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Curs acadèmic:
Estudi de la cèl·lula com a unitat elemental que forma els éssers vius. Estudi de l'estructura dels orgànuls i les seves funcions principals en la cèl·lula eucariota animal.Descriure els elements principals de la comunicació intercel·lular. Estudi de la matriu extracel·lular i els principals teixits animals.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Laia Rosich Moya
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Comunicar-se de mode efectiu i clar
  • Tenir la capacitat d'aprenentatge autònom
  • Tenir capacitat de gestió d'informació
  • Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu, mostrant dots d'innovació.
  • Saber organitzar i planificar el treball propi i els estudis ulteriors.
  • Conèixer i comprendre la morfologia, la fisiologia, la patologia i la conducta de les persones, tant sanes com malaltes, en el medi natural i social.
  • Comunicar-se de manera efectiva i clara, tant de forma oral com escrita, amb els usuaris del sistema sanitari així com amb altres professionals.


1. Concept and origin of life. Evolutionary cells origin: Prebiotic molecules, catalysis and self-replication.

2. Cells as structural and functional unit of living systems. Cell Theory. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. The Eukaryotic animal cell. The cell and its subcomponents.

3. Eukaryotic cell structure: Cell membrane. Structure: Fluid mosaic model. Composition and properties.Functions: Transport through the membrane, processes of exocytosis and endocytosis.

4. Eukaryotic cell structure: Mitochondria. Compartments and ATP's production.

5. Eukaryotic cell structure: Endomembrane system and vesicular traffic. The endoplasmic reticulum: synthesis and protein transportation. The Golgi apparatus. Lysosomes and peroxisomes.

6. Eukaryotic cell structure: The nucleus. Nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm and nucleolus. Chromatin and chromosomes. Cell division. Mitosis and Meiosis.

7. Eukaryotic cell structure: The cytoskeleton. Microtubules. Actin filaments. Cell contraction and cell mobility. Intermediate filaments.  

8. Cell relationship with the environment: Extracellular matrix. Organization and main components.

9. Cell to cell communication: Adhesions and Intercellular unions. Types and functions.

10. Cell to cell communication. Intercellular signal Concept and types. Signal Receptors and signal transduction. Cell cycle. Phases and cell cycle regulation. Programmed cell death. Cancer. 

11. Differentiation and cell specialization. Multicellular organisms. Stem cell concept. Basic concepts of embryology.

12. Organization in tissues. Human tissues. Basic features.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 0 0 4,00
Sessió participativa 50,00 75,00 0 125,00
Treball en equip 1,00 20,00 0 21,00
Total 55,00 95,00 0 150


  • Cooper and Hausman (2015). The Cell, A Molecular Approach. Marbán .
  • Becker WM, Kleinsmith LJ, Hardin J (2007). The World of the Cell. Pearson Educación.
  • Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Walter (2011). Essential Cell Biology. Médica Panamericana.
  • Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan Derrickson (2014). Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. Wiley.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Midterm exam 25 multiple choice questions 20 No
Oral communication
Oral presentation of the most relevant aspects of scientific articles related to a topic of the Subject. 20 No
Exam of the oral communications 15 multiple-choice questions of all the oral presentations 10 No
Final exam 50 multiple choice questions + 2 short questions 50




- MIDTERM EXAM (20%): 25 multiple choice questions covering part of the course. Each question has only one true answer. Each correct answer scores +1 point. Each wrong answer will be penalized (questions with 4 possible choices, -0.25 points; questions with 2 choices, -1 points).

- ORAL COMMUNICATION of topic related to the subject in working groups (20%). Students who already passed the oral communication (minimum grade of 5), the scored mark will be kept for the current course.

- EXAM of the ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (10%): 15 multiple choice questions covering the essential concepts of the oral communications. Each question has only one true answer. Each correct answer scores +1 point. Each wrong answer will be penalized (questions with 4 possible choices, -0.25 points; questions with 2 choices, -1 points). 2nd year students have also to take this exam.

FINAL EXAM (50%): 50 multiple choice questions (8/10 points) + 2 short questions (2/10 points) covering the entirety of the course (excluding the content of the oral presentations). Each question has only one true answer. Each correct answer scores +1 point. Wrong answers will be penalized (questions with 4 choices: -0.25 points; questions with 2 choices: -1 points).

For continuous asessment, a minimum of 4/10 points in the final exam is required in order to calculate the mean qualification of the whole subject.

A minimum grade of 5/10 is required to pass the subject.

Those students who fail the course (less than 5/10) will be eligible to take the BASIC COMPETENCES EXAM: 20 multiple choice questions (8/10 points) + 1 short question (2/10 points). Each correct answer scores +1 point. Each wrong answer will be penalized (questions with 4 possible choices, -0.25 points; questions with 2 choices, -1 points). In this exam, if passed (minimum of 5/10), the maximum grade given will be 5 and will be the course qualification.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students are required to participate in the assessment activities during the course (midterm exam, oral communication, exam of the oral communications, final exam) or the unique assessment. On the contrary, will be considered as non-attendance.

Avaluació única:
The evaluation system in EUSES - UdG is based, in general, in the continuous assessment. If the student wishes to take part in the unique pathway, he / she will need to request it in writing to the lecturer of the subject and the degree coordinator during the first two weeks of the Semester.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
A minimum grade of 5.0 will be required to pass the subject.


The tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms, and also virtually.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Communication and interaction with the students will be done in person and virtually throughout the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.


Learning outcomes:

- Distinguishing the structure of biomolecules and its determining factors in order to understand how it conditions their functionality.
- Knowing the main structures of the eukaryotic animal cell and its function.
- Knowing and understanding cell specialization and its organization in tissues.
- Knowing the factors determining the membrane potential and its voltage variations in response to different stimuli generating action potentials.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Bioquimica
  • Fisiologia

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition.

Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email. The teaching activities will be carried out through online platforms (theoretical activities).

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Scenario IV. Confinement: Assessment by using the Moodle platform and other virtual platforms enabled by the UdG.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle forum and email will be used in addition.

Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email. The communication and professor meetings will be carried out through the platforms enabled by the UdG (google meet, Microsoft teams, Skype ...)

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