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Dra.  Llop Escorihuela, Esther

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Grup de Recerca en Bioquímica del Càncer

Publicacions de recerca:


  • Llop E, Ferrer-Batallé M,  Barrabés S, Guerrero P.E,  Ramírez M,  Saldova R., Rudd P.M.,  Aleixandre R.N,  Comet J,  de Llorens R, Peracaula R. Improvement of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis by Detecting PSA Glycosylation-Specific Changes. Theranostics. 6 (8), 1190-1204. 2016.
  • Barrabés S, Farina-Gomez N, Llop E, Puerta A, Diez-Masa JC, Perry A, de Llorens R, de Frutos M, Peracaula R.Comparative analysis of prostate specific antigen (PSA) by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis2016.
  • Balmaña M, Giménez E, Puerta A, Llop E,  Figueras J., Fort E,  Sanz-Nebot V,  de Bolós C, Rizzi A,  Barrabés S, de Frutos M, Peracaula R. Increased α1-3 fucosylation of α-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) in pancreatic cancer. Journal of Proteomics, 132; 144-154. 2016.
  • Balmaña M, Sarrats A, Llop E, Barrabés S, Saldova R, Ferri MJ, Figueras J, Fort E, de Llorens R, Rudd PM, Peracaula R. Identification of potential pancreatic cancer sèrum markers: Increased sialyl-Lewis X on ceruloplasmin. Clin Chim Acta. 442: 56-62. 2015.
  • Bassagañas S,  Allende H,  Cobler L,  Ortiz M.R,  Llop E,  de Bolós C, Peracaula R. Inflammatory cytokines regulate the expression of glycosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of tumor-associated sialylated glycans in pancreatic cancer cell lines. Cytokine, 75, (1); 197-206. 2015.
  • Pérez-Garay M, Arteta B, Llop E, Cobler L, Pagès L, Ortiz R, Ferri MJ, de Bolós C, Figueras J, de Llorens R, Vidal-Vanaclocha F, Peracaula R. α2,3-sialyltransferase ST3Gal IV promotes migration and metastasis in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells and tends to be highly expressed in pancreatic adenocarcinoma tissues. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 45(8): 1748-1757. 2013.
  • Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Llop E, Bosch J, Segura J. Surface Plasmon Resonance in doping analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401(2), 389-403. 2011.
  • Mallorquí J, Llop E, de Bolós C, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Segura J, Pascual JA. Erythropoietin purification in human plasma samples using an immunoaffinity well plate. Journal Chromatography B, 878(23), 2117-22. 2010
  • Martínez-Martínez I, Ordóñez A, Navarro-Fernández J, Pérez-Lara A, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Giraldo R, Martínez C, Llop E, Vicente V, Corral J. Antithrombin Murcia (K241E) causing antithrombin deficiency: a role for altered glycosylation. Haematologica, 95(8), 1358-65. 2010.
  • Izquierdo-Rico MJ, Jiménez-Movilla M, Llop E, Pérez-Oliva AB, Ballesta J, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Jiménez-Cervantes C, Avilés M. Hamster Zona Pellucida Is Formed by Four Glycoproteins: ZP1, ZP2, ZP3, and ZP4. J Proteome Research, 8(2), 926-41. 2009.
  • Llop E, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Segura J, Mallorquí J, Pascual JA. Structural analysis of the glycosylation of gene-activated erythropoietin (epoetin delta, Dynepo). Anal Biochem. 383(2), 243-54. 2008.
  • Ramírez-Llanelis R, Llop E, Ventura R, Segura J, Gutiérrez-Gallego R. Can glycans unveil the origin of glycoprotein hormones? – human chorionic gonadotrophin as an example. J.Mass Spectrometry, 43(7), 936-48. 2008.
  • Llop E, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Belalcazar V, Gerwig GJ, Kamerling JP, Segura J, Pascual JA.  Evaluation of protein N-glycosylation in 2-DE: Erythropoietin as a study case. Proteomics, 7(23), 4278-91. 2007.
  • Belalcazar V, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Llop E, Segura J, Pascual JA. Assessing the instability of the isoelectric focusing patterns of erythropoietin in urine. Electrophoresis, 27(22), 4387-95. 2006.
  • Pascual JA, Belalcazar V, de Bolós C, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Llop E, Segura J.  Recombinant erythropoietin and analogues: a challenge for doping control. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 26(2), 175-79. 2004.


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