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Sra.   Carrion Ribas, Maria Carme

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Área de conocimiento

Participació en congressos

  • Dissemination of the sin NTD mobile application for a better diagnosis of skin-related neglected tropical Diseases. Moungui H, Nana-Djeunga H, Postigo J, Carrion C. 2n National Synposium on NTDs in Cameroon (2023). Yaoundé (Cameroon). (Oral presentation).
  • Can we manage depression with health apps? (EvalDepApps project). Carrion C. 26th Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy and Social Neetworking Conference (2023). Paris. (oral presentation)
  • Incorporación de la dimensión ambiental en la evaluación económica de las tecnologías sanitarias: estado del arte y retos. Carmen Guirado-Fuentes; Analía Abt-Sacks; María del Mar Trujillo-Martin, Lidia García-Pérez, Aránzazu Hernández-Yumar, Cristina Valcárcel-Nazco, Renata Linertová, Leticia Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Carme Carrion i Ribas, Pedro Serrano-Aguilar. XLII Jornadas de Asociación de Economistas de la salud (2023), Girona (Oral presentation)
  • Ens poden ajudar les Apps mòbil en el maneig de la depressió? Projecte EvalDepApps: Aïna Fuster-Casanovas, Josep Vidal-Alaball, Sònia Moretó Melero, Estel Gelabert, Jordi Blanch, Carme Carrión. Jornades Científiques 2023 de la Societat de Salut Pública de Catalunya i de Balears (2023). Barcelona (oral presentation)
  • Barcelona Aging coLLaboratory (BALL): an open-innovation ecosystem to co-create and test innovative solutions for older people in real-life settings. M Martínez, K Katte, A de Andrés, Ribera A, Arnal L, Carné J, Rodríguez P, Carrión C, Alenyà G, Vilaró J, Serrano J, Fuertes O, Fornt A, Inzitari M. ICIC23 International Conference in integrated care (2023). Utrecht (poster)
  • Assessing the quality of the WHO SkinNTDs App as a training tool in Ghana and Kenya. Results From a cross-sectional Cano M, Ruiz-Postigo JA, Macharia P, Phillips RO, Amoako YA, Carrion C. First WHO Global Meeting on Skin NTDs. Geneve (Switzerland). (Oral presentation)
  • Dissemination of mHealth apps: findings and recommendations from a systematic Review Henri Claude Moungui, Carme Carrion Ribas, Che Frankline Anyiang, Hugues C. Nana Djeunga, Jose-Antonio Ruiz-Postigo. First WHO Global Meeting on Skin NTDs. Geneve (Switzerland). (poster presentation)
  • The Bioengineering ONE HEALTH ALLIANCE IN 2050. A One-Day Voyage into the Future. Carme Carrion. Porto (2022). (Invited conference)
  • Which skills healthcare professionals need to implement digital health solutions? Joan Segur1,2, Toni Baena1, Marc Alabert, Marta Aymerich, Carme Carrion. The Network TUFH Towards Unity for Health (2022), Vancouver (oral presentation)
  • How can we properly assess a Health app? Lessons learnt from the assessment of WHO’s skin Neglected Tropical Diseases’ app. Carme Carrion, Mireia Cano, Asmae Frej, JA Ruiz-Postigo. The Network TUFH Towards Unity for Health (2022), Vancouver (oral presentation)
  • What Works For Whom Regarding Psychosocial Interventions In Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The Network TUFH Towards Unity for Health (2022), Vancouver (oral presentation)
  • Health apps to manage mood disorders: Can we separate the grain from the shaft? EvalDepApps Project. Carme Carrion, Ariadna Sales-Masnou, Sophie Eis, Noemí Robles, Elisa Puigdomènech, Andrea Duarte-Díaz, Josep Vidal-Alaball, Lilisbeth Perestelo, Oriol Solà-Morales. Health Technology Assessment International. Utrecht (2022) (poster)
  • Relationship between patient empowerment, affective symptoms and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis”. 11th International Shared Decision-Making Conference in Kolding, Denmark (2022) (poster) Best poster award!
  • Aplicaciones digitales para la salud, ¿Todo vale? 7/04/2022 - Escuela de Nutrición - Facultad de ciencias médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoga, Argentina. Invited Keynotes Carrion C. (2022)
  • Toma de decisiones compartidas con telesalud. CCarrion. 2º Workshop internacional de informática médica – telesalud. Potificia Universidad Católia de Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador (2022). Invited Keynotes.
  • EVALAPPS Project. LIV_IN: Living Innovation – Implementing RRI through co-creation of smart future living with industry & citizens. On-line (2021). Conferencia invitada.
  • Intervenciones en salud digital. Carrion C. 2º congreso en Nutriología UNAM. México (2021). Conferencia invitada.
  • Design of a rubric for grading problem-based learning at the faculty of medicine of the University of Girona. Suñol JL, Feliu L, Martí C, Bonnin M, Carrion C, Cordón F, Garre J, Gispert A, Puig T, Ramió L, López A, Vila E, Xifró X, Castells X. 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. online conference (2021). Oral presentation.
  • Evaluación de las apps de salud para sobrepeso y obesidad. Carrion C. 8º Congreso Mexicano de Nutriología México - OnLine (2020). Conferencia invitada.
  • mHealth for Health Promotion: Digital Health, mHealth, does anything go? Carrion C. Seminar: Health Promotion Challenges in Media Development: What should be prepared?”. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia – OnLine (2020). Conferencia invitada.
  • Piloting a Tool to Assess Overweight and Obesity Health Apps. Carrion C. Health Technology Assessment Anual Meeting, Beijing – online (2020). Oral presentation
  • Salud móvil y salud: ¿vale todo?. Carrion C. 2020 Online Workshop on Sports and Health Analytics Research. Barcelona – online (2020). Oral presentation
  • Digital Competencies of healthcare professionals – an opportunity for interprofesional collaboration. Carrion C. The Network TUFH. México –online (2020). Oral presentation.
  • EVALAPPS: Is it possible to assess overweight and obesity apps? Carrion C. The Network TUFH. México –online (2020). Oral presentation.
  • eLearning + eHealth = Una oportunidad interprofesional. Carrion C. XII Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior. La Habana – Cuba (2020). Presentación oral.
  • Let’s Co-design A Tool To Assess Overweight And Obesity Health Apps. EVALAPPS Project Puigdomènech E, Robles N, Saigí F, Zamora A, Moharra M, Paluzié G, Balfegó M, Cuatrecasas G and Carrion C. eHiN (eHealth in Norway). Oslo (2019). Poster
  • Digital tools for supporting clinical decisions in psychosocial interventions for dementia and autism. Robles N, Carrion C, Aymerich M. The Network TUFH. Darwin – Australia (2019). Poster
  • Let’s separate the grain from the chaff: Which are the best apps to manage overweight and obesity? A new tool to assess apps. Robles N, Puigdomènech E, Saigí F, Paluzié G, Zamora A, Moharra M, Balfegó M, Cuatrecasas G, Carrion. The Network TUFH. Darwin – Australia (2019). Poster
  • Which competencies need to acquire a health professional in eHealth? A qualitative study. Carrion C, Conejero-Arto I and Aymerich M. The Network TUFH. Darwin – Australia (2019). Poster
  • How can we work to achieve SDG3 from our organizations? Carrion C, Robles N, Gmelch N, Martínez P and Aymerich M. The Network TUFH. Darwin – Australia (2019). Poster
  • Definition and content of a tool to evaluate apps for overweight and obesity management Puigdomènech E, Robles N, Gómez C, Saigí-Rubió F, Zamora A, Moharra M, Paluzié G, Balfegó M, Cuatrecasas G, Carrion C. Health Technology Assessment Anual Meeting, Cologne (2019). Oral presentation
  • Best Psychosocial Interventions for a Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for Autism. Robles N, Carrion C, Pàmias M, Parra I, Conesa J, Pérez-Navarro A, Alabert M, Aymerich M. Health Technology Assessment Anual Meeting, Cologne (2019). Poster
  • PSICODEM: From a Web-Clinical Decision Support System For Dementia to an App. Carrion C, Robles N, Aymerich M. Health Technology Assessment Anual Meeting, Cologne (2019). Oral presentation
  • Contribution towards 2030 Agenda from Research in Health Sciences. Carrion C, IV Jornadas de Investigación Fundación San Juan de Dios, Madrid (2019). Invited Keynotes speaker
  • Development of an mhealth interventions evaluation tool. What has been done and next steps. Puigdomènech E, Carrion C, Poses E, Espallargues M. International Conference on Integrated Care, Donosti (2019). Poster
  • AUTAPP project: developing a Clinical Decision Support System for personalizing psychosocial interventions in ASD patients through scientific evidence and mobile technologies. Robles N, Carrion C, Pàmias M, Parra I, Conesa J, Pérez-Navarro A, Alabert M, Aymerich M. International Conference on Integrated Care, Donosti (2019). Oral Presentation
  • Digital Health: Is it a challenge? Is it an opportunity? Carrion C. Workshop in Digital Health. Barcelona (2019). Invited Keynotes Speaker.
  • WHO-UOC Skin NTDs on-line training program: Lessons learnt from former editions. Carrion C, WHO Meeting on Buruli ulcer Control and Research. Geneve (2019) Oral Communication
  • Evaluando la salud móvil: ¿Un reto? ¿Una oportunidad? ¿Una necesidad?. Carrion C. International Workshop RITMOS, Bogotá (2018). Oral presentation
  • ¿Cómo podemos validar las Apps del manejo de sobrepeso y obesidad? (Proyecto EVALAPPS). Carrion C. International Workshop RITMOS, Bogotá (2018). Oral Presentation
  • Evaluación de eSalud (eHealth): desafíos intersectoriales implicados en la traducción de la información basada en la evidencia al público y a los profesionales de la salud. Carrion, C. VII congreso de la red española de política social (REPS) Saragossa. (2018). Oral Presentation 
  • Evaluación de las apps de control de peso en el manejo de la obesidad (EVALAPPS) E. Puigdomènech, A. Zamora, F. Saigí, G. Paluzié, P. Garcia-Lorda, M. Moharra, M. Balfegó, G. Cuatrecasas, C. Carrion. XXXVI Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Lisboa (2018). Poster.
  • Salut digital, assistència amb TICs i empoderament del pacient. Carrion C. III Jornades d’Infermeria de l’Hospital del Pallars, Tremp (2018), Invited keynotes speaker.
  • Proyecto EVALAPPS Evaluar la eficacia, seguridad y efectividad de las "apps" de control de peso: Revisión sistemática. Carrion C, Puigdomenech E, Cuatrecasas G, Paluzié G, Zamora A, Moharra M, Balfego M, Saigí F, Garcia-Lorda P. XIV Congreso Sociedad Española para la prevención de la obesidad, Lleida (2018), Poster.
  • Eficacia de las intervenciones digitales. Carrion C. mHealth BCN Conference &TOP 20 Apps de Salud, Barcelona (2018). Invited Keynotes speaker
  • Design and assessment of interventions in eHealth. Carrion C. 1st International Research Conference on eHealth and eWell-being, Barcelona (2018), Invited Keynotes speaker.
  • Controvèrsies sobre l"ús de les noves tecnologies en salut mental. Carrion C. 4rt Seminari de la CORE en Salut Mental, Barcelona (2017), Oral Communication
  • Presentación de una herramienta para evaluar la eficacia, seguridad y efectividad de las apps de salud destinadas al manejo y prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad (EVALAPPS). Carrion C. VII Simposium internacional de Telemedicina Ritmos, Barcelona (2017), Oral Communication.
  • Innovative on-line approach though eLearning to health agents on the field. Carrion C, García-Lorda P, Aymerich M, Casabona J, Reyes-Urueña J Cardona PJ, Mokni M, Ruiz-Postigo JA. 10th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, Antwerpen (2017), Poster
  • Formar-se en entorn global per assolir impacte localment. Aymerich M, Carrion C, Ruiz-Postigo JA. XX Congrés de Metges i Biòlegs de Llengua Catalana. Manresa (2017), Coral Communication.
  • Tendencias y retos en eSalud. Carrion C. Foro Nacional de Educación en salud, Hermosillo – Mexico (2017). Invited Keynotes speaker
  • Espacios innovadores para el aprendizaje en salud. Carrion C. Foro Nacional de Educación en salud, Hermosillo – Mexico (2017). Invited Keynotes speaker
  • eLearning para mejorar el manejo de la leishmaniasis cutánea en las zonas endémicas. Carrion C, Ruiz-Postigo JA, Mokni M, García-Lorda P, Aymerich M.  XXXV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Barcelona (2017), Oral poster.
  • Plataforma de mSalud PEGASO para mejorar los estilos de vida de los adolescents. Puigdomènech E, Gómez-Santos S, Castell C, Carrion C, Espallargues M.  XXXV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Barcelona (2017), Poster.
  • Improving the competencies in managing Sexual Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS though an on-line Specialization Program. Carrion C, Reyes-Urueña J, García-Lorda P, Casabona J. XXXV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Barcelona (2017), Poster.
  • Evaluating mHealth for effectiveness, safety and privacy and the factors involved in translating the evidence-based information to the public and to health professionals. Carrion C. eHealth Week, Malta (2017). Invited keynotes speaker.
  • Assessing efficacy, security and effectiveness of weight control, overweight and obesity management apps: A systematic review. Carrion C. EvidenceLive, Oxford (UK) (2017). Oral Communication
  • LEISHGUIDE: Assessing the Impact of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis WHO Guidelines in Morocco. Carrion C, El MGhari I, Laamrani A, Bouhout S, Hamraoui H, Ezzahidi A, Aymerich M, Lise Grout, Ruiz-Postigo JA. The Network TUFH. Hammamet – Tunis (2017). Poster
  • Skin Neglected Tropical Diseases on-line course: Lessons learned after two editions. Carrion C, Mokni M, Aymerich M, Ruiz-Postigo JA The Network TUFH. Hammamet – Tunis (2017). Poster
  • Colaboración UOC-OMS: Investigación y formación on-line para mejorar el manejo de la Leishmaniasis cutánea. Carme Carrion, José A. Ruiz-Postigo, Mourad Mokni, Hamraoui Hamzy, Ezzahidi Abdelkacem y Marta Aymerich. VII Congreso Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo. Madrid (2017). Poster
  • Training health professionals working on the field: Skin Neglected Tropical Diseases on-line course. Carrion C. WHO Meeting on Buruli ulcer Control and Research. Geneve (2017) Oral Communication
  • mHealth Assessment: conceptualization of a global framework. Carrion C, Bradway M, Vallespin B, Puigdomènech E, European Telemedicine Conference, Oslo (2016). Poster
  • Assessing mHealth: Proposal of a new framework. Puigdomenech E, Carrion C, Gómez SF,  Almazán C, Espallargues M. Sociedad Española de Epidemiología. Sevilla (2016). Oral communication
  • Avaluem les intervencions de mHealth: Què opinen els experts en desenvolupament i implementació? Astorga C, Puigdomènech E, Gómez SF, Castell C, Espallargues M, Saigí F, Carrion C. Jornades R+D+I Tic Salut I social. Vic (2016). Poster
  • ¿Podemos evaluar las intervenciones de mSalud? Propuesta de un marco de evaluación. Carrion C. Cogreso internacional de telemedicine, Madrid (2016). Poster
  • Desarrollo, validación en pacientes de alto riesgo vascular y evaluación de un CDSS de ayuda en el tratamiento hipolipemiante (HTE-DLPR). Zamora A, Torrent-Fontbona F, Feliu E, Carrion C, López B, Castells X, Aymerich M,  Blanco L, Pozo-Alonso A, Martín-Urda A, Capellà D. Cogreso internacional de telemedicine, Madrid (2016). Poster
  • Baseline assessments of two experiences of Catalonia: UNDERSTANDING FIRST TO IMPROVE LATER. G Barbaglia, C Carrion, N Robles, L Domingo, N Albi, J Espaulella, M Espallargues on behalf of the SUSTAIN Consortium. International Conference of Integrated Care. Barcelona (2016). Oral Communication.
  • Towards a better characterization of the translation of health research: examples from three health research institutes in Catalonia. Maite Solans-Domenech, Paula Adam, Carme Carrion, Gaietà Permanyer-Miralda, Joan MV Pons. 1st conference on social impact of science. Barcelona (2016). Oral communication.
  • Enfermedades tropicales desatendidas. Experiencia docente de grado. Carrion C, Ruiz-Postigo JA. Jornadas de Docencia de la Sociedad Española de Biología Celular, Girona (2016). Oral communication
  • Formación on-line de profesionales de la salud: curso sobre el manejo de la leishmaniasis cutánea. Carrion C, Ruiz-Postigo JA. Jornadas de Docencia de la Sociedad Española de Biología Celular, Girona (2016). Oral communication
  • Student expectations achievement of a PBL elective module on neglected tropical diseases. Carrion C, Aymerich M and Ruiz-Postigo JA. The Network TUFH, Shenyang, China (2016) oral communication
  • Baseline data about leishmaniasis clinical management in two provinces of Morocco. Carrion C, Aymerich M, Lise Grout, Ruiz-Postigo JA. The Network TUFH, Shenyang, China (2016) Poster
  • A Clinical Decision Support System can improve the quality of lipid-lowering therapy in coronary patients. Zamora A, Carrion C, Vazquez A, Martin-Urda A, Vilaseca M, Paluzié G, Sevilla JC, Soler C, Plana N, Elosua R on behalf of VALIDA Group. European Society of Cardiology, London, (2015).
  • Social Impact assessment of the TV3 Telethon on biomedical research in Catalonia. Carrion C, Solans M, Adam P. International School on Research Impact Assessment, Doha, Qatar, (2015) (oral communication).
  • Problem-based learning module on Neglected Tropical Diseases for under graduate curricula. Carrion C, Ruiz-Postigo JA, Aymerich M. The Network International Conference, Johannesburg, South-Africa (2015) (oral communication).
  • Patient organizations are key enablers to clinical practice guidelines dissemination and implementation. Carrion C, Arroyo L, Gallo P, Caïs J, Gene-Badia J, Sánchez E, Aymerich M. The Network International Conference, Johannesburg, South-Africa (2015) (oral communication).
  • Acquiring competencies for cutaneous leishmaniasis clinical management through interactive e-learning. Carrion C, Mokni M, Ruiz-Postigo JA, Grout L, Aymerich M. The Network International Conference, Johannesburg, South-Africa (2015) (oral communication).
  • Do mobile life trackers and wearables promote healthy habits among adolescents? Carrion C, Castell C, Roure  E, Espallargues M. Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Santiago de Compostela (2015) (oral communication).
  • Wearable Lifestyle Tracking Devices: Are They Useful for Teenagers? Carrion C, Caon M, Carrino M, Arroyo L, Lang A, Atkinson S, Mazzola M, Perego P, Standoli C, Castell C, Espallargues M. International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing / International Symposium on Wearable Computers - ISWC Osaka, Japan (2015).
  • Desarrollo de un marco evaluativo para la mHealth y su aplicación a proyectos en desarrollo. Carrion C. IX Encuentro e-Salud y Telemedicina: TIC para los retos de I+i en servicios de salud en enfermedades crónicas, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. Santander (2015) (oral communication)
  • Clinical Decision Support System can improve the quality of lipid-lowering therapy in coronary patients. Zamora Z, Carrion C, Vazquez G, Martin-Urda A, Vilaseca M, Paluzie G, Sevilla JC, Soler C, Plana N, Elosua R. Euopean Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC) Congress, London (2015).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines and decision makers in Catalan healthy system: whan can help in their implementation? Carrion C, Aymerich M, Arroyo-Moliner L, Sánchez E, Gallo P, Caïs P; Gené J. (oral communication) EvidenceLive Congress, Oxford (2015)
  • mHealth: Can it be fasible, accepted and useful when promoting healthy life-style habits? A Systematic Review. Carrion C, Espallargues M, Castell C, Roure E, Serrano J. EvidenceLive Congress, Oxford (2015)
  • Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of CPGs: Perception by doctors and nurses in primary care in Catalonia. Gené J, Caïs J, Arroyo-Moliner L, Sánchez E, Carrion C, Aymerich M. V Congreso de la Red Española de Política Social (REPS/ ESPAnet-Spain): “Desigualdad y Democracia: Políticas Públicas e Innovación Social” Barcelona (2015) (oral communication).
  • Clinical practice guidelines must include patient preferences if they are to be useful. Aymerich M, Carrion C, Arroyo-Moliner L, Sánchez E, Gallo P, Caïs J, Gené J, The Network International Conference, Fortaleza (2014).
  • PEGASO: A system for teenage healthy lifestyle promotion. Lang A, Mazzola M, Carrion C, Tabozzi S, LeMay M, Sola M, Carrino S. & Atkinson S. (2014). Proceedings of 'Human Factors in Complex Systems' Conference. 10-11 June 2014. Nottingham. UK
  • Can technology help teenagers to have healthier habits? Carrion C, Castell C, Espallargues M. R+D+I en TIC I Salut – health and wellbeing innovation, Girona, Catalunya (2014) (oral communication).
  • Helping with clinical decision psychosocial interventions in the management of dementia. Carrion C, Aymerich M, Baillés E, Garía M, López-Bermejo A. 9th annual meeting of Health Technology Assessment International, Bilbao, 2012. Poster
  • Validación clínica de una herramienta de ayuda en la toma de decisiones en el tratamiento hipolipemiante en el paciente de alto riesgo vascular. Zamora A, Carrion C, Plana N, Martín-Urda A, Rivera A, Vázquez G, Paluzie G, Soler C. IV Congreso Nacional de atención al paciente crónico, Alicante, 2012. Póster
  • Disseny d’un curs on-line sobre l’aprenentatge basat en problemes (ABP). Carrion C, Aymerich M, Castells X, Xifró X, Soler M, Branda L. Congrés III European Conference on Information Technology in Education and Society: A Critical Insight, Barcelona (2012). Comunicació Oral
  • What works and what doesn't regarding psychosocial therapies in Alzheimer's diseases. Carrion C, Aymerich M, Almazán C, García M. 8th annual meeting of Health Technology Assessment International, Rio de Janeiro, 2011. Póster (finalista entre els 10 millors)
  • Preparación de inmunoliposomas estabilizados estéricamente que encapsulan doxorrubicina: optimización de la composición lipídica. Carrion C, Luz M, Domingo JC, De Madariaga MA. XX Congreso de la S.E.B.B.M. Madrid (1997)
  • Design of immunoliposomas directed against stem cell using CD34 antigen as target. Carrion C, Mercadal M, Domingo JC, Petriz J, Canals C, Garcia J, De Madariaga MA. XIVth FEBS Meeting. Barcelona (1996).
  • FTIR Spectroscopy studies of interfacial region of N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine bilayers. Domingo JC, Mercadal M, Carrion C, De Madariaga MA. 1st Portuguese-Spanish Biophysics Congress. Lisboa. Portugal (1995). 
  • Divalent cation aggregation studies of N-palmitoyl derivatives of phospholipids. Carrion C, Sagristà ML, Celaya R. Biochem. Soc. Trans. (1994).

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