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Demanda Tecnològica: Polymer biodegradation screening tests

An Israeli chemical company is seeking an effective screening methodology for biodegradability of polymers in soil to precede a 2-years biodegradation test in close-to-real soil conditions. Identified technologies that meet the basic criteria (see description section) will receive funding to mature the technology if required, or will be considered for utilizing the services offered.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

An Israeli chemical company is seeking an effective screening methodology for biodegradability of polymers in soil to precede a 2-years biodegradation test in close-to-real soil conditions.

Polymers biodegradation in the soil is affected by multiple factors with intricate co-dependencies: the soil type, the biome of a specific soil sample, geographical location, temperature, moisture, and other factors. Ultimately, biodegradation can only be ascertained in a full long-term test in as real conditions as possible. They are aiming at high biodegradation rates of 90%, or more, in soil over a period of 2 years at 25°C.

For practical reasons, they are looking for an accelerated screening test to quickly select the most promising polymers before commencing a full-length biodegradation test. The accelerated test should take into account the micro-organisms activity, the soil medium, the bacteria culture used for the tests, additives that may be used to accelerate the test, and any other factor that may affect the result and make it meaningful, with the ultimate goal of reliably correlating the accelerated test result to the full 2-years test.

Identified technologies that meet our basic criteria (see description section) will receive funding to mature the technology if required, or will be considered for utilizing the services offered.

Referència: TRIL20170918001

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