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Cerca de Socis: ICT and Sensor Technologies for Preservation of Environment Project

A Bulgarian university is looking for partners to participate in the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation Call 2018-01. The project will focus on the use of ICT for monitoring and environmental mapping and on the improvement of social dialogue on environmental matters.

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As the transboundary component of environmental, in particular air, pollution is significant, increased regional cooperation, exchange of information and joint efforts are important to abate the outstanding air pollution problems.

Cities in the Balkan region have recently been reported as having some of the highest air pollution concentrations out of all European cities. The project will therefore involve establishment of an open Balkan network of IoT devices and LoRaWAN gateways for monitoring air quality parameters. The data will be gathered to a processing area and a deep learning approach will be used for analysis of the available information, predictions on possible problems and generation of guidelines and reports for their mitigation. Tools for enabling society to understand the collected environmental information will also be elaborated.

The project consortium presently comprises of 2 research partners, an NGO and an expertise partner. The lead partner is a Bulgarian university having experts from the ICT, technical, environmental and social faculties in its project team. The university has an extensive international project background – both as a Lead and as a regular partner.

To complement the present project consortium, ICT engineering companies, municipalities, environmental institutions or NGOs from the Balkan countries are needed, more specifically from Greece, Republic of Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and/or Turkey. The specific roles of the partners will be determined upon review of their expertise and project background.

In accordance with the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation Call requirements, eligible consortia may submit a maximum of one concept note and consortium members may not participate in other project consortia under this call. More information about the call for proposals can be found at: .

The envisaged project duration is 3 years.


Referència: RDBG20180521001


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