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Dr.  Casamitjana Vila, Francesc

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Grup de Recerca en Física Ambiental


1.     Casamitjana, X. y Roget, E. Fenómenos de meromixis en el Lago de Banyoles. Scientia Gerundensis, 12, 151-161, 1986.


2.     Roget, E. y Casamitjana, X. Compartimiento de los lechos fluidizados naturales del Lago de Banyoles. Scientia Gerundensis, 13, 187-199. 1987.


3.     Casamitjana, X., Roget, E, Jou, D. and Llebot, J.E. Effect of the suspended sediment in the heating of Lake Banyoles. Journal of Geophysical Research. 93. C8 9332-36, 1988. (SCI 33 out of 170 , Q1)


4.     García-Gil, J., Borrego, C., Hugas, L., Casamitjana, X. and Abellà, C. Horitzontal distribution of phototropic bacterial population in an irregularly-shaped basin of Lake Banyoles (Banyoles, Spain). Scientia Gerundensis, 14, 71-79, 1988.


5.     Besalú, E., Mestres, J., Vilardell, P. y Casamitjana, X. Predicción de los períodos de las secas externas y internas del Lago de Banyoles.  Scientia Gerundensis, 14, 137-147, 1988.


6.     Roget, E. Casamitjana, X. y Pararols, J. Corrientes baroclínicas y secas internas en el lago de Banyoles (Girona, España). Limnética. 7, 25-36, 1991. (SCI 59 out of 100 , Q3)


7.     Colomer, J., Roget, E. y Casamitjana, X.  Estudio de las variables meteorológicas en el lago de Banyoles. Scientia Gerundensis. 17, 5- 16. 1991.


8.     Casamitjana, X. and  Schladow, G. Modelo predictivo de la dinámica del agua en un lago estratificado con aportes freáticos. Ingeniería Civil  82, 153-157. 1991 (Artículo Invitado) 

9.     Casamitjana, X. y Schladow, G. Simulación de la distribución de materia particulada en un lago estratificado. Ingeniería Civil  82, 158-163, 1991. (Artículo Invitado).


10.  Casamitjana, X. and Roget, E. Resuspension of sediments by focussed groundwater Limnology and Oceanography  38(3), 643-656, 1993  (SCI 1 out of 20 , Q1)


11.  Casamitjana, X. and Schladow, G. Vertical distribution of particles in a stratified lake. Journal of Environmental Engineering .119(3), 443-462, 1993. (SCI 25 out of 122 , Q1)


12.  Casamitjana, X., Roget, E. and Schladow, G. The seasonal cycle of a groundwater dominated lake. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 31(3), 293-306, 1993 (SCI 47 out of 122 , Q2)      


13.  Roget, E., Colomer, J. and Casamitjana, X. Bottom currents induced by baroclinic forcing in Lake Banyoles (Spain). Aquatic Sciences, 55(3), 1993 (SCI 13 out of 100 , Q1)          


14.  Colomer, J. and Casamitjana, X. Calculating solar and longwave radiation for a mediterranean lake under various weather conditions. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology, 28, 143-148, 1994.  Esta revista pasó en 1999 a llamarse Aquatic Ecology. (SCI 9 out of 19, Q2)


15.  Roget, E., Casamitjana, X. and Llebot, J.E. Calculation of the flow into a lake through the underground springs with suspensions. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology, 28, 135-141, 1994. Esta revista pasó en 1999 a llamarse Aquatic Ecology. (SCI 9 out of 19, Q2)


16.  Colomer, J., Roget, E. and  Casamitjana, X. A daytime heat balance for estimating non radiative fluxes of lake Banyoles, Spain. Hydrological Processes  Vol 10, 721-726, 1996     (SCI 9 out of 80 , Q1)


17.  Garcia-Gil, L.J., Casamitjana, X. and Abella, C.A. Comparative study of two meromictic basins of lake Banyoles (Spain) with sulphur phototropic bacteria. Hydrobiologia , 319: 203-211, 1996 (SCI 35 out of 100 , Q2)


18.  Casamitjana, X., Colomer, J., Roget, and Serra,T. On the presence of aggregates in the basins of Lake Banyoles Geophysical Research Letters  Vol 23, No 20, 2737-2740, 1996. (SCI 22 out of 11 , Q1)


19.  Serra, T., Colomer, J.and Casamitjana, X. Aggregation and break up of particles in a shear flow. Journal of Colloid and Interfase science. 187,  466-473,1997. (SCI 43 out of 134 , Q2)


20.  Serra, T. and Casamitjana, X.  The effect of the shear and the volume fraction on the aggregation and break-up of aggregates. American Internatl. chemical Eng. Journal. AIChE, Vol. 44, 8, 1724-1730, 1998  (SCI 24 out of 133 , Q1)



21.  Serra, T. and Casamitjana, X. Estudi dels  Agregats sota l’acció d’un cissallament. Revista de la Societat catalana de Física. Vol 2, 4, 44-51, 1998 (Artículo Invitado)


22.  Serra, T. and Casamitjana, X. Structure of fractal agreggates during the process of aggregation and break-up under a shear flow.  Journal of Colloid and Interfase science, 206, 505-511, 1998 (SCI 43 out of 134 , Q2)


23.  Colomer, J. Ross, J.A. and Casamitjana, X. Sediment entrainment in karts basins.  Aquatic Sciences, 60(4),338-358, 1998.   (SCI 13 out of 100 , Q1)


24.  Colomer, J. Casamitjana, X. and Fernando, H.J. Resuspension and sedimentation of particles from a sediment bed by turbulent jets. Applied scientific Research. 59, 229-242, 1998      . Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (1998-2012). (SCI 11 out of 22, Q2 )


1.     Serra, T. and Casamitjana, X.  Modelling the aggregation and break-up of fractal aggregates in a shear flow. Applied scientific Research. 59, 255-268, 1998.


2.     Serra, T. and Casamitjana, X.  Answer to the Comments ‘Effect of the shear and volume fraction on the aggregation and breakup of particles’. American Internatl. chemical Eng. Journal. (AIChE), Vol. 45,7, 1603-1604, 1999. ( SCI 24 out of 133 , Q1)


3.     Casamitjana, X., Colomer, J. and Fernando, H.J.S. Fluidization of sediments in a conical basin by subterrranean springs: relevance to lake Banyoles. Aquatic Sciences 62, 79-90, 2000.    .  (SCI 13 out of 100 , Q1)

4.     Colomer, J, Serra, T., Piera, J., Roget, E. and Casamitjana, X. Observations of an hydrothermal plume in a karstic lake. Limnology and Oceanography. 46 (1), 197-203, 2001.    (SCI 1 out of 20 , Q1)


5.     Granata, T.C., Duarte, C.M. Gacia, E., Serra, T. Colomer, J. and Casamitjana, X.  Flow  and particle distribution in a nearshore seagrass meadow before and after a storm. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 298, 95-106,  2001. (SCI 16 out of 100 , Q1)


6.     Serra, T., Colomer, J., Cristina, X.P., Vila, X., Arellano, J.B. and Casamitjana, X. Evaluation of a laser 'in situ' scattering instrument for measuring the concentration of phytoplankton, purple sulfur bacteria and suspended inorganic sediments in lakes. Journal of Environmental Engineering . November, 1023-1030, 2001. (SCI 25 out of 122 , Q1)


7.     Serra, T., Casamitjana, X , Colomer, J.. and Granata, T. A laser analyzer for in situ determining the bottom and vertical particle size distribution and concentration in a coastal system. Marine Technology Society Journal (MST), 36, 1, 59-69, 2002. (SCI 7 out of 92 , Q1)


8.     Serra, T., Colomer, J. Zamora, L., Moreno Amich, R. and Casamitjana, X. Seasonal development of a turbid hydrothermal plume in a lake. Water Research. Vol: 36 (11) Pp 2753-2760. 2002. (SCI 1 out of 80 , Q1)


9.     Casamitjana, X., Serra, T., Soler, M., Colomer, J. A study of the evolution
of a particle boundary layer in a reservoir, using laser particle sizing. Water Research. Vol: 36 (17), 4293-4300. 2002.           (SCI 1 out of 80 , Q1)


10.  Colomer, J., Serra, T., Soler, M. and Casamitjana, X. Sediment fluidization in a lake caused by monthly rainfalls. Geophysical Research Letters Vol 29, 8, 1260, 2002, (DOI10.1029/2001GL014299). (SCI 22 out of 11 , Q1)


11.  Serra, T., Colomer, J., Gacia, E., Soler, M. and Casamitjana, X. Effects of a turbid hydrothermal plume on the sedimentation rates in a karstic lake. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 21, 2029, 2002 ( DOI 10.1029/2002GL015368) (SCI 22 out of 11 , Q1)


12.  Colomer, J., Serra, T., Baserba, C., Soler, M. and Casamitjana, X. Quantified distribution of diatoms during the stratified period in Boadella reservoir. Hydrobiologia, 489, 235-244, 2002. (SCI 35 out of 100 , Q2)


13.   Serra, T., Colomer, J., Stips, A. Mohlenberg, F. and Casamitjana, X. The role of advection and turbulent mixing in the vertical distribution of phytoplankton Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 56, 53-62, 2003. (SCI 22 out of 100 , Q1)


14.   Perez-Losada, J., Roget, E. and Casamitjana, X.  Evidence of High Vertical wave-number behaviour in a continuously stratified reservoir. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 129, 9,734-737, 2003. (SCI 4 out of 115 , Q1)


15.  Soler, M., Colomer, J. Casamitjana, X. and Serra, T. Hydrothermal plumes trapped by thermal stratification.  Geophysical Research Letters , 30, 21, 2092, 2003. (DOI10.1029/2003GL018131). (SCI 22 out of 11 , Q1)


16.   Casamitjana, X, Serra, T., Colomer, J., Baserba, C. Perez-Losada, J. Effects of the water withdrawal on the stratification patterns of a reservoir. Hydrobiologia, 504, 21-28, 2003.  (SCI 35 out of 100 , Q2)


17.  Vidal, J., Casamitjana, X. Colomer, J, and Serra, T. The internal wave field in Sau reservoir. Observation and modelling of a third vertical mode.  Limnology and Oceanography, 50(4), 1326-1333, 2005. (SCI 1 out of 20 , Q1)


18.  Serra, T., Colomer, J., Soler, M., Julià, R. and Casamitjana, X. Behaviour and dynamics of a hydrothermal plume in Lake Banyoles, Catalonia, NE Spain. Sedimentology, 52 (4), 795-808, 2005. (SCI 6 out of 47 , Q1)


19.  Casamitjana, X., Colomer, J., Roget, E., i Serra, T.   Physical limnology in Lake Banyoles   Limnetica. Vol. 25. Núm. 1-2, pàg. 181-188. ISSN 0213-8409, 2006. (SCI 59 out of 100 , Q3)


20.  T. Serra, J. Vidal, X. Casamitjana, M. Soler and J. Colomer. The role of surface vertical mixing on the phytoplankton distribution in a stratified reservoir. Limnology and Oceanography, 52,2,620-634, 2007. (SCI 1 out of 20 , Q1)


21.   Vidal, J., Rueda, F. and X. Casamitjana, The seasonal evolution of high vertical–mode internal waves in a deep reservoir. Limnol. Oceanogr., 52(6), 2656–2667, 2007. (SCI 1 out of 20 , Q1)


22.  Vidal, J. and X. Casamitjana. Forced resonant oscillations as a response to periodic winds in a stratified reservoir. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134 , 4, 416-425,  2008. (SCI 4 out of 115 , Q1)


23.   Soler, M,  Serra, T.,  Casamitjana, X., Colomer, J.. High sedimentation rates in a karstic lake associated with hydrothermal turbid plumes (Lake Banyoles, Catalonia, NE Spain, Sedimentary Geology, 222, 5-15, 2009. (SCI 11 out of 47 , Q1)


24.   Alcântara , E.,  Stech, J., Lorenzzetti, J., Bonnet, M.  Casamitjana , X.  Assireu, A., Leão de Moraes Novo, E.  Remote sensing of water surface temperature and heat flux over a tropical hydroelectric reservoir. Remote Sensing of Environment 114,  2651–2665, 2010.  (SCI 1 out of 19 , Q1)


25.  Pujol, D., Colomer, J., Serra, T., Casamitjana, X.   Effect  of submerged aquatic vegetation on turbulence induced by an oscillating grid.   Continental Shelf Research,  30 1019–1029, 2010. (SCI 24 out of 60 , Q2)


26.   Vidal, J., Marcè, R., Serra, T., Colomer, J., Rueda, F. and  Casamitjana, X. Localized algal blooms induced by river inflows in a canyon type reservoirAquatic Sciences , Volume 74, Number 2, 315-327, DOI: 10.1007/s00027-011-0223-6, 2012.  (SCI 13 out of 100 , Q1)


27.     Pujol, D., Colomer, J., Serra, T. and Casamitjana, X.  A model for the effect of submerged aquatic vegetation on turbulence induced by an oscillating grid  . Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, Volume 114, Pages 23-30, 2012,  (SCI 22 out of 100 , Q1)


28.   Casamitjana, X., Pujol, D., Serra, T. and Colomer, J., Application of a k-epsilon formulation to model the effect of submerged aquatic vegetation on turbulence induced by an oscillating grid. Continental Shelf Research , 34, 1-6, 2012 (SCI 65 out of 217 , Q1)


29.   Pau, C., Serra, T., Colomer, J., Casamitjana, X., Sala Ll.  And Kampf, R., Filtering capacity of Daphnia Magna on sludge particles in treated wastewater. Water  Research, 47,1, 181-186, 2013. (SCI (1 out of 80, Q1)


30.   Pujol, D., Colomer, J., Serra, T. and Casamitjana, X.. Flow structure in seagrass models dominated by progressive waves. Journal of Hydrology, 486, 281-292,  2013.

(SCI 4 out of 122, Q1)


31.  Pujol, D., Colomer, J., Serra, T.  and Casamitjana, X., Canopy-scale turbulence under oscillatory flow. Continental Shelf Research , 66, 1, 9-18;  2013, (SCI 65 out of 217 , Q1)


32.   Ros, A., Colomer, J., Serra, T., Pujol, D,. Soler, M. and Casamitjana, X. Experimental observationso in sedimentre suspensión within submerged model canopies under oscillatory flow. Continental Shelf research, 91, 220-23, 2014  (SCI 65 out of 217 , Q1)


33.  Nazha Elhaoui, Teresa Serra, Marianna Soler, Jordi Colomer, Xavier Casamitjana and Carolyn Oldham. Canopy boundary hydrodynamics in oscillatory flows. Submitted to PLOS (one)



b)- Capítulos de libro


  1. Colomer, J., Casamitjana, X. and Fernando, H.J.S.  Convection from an isolated source in a stratified fluid. In: Turbulent Diffusion in the Environment, J.M. Redondo and A. Baviano eds., 113-112.  XDFTG, UPC Barcelona 2000.  ISBN  84-85433-65-9      


  1. Casamitjana, X., Colomer, J. and Fernando, H.J.S.  Flow regimes for a momentum jet discharging from below a particle bed. In: Turbulent Diffusion in the Environment, J.M. Redondo and A.Baviano eds. 225-234. XDFTG, UPC Barcelona 2000 ISBN  84-85433-65-9.


  1. Serra, T.,  Colomer, J. And Casamitjana, X. Structure and Formation of Aggregates of Particles in Water Bodies. Recent Developments on Geophysical Research, 3, 55-76, 2000.


  1. Casamitjana, X.. Efecte de la hidrodinàmica en la qualitat de l’aigua de llacs i embassaments.  A: L’aigua un recurs fonamental.: Jornades científiques de l’institut d’Estudis Catalans (19). Ed: Barceló, D. i Ros, Joandomènec, 145-155, 2006


  1. Casamitjana, X. Vidal, J. Effect of Hydrodynamics of the Water Quality of Lakes and Reservoirs.  In: Floodplains: Environmental Management, Restoration and Ecological Implications. Ed: Enner Herenio de Alcantara,  Series:   Environmental Research Advances , Nova Publishers, 2014





c)-  Libros editados:


  1. Casamitjana, X (ed.).  6th Workshop on Physical Processes in natural waters.

Universitat de Girona, Servei de Publicacions. ISBN 84-8458-062-08,  2001


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