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Curs acadèmic:
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Iwonna Dubicka
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 3. Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge i elaborar estratègies per a la seva millora
  • 4. Utilitzar la llengua anglesa i una altra llengua estrangera
  • 6. Recollir i seleccionar informació de manera eficaç i eficient
  • 7. Prevenir i resoldre problemes, conflictes i prendre decisions
  • 8. Treballar en equip, establint aquelles relacions que més poden ajudar a fer aflorar potencialitats de cooperació i mantenir-les de manera contínua.
  • 9. Tenir habilitat per a les relacions personals en qualsevol context i situació.
  • 11. Dissenyar propostes creatives, tenir iniciativa i esperit emprenedor.
  • 13. Identificar elements rellevants procedents d'altres cultures i la diversitat de costums existents.
  • 17. Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit
  • 21. Utilitzar la terminologia i el llenguatge dels diversos àmbits turístics
  • 22. Tenir pensament lògic i esperit crític


1. Topic 1 Getting Started: - Introducing yourself - Presentation of course objectives - Analyzing an effective presentation - Steve Jobs presenting the i-phone - Introduction to presentation techniques and rhetorical devices e.g. key words, repetition, rhetorical questions, rule of three, etc. - Useful expressions for structuring your talk - starting, ending and signposting - Practise giving the introduction of a talk e.g. welcoming new students to your university.

2. Topic 2 Body language: - Positive body language (high impact v. negative impact); Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk - Analyzing the body language of public figures - Practise presenting yourself using positive body language - Good posture, pausing and projecting your voice

3. Topic 3 How to captivate the audience with words: - Effective presentation techniques and rhetorical devices: using alliteration, a surprising fact/figure, metaphors, mantras, telling an anecdote etc. - Analysing powerful speakers: Oprah Winfrey’s acceptance speech at the Golden Globes.

4. Topic 4 Using visuals 1 – Describing graphs: - Types of visuals (graph, chart, infographics etc.); highlighting your main points with visuals - Making figures and statistics sound interesting – video of Hans Rosling - Language for describing figures and trends: verbs for describing trends - rise/fall/fluctuate etc.; adjectives v. adverbs - slight/slightly, significant/significantly, dramatic/dramatically etc. - Useful expressions for describing visuals - Practise describing different kinds of visual information related to tourism

5. Topic 5 Giving an Elevator Pitch: - Having a clear purpose and considering the audience - Practicalities: planning and timing - Ways of structuring your talk e.g. problem and solution; past, present and future; three benefits of a product/service. - Giving an elevator pitch for a tourism product/service.

6. Topic 6 Q&A / Questions and Answers: - Useful strategies and expressions for dealing with challenging or irrelevant questions - Practise answering challenging & irrelevant questions

7. Topic 7 Using visuals 2 - Designing slides: - Effective visuals and slides e.g. use of fonts, colour, images and graphics; effective bullet points and reducing text - Advantages and disadvantages of software such as PowerPoint – video, Death by PPT - Review expressions for signposting and describing visual information

8. Topic 8 Effective Speakers and Presentation Styles: • Engaging the audience: ways of getting and maintaining the audience’s attention • Analyzing different speakers: Isabel Allende, Ken Robinson, J.K. Rowling and Simon Sinek • Developing rapport with the audience: connecting with the audience by identifying a need, using anecdotes and humour etc.

9. Topic 9 Storytelling: • Structuring a presentation using a storytelling technique – TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and The Danger of a Single Story • Practise telling a short story or anecdote related to travel or tourism

10. Topic 10 Preparing your final presentation: - Students discuss their ideas for their final presentation - Planning the purpose and angle of your talk - Review useful expressions for presentations - Pronunciation and delivery practice, according to the needs of the students - Practise concluding your talk successfully and ending on a high note


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Exposició dels estudiants 19,00 14,00 0 33,00
Sessió participativa 24,00 8,00 0 32,00
Visionat/audició de documents 4,00 6,00 0 10,00
Total 47,00 28,00 0 75


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Interactive lessons Class participation and attendance will be graded as it is considered essential on this practical course. 20 No
Short presentations including describing visuals in pairs and an individual elevator pitch. Two short presentation tasks done in class: a presentation of visual information given in pairs (10%) and an elevator pitch given individually (10%). 20 No
Final exam/presentation: Students give an 8-minute presentation including slides on a topic of their choice, related to travel or tourism. This will be followed by Q&A.
Evaluation criteria of the final presentation:
- planning and purpose
- structure & content
- audience rapport
- use of visuals
- delivery including body language, pronunciation and use of voice
- overall impact of the presentation on the audience.
Students must send their slides to the teacher in advance.


Formative / Continuous assessment students:
The final presentation will constitute 60% of the final grade. The remaining 40% consists of 20% for class participation and attendance and 20% for two short presentations done in class. These short presentations consist of presenting visual information in pairs (10%), and an elevator pitch given individually (10%).

Final exam/presentation:
Students give an 8-10-minute presentation including slides on a topic of their choice related to travel and tourism followed by Q&A. Students give a final presentation individually at the end of the course and deal with Q&A (Questions and Answers). Students need to send their presentation slides to the teacher for assessment, at least one week before the day of their final exam. This helps to minimise problems with the choice of topic and/or basic errors in slides before the day of the final presentation.

Evaluation criteria of the final presentation:
- planning and purpose
- structure & content
- audience rapport
- design and use of visuals
- delivery including body language, pronunciation and use of voice
- overall impact of the presentation on the audience.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students who do not give their final presentation on the stipulated date but take the resit exam will not be able to receive a grade higher than 6 out of 10. The resit exam will consist of the elevator pitch (20%) and the final presentation (80%).

Avaluació única:
Summative / Exam only assessment:
The evaluation system endorsed by the Universitat de Girona is continuous assessment. Single assessment will only be allowed in some specific cases and always within the deadline specified in the school calendar.

Single assessment is not recommended for this practical course. However, if a student chooses single assessment (evaluació única), they must inform the teacher and sign a document by 12th February 2021. In this case, they will be evaluated in the final presentation (80%) but will also need to present an elevator pitch in class in April-May (20%). The elevator pitch will be given on a day that is mutually convenient for both the teacher and the student.
Evaluation criteria of the final presentation:
- planning and purpose
- structure & content
- audience rapport
- design and use of visuals
- delivery (body language, pronunciation and voice)
- overall impact of the presentation on the audience.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
Per considerar superada l’assignatura, caldrà obtenir una qualificació mínima de 5.0.
A minimum grade of 5 out of 10 is required to pass the course. Students that do not pass will be given the opportunity to retake. However, in the resit students will not be able to receive a grade higher than 6 out of 10.


Students can ask for a tutorial of 15 minutes by reserving a day and time in advance via Euroaula's booking system.


Additional information:
It is important that both formative and summative assessment students discuss the topic of their final presentation with the teacher a few weeks before the exam.

If a student chooses summative assessment (evaluación única), they inform the teacher and sign a document by 12th February 2021. In this case, they will be evaluated in the final presentation (80%) but will also need to present an elevator pitch in class (20%) - see summative / exam only assessment.

The teacher may delete any item on the course programme if appropriate, or if there are any unexpected changes in the course.

Students are encouraged to research and observe effective presentations and speakers outside class, and to give examples in class. It is also recommended they practise speaking in public and presentation skills, whenever possible, in other classes.

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