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Academic year 2022-2023

Inaugural lesson "The global threat of plastic", given by Anna Sánchez-Vidal, an oceanographer and environmentalist and former student of Environmental Sciences at the UdG.
Collaborative speech. Lecture by Berta Guinó and Lorena Marmolejo, coordinators of the UdG’s Student Council.
Speech by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Assumpció Vila
Inaugural speech by the Rector, Quim Salvi

Academic year 2021-2022

Inaugural lesson entitled "Inclusion is necessary to improve education" by Roser Salavert, founder member and director of the Centre for Professional Development the Fordham University de Nova York, and former supervisor in the state schools of New York City's Department of Education.
Collaborative speech. Lecture by Berta Guinó and Lorena Marmolejo, coordinators of the UdG’s Student Council.
Speech by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rosa Núria Aleixandre
Inaugural speech by the Rector, Quim Salvi

2020-2021 academic year

Dear Students,

The official opening of an academic year is a recurring ceremonial event. We do it every year and it is one rites that marks the start of educational activity, the heart beat of the University which, once again, opens its doors to constant research and transmission of knowledge.

But, at the same time, it is also a space that is renewed every year and with the embers of the university community, expressing the desire for both continuity and renewal. Continuity in knowledge and renewal in the tools that need to be used for social progress.

This year’s inauguration, however, will be different. It will not be how it was before, how it has been until now. As a matter of fact, there will be no ceremony. But there is the academic year. And there will continue to be academic years. Because, with or without ceremony, we are starting with the same enthusiasm and wishes that we have always expressed at one of the University’s most important events. We’re not opening the academic year but rather starting it, experiencing it, taking part in it and making it ours.

Which is why, to gauge the UdG’s consistency, appraise its robustness and understand its contribution to the common good, I invite you to read and revise the last academic year's report. A certainly anomalous year where we have reclaimed the essential values of our work in critical circumstances. As we observe what we have done, we will also know what we are required to do from now on. An impact that it leaves mark, that of our University.

A very good year to all of you.
Quim Salvi The Rector

Academic year 2019-2020

Official opening lesson given by the journalist, writer and #Cuénta, Cristina Fallarás

Collaborative speech. Reading by the student, Alba Artés
Speech from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rosa Núria Aleixandre
Inaugural speech by the Rector, Quim Salvi

Academic year 2018-2019

Inaugural lecture by the founder and director of Proactiva OpenArms, Òscar Camps / Vídeo

Collaborative speech. Reading by the Coordinator of the Student Council, Isaac Coronas
Parliament of the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rosa Núria Aleixandre
Inauguration speech by the Rector, Quim Salvi


Inaugural lecture “Compromís social: el repte pendent de la universitat” [Social responsibility: the university's pending challenge], given by Ms Montse Castro, member of the administrative and service staff of the Social Responsibility Unit at the UdG. 

Speech by Pau Parals, UdG student representative
Speech by Oriol Pellicer, UdG administrative and service staff representative
Speech by Òscar Prieto, UdG teaching and research staff representative
Speech by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rosa Núria Aleixandre
Speech by the Rector, Sergi Bonet



Inaugural lecture “La transferència del coneixement: tercera missió de la universitat” [Knowledge transfer: the university's third mission], given by Dr Carmen Carretero, professor of Food Technology at the UdG and academic director of the Sectoral Campus of Food and Gastronomy. 

Speech by Juan González, UdG student representative
Speech by Marc Sabater, UdG administrative and service staff representative
Speech by Teresa Puig, UdG teaching and research staff representative
Speech by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rosa Núria Aleixandre
Speech by the Rector, Sergi Bonet


Academic year 2015-2016

Inaugural lecture “Recerca i producció de coneixement. Responsabilitat i reptes de la universitat en el segle XXI” [Research and Knowledge Production. Responsibility and Challenges facing the University in the 21st century] given by Dr Xavier Antich, Professor of Aesthetics at the UdG and president of the Antoni Tàpies Foundation.

Speech by Laia Vicens, UdG student’ representative
Speech by Íngrid Aznar, UdG administration and service staff representative
Speech by Anna Planas, UdG teaching and research staff representative
Speech by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rosa Núria Aleixandre
Speech by the Rector, Sergi Bonet


Academic year 2014-2015

Inaugural lecture given by Prof. Xavier Besalú, primary-school teacher and senior lecturer at the UdG Department of Education

Speech by Pau Pagès, UdG student representative
Speech by Josep Ferrer, UdG administrative and service staff representative
Speech by Jordi Viñas, UdG teaching and research staff representative
, Speech by the Secretary of Universities and Research, Antoni Castellà
Speech by the Rector, Sergi Bonet


Academic year 2013-2014

Inaugural lecture given by Prof. Pedro Alonso, director of ISGlobal

Speech of the president, Ms. Anna M. Geli
Speech of the counsellor of Economy and Knowledge, Mr. Andreu Mas-Colell


Academic year 2012-2013

Inaugural lecture given by Dr Ramon Lapiedra, emeritus professor and former rector of the Universitat de València: “De les funcions de la Universitat” [On the functions of the University]

Speech by the rector, Ms Anna M. Geli


Academic year 2011-2012

Inaugural lecture given by Mr Carles Cruz: “I la llei, què hi diu?” [And the law, what does it say?]

Speech by the rector, Ms Anna M. Geli


Academic year 2010-2011

Inaugural lecture given by Ms Rosa Cullell: “Galàxia Comunicació: sobreviure a Internet” [The Communication Galaxy: surviving on the Internet]

Speech by the rector, Ms Anna M. Geli


Academic year 2009-2010

Inaugural lecture given by Dr Josep Maria Terricabras: “Excel·lència i equitat: dos reptes de la Universitat” [Excellence and equity: two challenges for the University]

Speech by the rector, Ms Anna M. Geli


Academic year 2008-2009

Inaugural lecture given by Mr Lluís Maria de Puig: “Girona Universitat Europea” [Girona European University]

Speech by the rector, Ms Anna M. Geli


Academic year 2007-2008

Inaugural lecture given by Dr Valentí Fuster: “Salut i qualitat de vida, un repte per al segle XXI” [Health and quality of life, a challenge for the 21st century]

Speech by the rector, Ms Anna M. Geli


Academic year 2006-2007

Inaugural lecture given by Mr Federico Mayor Zaragoza: “Delicte de silenci” [Crime of silence]

Speech by the rector, Ms Anna M. Geli


Academic year 2005-2006

Inaugural lecture given by Mr Pere Cornellà: "L'aroma de la innovació"

[The smell of innovation] Speech by the rector, Mr Joan Batlle


Academic year 2004-2005

Inaugural lecture given by Dr Gianmarco Veruggio: “Des de l'Antàrtida fins a l'Àrtic.” [From Antarctica as far as the Arctic]. Una aventura submarina” [An Underwater Adventure]

Speech by the Rector, Mr Joan Batlle


Academic year 2003-2004

Academic year 2002-2003

Inaugural lecture given by Mr Jaume Pagès: “Cultures i globalització: reptes i oportunitats”

[Cultures and globalisation: challenges and opportunities] Speech by the rector, Mr Joan Batlle


Academic year 2001-2002

Inaugural lecture given by Dr Josep Brugada: "Els reptes de la medicina al tercer mil·lenni" [Challenges for medicine in the third millennium]

Speech by the rector, Mr Josep M. Nadal: "Tocar de nou el primer foc” [Touching the first fire again]


Academic year 2000-2001

Inaugural lesson given by Ms Anna Birulés: “Universitat, investigació i empresa. “Reptes de futur” [Future challenges]

Speech by the rector, Mr Josep M. Nadal: "La sella en què va cavalcar Homer” [The saddle in which Homer rode]


Academic year 1999-2000

Inaugural lecture given by Mr Valentí Puig: “Elogi de M. Àngels Anglada” [Eulogy for Maria Àngels Anglada]
Speech by the rector, Mr Josep M. Nadal

Academic year 1998-1999

Inauguration of the Catalan University System academic year
Inaugural lecture given by Mr Narcís Comadira: "Aprendre de lletra"
[Learning to write] Speech by the rector, Mr Josep M. Nadal


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