Areas of action
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Chair of Health Promotion

Areas of action

Education, publications, research and diffusion and transfer of knowledge


  • Courses and conferences aimed at professionals, students and health specialists who want to broaden their knowledge.
  • Seminars offering a detailed look at specific aspects of the field of health promotion.
  • Conferences with different professionals and experts from home and abroad, sharing perspectives relating to health promotion.
  • Virtual education fore those wanting to broaden their knowledge in the field of health promotion. 


  • Documentary archive for health promotion. The Chair donated its documentary archive to the Library of the University of Girona, and it can be consulted at
  • BepSalut - digital publication on health promotion. Periodic electronic subscription publication, also available for consultation on the website for the Chair of Health Promotion. Available for consultation at .
  • Own publications available in paper and digital format .


  • Evaluation of health promotion programmes and projects.
  • Design and participation in research projects. The Chair of Health Promotion is actively involved in various national and international projects.
  • Bibliographical research in health promotion.
  • Dissemination and implementation of salutogenesis.
  • Design and implementation of a guide for drafting municipal health plans.
  • Analysis of indicator models for monitoring health and the roll-out of Sustainable Development Goals in the municipal sphere.
  • Adapting health promotion guides and tools to our context.
  • Creating assessment tools in health promotion.

Dissemination and transfer of knowledge

  • Promoting network day events for groups working in health promotion.
  • Collaboration with the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE).
  • Participation in networks. The Chair of Health Promotion is a member and actively takes part in different networks, such as:
    • Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services network.
    • The Xarxa d’Hospitals i Serveis Promotors de la Salut de Catalunya.
    • European Health Promoting Universities network.
    • La Red Española de Universidades Saludables.
    • La Xarxa Catalana d’ Universitats Saludables.
    • El Consorcio Interamericano de Universidades y Centros de Formación de Personal en Educación para la Salud y Promoción de la Salud.
    • The European Training Consortium in Public Health and Health Promotion
    • El Grupo de Trabajo Salutogénesis en Lengua Española.
  • Advice on health promotion subjects.

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