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Demanda tecnològica: Expertise in metallurgy of novel metallic, bio-absorbable stents for cardio

A young German medical devices SME, specialised in the development and manufacturing of innovative stents and balloon catheters for cardio vascular applications, seeks partners with expertise in metallurgy, specifically for the development of novel bio- absorbable metallic stents for paediatric and congenital market.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

The German medical devices company with its core competence in developing minimal invasive products for the cardio-vascular application, such as stents and catheters, is looking for expertise in the field of medical related metallurgy.

Cardio-vascular diseases within European human population provide the highest prevalence of about 4.3 Mio deaths in a year. Moreover, consequences of these diseases are very often stenosis, aneurysms and thromboses of the arteries. Thus, the market need for innovative devices and improved materials is still growing.

However, the number of patients with congenital heart diseases is relatively low compared to the patient population of coronary or peripheral disease. While leading industry is mainly focussed on the market of adult cardiology rather than on the paediatric and congenital market, the innovation strategy of the German SME is to focus on new therapeutic approaches, which are more challenging. This will help to safe new-born lives by minimising numbers and risks of surgeries, while opening new technological opportunities and a more secure market position.

Recently the company has developed and marketed two stents for paediatric and congenital vascular diseases with the option to dilate at adult age. However, in some indications adjusting the device is not possible or not even necessary. Therefore the idea is to develop a stent of a bio-absorbable material. Since common polymer materials (e.g. PLA etc.) in some cases are not stable enough for implanting, a metallic material shall be applied.

The company seeks technical expertise for co-developing the above mentioned stent. A research partnership is possible with medical centres for carrying out preclinical in-vivo animal models or clinical studies.


Referència: TRDE20171017001

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