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Demanda tecnològica:H2020-SC1-DTH-08-2018: Experts in semantic web solutions, ISO EN13606 or open EH

A Spanish SME specialised in eHealth solutions is looking for partners for submitting a proposal to the call H2020-SC1-DTH-08-2018: Prototyping a European interoperable EHR exchange. The project aims to develop a European cloud-based platform for standardization of Electronic Health Records (EHR).

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

This project aims to develop, test and validate a platform for analysis of EHR that ensures the harmonization and standardisation of European health data. This platform will allow the interoperability between physicians and citizens through health information systems, and fusion of health data in a common storage platform for analysis at a European level.

The platform will be developed based on EHR archetypes that follow the ISO EN13606 standard. This platform will provide enough functionality and flexibility to adapt its EHR requirements in terms of data curation and interoperability between heterogeneous health services classified according to the clinical scope.

The platform will be tested and validated with multiple heterogeneous health services/companies/research centres that collaborate with hospitals which may have or not implemented EHR systems. Hospitals or other institutions that can provide large volume of data from their EHR will be highly valuable for data integration and the validation process. 

Referència: RDES20171129001


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