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Demanda tecnològica: Partner to develop further the machine learning algorithms of its product

The company is a UK start up, based in London. It provides automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) power decision supporting solutions for the construction industry. The company is currently at the minimum viable product (MVP) stage and is seeking a technology partner to develop further the machine learning algorithms of the product. The envisaged cooperation will be under a service agreement.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

The London based start-up is developing an AI assistant to help engineers and architects during their day-to-day job.

The platform collects the large quantity of data produced on a daily basis and using AI helps professionals to prioritise their tasks by interactively providing them with suggestions and insights in real time.

Currently, the company has two main goals they need to achieve in order to develop the product fully: first, it aims at creating a database through optimisation algorithms and proven real solutions to train its AI; secondly, it needs to develop a user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the engineers' workflow.

For this purpose, it is looking to partner with a technology company under a service agreement. The partner will help the company to further develop the product in terms of user interface, user experience and use machine-learning algorithms to improve the recommendation system.

Referència: TRUK20180215001


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