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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Les proves radiològiques son cada dia més importants per el diagnòstic, maneig i tractament de tota malaltia. Amb aquesta assignatura l´estudiant aprendrà d´una manera pràctica tota els conceptes essencials del diagnòstic per l´imatge que li seran útils per fe millor la seva feina com fisioterapeuta.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Josep-Ronald Garcia Bennett  / Carmen Moragues Pastor
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup B

Semestral, 1r semestre
Josep-Ronald Garcia Bennett  / Carmen Moragues Pastor
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Comunicar-se de mode efectiu i clar
  • Treballar en equip de forma col·laborativa i responsabilitat compartida.
  • Dissenyar el pla d'intervenció en fisioteràpia, atenent a criteris d'adequació, validesa i eficiència.
  • Proporcionar una atenció de fisioteràpia eficaç, atorgant una assistència integral als pacients.
  • Dur a terme les intervencions fisioterapèutiques basant-se en l'atenció integral de la salut que suposa la cooperació multiprofessional, la integració dels processos i la continuïtat assistencial.


1. Introduction to Diagnostic Imaging Imaging techniques: Radiography and contrast radiography Ultrasound Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Radiation effects: Ionizing radiations: physics and doses Biologic effects of radiations Radioprotection.

2. General Semiology X-ray Radiographic densities Radiographic positioning Ultrasound Interpretation of ultrasound images. Artifacts CT CT densities, window and density levels. Contrast administration and contrast phases MRI MRI sequences Imaging interpretation DICOM imaging

3. Thoracic, cardiac, breast and vascular imaging Abdominal imaging

4. Shoulder Imaging anatomy Degenerative disease and impingement Muscular avulsion Arthropathy

5. Vertebral column Anatomy and Imaging Techniques Development anomalies Degenerative disease Traumatic disease

6. Pelvic girdle Imaging anatomy Traumatic disease Hip impingement Pediatric disease Sports disease

7. Knee Imaging and functional anatomy Meniscal, tendon and ligament lesions Chondropathy and arthropathy

8. Elbow Imaging anatomy Epicondylitis: lateral and medial Traumatic disease Arthropathy

9. Wrist Imaging anatomy Traumatic disease Arthropathy: rheumatoid, degenerative, deposit Carpal tunnel syndrome Tendinopathies

10. Ankle Imaging anatomy Traumatic disease Tendon and ligament disease

11. Practical Ultrasound Session 1. Bases of MSK ultrasound. Standard shoulder scan and frequent shoulder pathology

12. Practical Ultrasound Session 2.Standard Knee scan and frequent pathology. Standard Hip scan and frequent pathology

13. Practical Ultrasound Session 3. Standard Elbow scan and frequent pathology. Standard Wrist and Hand scan and frequent pathology

14. Practical Ultrasound Session 4. Standard Ankle and Foot scan and frequent pathology. Ultrasound guided injections.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 32,00 94,00 24,00 150,00
Total 32,00 94,00 24,00 150


  • David Stoller (2003). Diagnostic Imaging Orthopaedics. AMIRSYS.
  • ARTHROGRAPHY .PRICIPLES AND PRACTICE IN RADIOLOGY (2009). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 edition (December 2, 2008).

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
To be familiar with the physics behind each imaging technique (X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography). Multiple choice. 10 No
To reinforce your knowledge of anatomy through radiological interpretation. Multiple choice with images. 20 No
To study the main physiotherapy pathology that has more relevance in radiology Multiple choice questions with images. 25 No
To recognize the pathology in different real cases using the same tools as radiologists. Multiple choice questions with images. 25 No
On hand practical ultrasound class. Multiple choice with images. 20 No



Each class will contain a short evaluation regarding the content of the class (both the theoretical and practical content) which will account for 12.5% of the final evaluation.

All evaluations will be done by multiple choice questions (4 options, 1 correct and no negative points) and they may include images. The evaluations can be retaken in case a student does not pass them.

60 Multiple Choice questions (4 options, 1 correct and no negative points) that may include images.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student will be marked as Non Present when he does not attend the Continuous Evaluation or the Final Evaluation.

Avaluació única:
The evaluation system in EUSES - UdG is based, in general, in the continuous assessment. If the student wishes to take part in the unique pathway, he / she will need to request it in writing to the lecturer of the subject and the degree coordinator during the first two weeks of the Semester.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
A minimum grade of 5.0 will be required to pass the subject.


The tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms, and also virtually.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Communication and interaction with the students will be done in person and virtually throughout the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.


Learning outcomes:

- Knowing the main concepts and means of diagnostic imaging that are applied to the profession of physiotherapist.
- Learning to interpret diagnostic tests to identify possible clinical cases.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition. Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
The teaching activities will be carried out through online platforms (theoretical activities).

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition. Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
The evaluation will be as follows:

Theoretical part: Assessment using the Moodle platform. (the assessment rules will be the previously established in the subject)

Tutoria i comunicació:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition. Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
The communication and professor meetings will be carried out through the platforms enabled by the UdG (google meet, Microsoft teams, Skype ...)

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