The instructor ?can indicate who presents what for each presentation.
35 No
Oral Presentation of Assignment 1 Oral presentation of Assignment 1.

Attendance in class on the day of the presentation is mandatory. Physical absence on the presentation dates will result in a grade of 0. Absence can only be justified by reasons of force majeure.
15 No
Group Assignment 2: Planning an event to improve the reputation of the same client you have analyzed in Assignment 1. Planning an event to improve the reputation of the same client you have analyzed in Assignment 1. 25 No
Evaluation of the content learned and discussed in class and throughout the assignments This will be an exam with the theoretical content taught throughout the course.
It could be test questions with multiple options or cases to develop (long answers where you might have to apply practical answers). Anything where you have an opportunity to demonstrate you understood what was explained and discussed in class.
It will be based over 10 points. To pass, you need to get a 5.0 at least


- Participation in class and in the individual and/or group activities.
- Abiding by delivery times and formats.
- Following the teacher's instructions for delivering assignments or conducting presentations.
- None of the assessment activities have a recovery option. An average grade will be calculated considering all the scores. If this average grade is below passing, the student will take a recovery exam (25%) on the date set by the faculty. The final grade for the subject will be the one obtained in the recovery exam, regardless of previous scores. The subject is considered passed with a grade of 5.0. In case of failure, the subject must be repeated.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
It is considered 'NP' (Not Passed) if two of the assessment activities are not submitted. In this case, the student must take a recovery exam on the date set by the faculty. If they fail the recovery exam, the subject must be repeated.

Avaluació única:
To be eligible for the Unique Evaluation, you must first contact the Academic Secretary, complete an application, and submit any required information.

People eligible for the unique evaluation will have to do different tasks:
- Read a book - Teacher's choice - and write an essay on the book of 10-15 pages. (25%)
- Reply to a series of questions posed by the teacher regarding the book, where the student will have to state his opinion, according to the learnings. (25%)
- Pass an exam, related to the content of the book and the material uploaded in Moodle.(50%)

All assignments must be completed in English. If you choose to do them in Catalan or Spanish, one point will be deducted for each instance.

To pass the Unique Evaluation, you must achieve a grade of 5.0. If you do not pass, you will be assigned another make-up activity by the teacher. Failing the make-up activity will require you to repeat the subject.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
In order to consider the subject passed, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5.0


In order to organize a tutorial, you need to contact the teacher (Muntsa Bau) via email at - All emails will be answered within 48h (Monday to Friday).

Tutorials can be organized online or presencial at Muntsa Bau's office: SD2-528

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Important notifications will be uploaded at the forum group, in Moodle. Please, stay tuned in order to get any important information regarding classes, deadlines, etc.

Another way of contact will be de distribution email list.


In this subject, we will explore how brands and businesses engage with their potential and existing audiences through online channels, such as social media, websites, events, publicity, databases, CRM, and more. We will learn about tools that enable brands to connect with their audiences, generate engagement, manage their reputation, and handle crises if they arise.

This subject will be conducted entirely in English. However, you have the option to choose Catalan or Spanish for your exams, assignments, and presentations. Please note that choosing to use Catalan or Spanish will result in a deduction of 1 point on each occasion.

It is your responsibility to stay updated with information posted on Moodle and regularly check for any updates.

The teaching approach for this subject will primarily involve real-life cases, examples, and class discussions. Attending classes is highly recommended as it may be challenging to pass the subject without active participation.

Your participation in class is crucial, and you are encouraged to participate regardless of any discomfort you may feel while using English. If you choose to use Catalan or Spanish, there will be no penalty. On the contrary, the teacher will monitor and acknowledge those who actively participate in class. In the case of falling slightly short of the desired final grade, a positive attitude and active participation in class can potentially result in passing the subject.

Please note that not all documents discussed in class will be uploaded to Moodle.

This subject does NOT qualify you to obtain a third-level language accreditation.

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