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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Les destinacions turístiques són zones geogràfiques visitades pels turistes. Les millores en les tecnologies del transport, les polítiques frontereres més obertes i l'augment de les classes mitjanes han contribuït a la democratització dels viatges i, amb això, pràcticament qualsevol zona del món s'ha convertit en una destinació turística real o potencial. Atès que el turisme és una activitat econòmica i el desenvolupament del turisme pot esdevenir una important font d'ingressos per a les destinacions, tot tipus d'àrees administratives (països sobirans, regions, comarques i municipis) tenen interès potencial per desenvolupar i gestionar activitats turístiques al territori sota la seva jurisdicció, i atraure visitants i augmentar els ingressos per a les seves comunitats locals. Les organitzacions que s'encarreguen d'aquestes tasques es coneixen com a Organitzacions de Gestió de Destinacions (DMO) i la seva dimensió i complexitat són més grans, quan més gran és la zona geogràfica sota la seva jurisdicció. Aquest curs s'ocupa de les tasques de gestió dels directius de les destinacions pel que fa al desenvolupament de productes turístics, el màrqueting de destinacions i la marca de la destincació.


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Natàlia Ferrer Roca  / Jaume Oscar Guía Julve  / Jaume Marin Rabiol  / Marlisa Ayu Trisia
Idioma de les classes:


  • CB 1 - Aprenentatge i la creativitat competències: el desenvolupament d'una actitud proactiva cap a la innovació, la capacitat d'adaptar-se als canvis i nous entorns, habilitats per a la presa de decisions i resoldre problemes en situacions d'incertesa, la capacitat per desenvolupar noves idees i utilitzar de manera creativa en un context de gestió, l'ús de la coneixements i capacitats obtinguts en els diferents contextos culturals, la capacitat d'integrar i crear nous coneixements, i fer judicis en entorns complexos i incerts
  • CB 2 - Competències analítiques: capacitat per a definir i seleccionar les prioritats per a l'assoliment dels objectius, el desenvolupament de la consciència crítica per interpretar i avaluar els resultats analítics, la capacitat d'emetre judicis amb informació incompleta o inconsistent, o on no hi ha codis d'ètica o professional o pràctiques d'orientació
  • CB 3 - Competències analítiques: capacitat per definir i seleccionar les prioritats per a l'assoliment dels objectius, el desenvolupament de la consciència crítica per interpretar i avaluar els resultats analítics, la capacitat d'emetre judicis amb informació incompleta o inconsistent, o on no hi ha codis d'ètica o professional o pràctiques d'orientació, la capacitat de cercar, seleccionar i analitzar la literatura rellevant a la investigació i resolució de problemes complexos
  • CB 4 - Competències de comunicació: capacitat de comunicar-se eficaçment conclusions de la investigació i el seu marc conceptual a una diversitat d'audiències, la capacitat d'articular els coneixements adquirits en les presentacions orals i escrites, capacitat d'escollir i aplicar les estratègies de comunicació apropiades de acord amb els objectius estratègics generals de l'organització
  • CB 5 - Competències de l'organització: capacitat per treballar en contextos de responsabilitat social, la capacitat de negociar i arribar a acords justos, la capacitat d'organitzar i dirigir grups o equips intercultural, la capacitat per identificar l'equip d'organització, i les competències individuals, la capacitat per planificar de manera integral i aplicar de forma més equitativa i estratègies sostenibles de desenvolupament turístic per a les generacions presents i futures
  • CE 9 - Capacitat per analitzar críticament, avaluar i aplicar el desenvolupament de destinacions i eines de gestió en una varietat d'escenaris, incloent els instruments financers, la capacitat per crear, gestionar i comercialitzar eficaçment nous productes turístics dirigits a diferents segments del mercat

Altres Competències

  • 1. Define the meaning of destination product in order to be able to effectively develop and manage tourism products at destination level
  • 2. Define the meaning of place brand and destination brand and be able to communicate professionally about this field of business
  • 3. Analyze existing destination product configurations in order to assess their effectiveness and provide recommendations for improvement
  • 4. Analyse existing destination brands in order to assess their effectiveness and provide recommendations for improvement
  • 5. Identify different tourism market segments and their different behavior in order to be able to make sound decisions regarding destination marketing strategies, destination branding and destination product development
  • 6. Perform the activities implied in the design and management of destination marketing and destination branding strategies, in order to effectively participate in these types of processes.
  • 7. Assess the effectiveness of particular configurations of destination product, of particular destination marketing strategies, and of particular destination brands in order to give feedback to destination managers and stakeholders
  • 8. Design improvements to be implemented in destination product, destination marketing, and destination brand strategies
  • 9. Communication abilities and language skills. Students should be able to prepare written documents that are clear and concise, using appropriate style for the intended audience, and prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear, focused, well-structured, and delivered in a professional manner
  • 10. Teamwork skills: social competence, cognitive and emotional empathy, and leadership practice. Students should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams and reflect on their own teamwork, and on the team’s processes and ability to achieve outcomes
  • 11. Ethical responsibility: Students will have a sound awareness of the ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business practice


1. Destination product management a. Destination product diversification strategies b. Destination product resources c. Destination product development

2. Destination marketing a. Visitors behaviour & market research (pre-trip, on-the-trip & post-trip) b. Market segments visiting the destination ?c. Target market strategies d. Destination marketing and promotional strategies (by DMO & by individual operators)

3. Destination branding a. Destination positioning, destination image, destination reputation, and destination branding b. The process of place branding (destination brand development) c. Destination branding approach, portfolio & brand architecture


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 25,00 125,00 0 150,00
Total 25,00 125,00 0 150


  • Morrison, A.M (2013). Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations. Routledge: London.
  • Abdelati, B. & Bramwell, B. (2015). Tourism product development and product diversification in destinations. Tourism Management.
  • Anholt, S. (2009). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Buck Song, Koh (2017). Brand Singapore. Nation Branding after Lee Kuan Yew, in a divisive world. Marshall Cavendish: Singapore.
  • Govers, R. (2018). Imaginative Communities: Admires cities, regions and countries. Belgium: Reputo Press.
  • Kaefer, F. (2015). The key to measuring place branding. fDiIntelligence Magazine,,
  • Datzira-Masip, J. & Poluzzi, A. (2014). Brand Architecture Management. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management,,
  • Zenker, S.; Braun, E. & Petersen, S. (2017). Branding the destination versus the place. Tourism Management,,

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Article readings Critical argument/question 10 No
Submission of the written report and oral presentation material Quality of the project’s written report 40
Presentation and discussion of the assignment Quality of the project’s presentation 40
Self-evaluation and peer review Individual contribution to team performance & communication skills shown in discussions 10 No


A - Excellent: For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all or nearly all the relevant aspects of the course. No aspect or only a few aspects of the course have minor weaknesses.
B - Very good: For a very good performance displaying a very good command of most relevant aspects of the course. Some of the aspects of the course have minor and/or major weaknesses, with none or only a few major weaknesses in them. No remaining aspects have serious weaknesses.
C - Good: For a good performance displaying a good command of most relevant aspects of the course. Most of the aspects of the course have minor weaknesses, and none or only a few of the other aspects have major weaknesses, with no remaining aspects having serious weaknesses.
D - Fair: For a fair performance displaying a fair command of most relevant aspects of the course. Some of the aspects of the course have minor weaknesses, and some other aspects have major weaknesses, with no or only a few of the remaining aspects having serious weaknesses.
E - Adequate: For a performance displaying an adequate command of most relevant aspects of the course. Most of the aspects of the course have minor weaknesses, and some other aspects have major weaknesses, with no or only a few of the remaining aspects having serious weaknesses.
Fx - Inadequate: For a performance, which displays inadequate command of most relevant aspects of the course. Some relevant aspects of the course have serious weaknesses, and/or most of these aspects have major weaknesses.
F - Poor: For a performance, which displays a poor command of most relevant aspects of the course. Most of the relevant aspects of the course have serious weaknesses.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:

Avaluació única:
This evaluation will consist on the same activities described in the program

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
A minimum grade of 5 out of 10 must be obtained to pass the subject.


You can arrange a personal tutorial by sending an email to the teacher.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

The Samepage platform will be used as the main communication channel with the students. Email communication is reserved for extraordinary reasons or to arrange tutorials.


The class consists of introductory lectures combined with class discussions. The purpose of the introductory lectures is to present a critical view and assessment of some of the topics of the course. There are also tutorials where the students will raise issues for discussion regarding the evolution of the group assignment.

The teaching strategy is to give a critical overview of conceptual, empirical and case material with an emphasis on theories and findings that are based on research evidence and coherent arguments. Students will develop and present a formal assessment of a real case of destination product development and marketing and branding practices. The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student to extend and reinforce his or her understanding of the conceptual material of the course, and to contribute to the student development in terms of scholarly inquiry, disciplinary knowledge, analytic and critical thinking, independent and reflective learning, information literacy, collaborative work, and effective communication.

Students must also expect to work effectively in teams and to prepare formal written assignments in a clear and logical manner. Thus, this course aims not only to develop the student’s critical understanding of a range of substantive destination management marketing phenomena, but also to encourage the student to present their analyses in a logical and convincing manner and to clearly show how their conclusions are based on evidence acquired through research.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
In case of lockdown, all classes will be conducted as planned through Samepage.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
In case of lockdown, all evaluation activities will be conducted as planned through Samepage.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Tutoring and communication with students will be conducted as defined in the Tutoring and Communication tab in all scenarios.

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