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Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Velislava Simeonova Simeonova
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 1. Adquirir coneixements bàsics en les disciplines que estudien el turisme
  • 2. Analitzar, sintetitzar i interpretar en turisme
  • 11. Dissenyar propostes creatives, tenir iniciativa i esperit emprenedor.
  • 15. Identificar i comprendre els principals agents turístics


1. T 0: Subject presentation. T 1. Introduction to Urban Tourism 1.1. Urban Tourism: Looking for a definition. Historical background. 1.2. “The urban traveler” and “the urban tourist” 1.3. Urban destination typology. 1.4. Urban tourism global trends. T 2. The tourist city 2.1. Factors for tourist development of cities. 2.2. Urban tourism demand and supply T 3. Urban tourism impacts. Overtourism 3.1. Economic and social impacts of tourism (as a factor of development) 3.2. Mass tourism and Overtourism. T 4: The Case of Barcelona. 4.1. Urban evolution of Barcelona 4.2. From the city with tourism to the tourist city. 4.3. Case analysis and trends. Barcelona´s tourism strategy 2020 T 5: Tourist gentrificaction and touristification in urban areas. 5.1. Concept and realities. 5.2. Analysis of cases. Perspectives. 5.3. Field practice in Raval neighborhood (Barcelona). T 6. The planning of tourism in urban areas. 6.1. Type of tools for tourism management 6.2. The process of planning 6.3. Analysis of plans/strategies for tourism development.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 21,00 54,00 0 75,00
Total 21,00 54,00 0 75


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Exam Final Exam 50 No
Project Project about tourism impacts in urban spaces 30 No
Analysis and evaluation Analysis and evaluation of academic paper 10 No
Urban destinations comparative analysis Analytical and critical skills. Selection of urban destination affected by Overtourism 10 No


Presented in each activity document

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Exam and Project are not done.

Avaluació única:
A theoretical final exam (65%) and a final project about the designing of a tourist route (35%). In order to pass, you must have a minimum of 5 on the final exam. This exam is 65% of your final mark. The other 35% will consist of your final project. The project work is not subjected to editing and remaking!

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
Per considerar superada l’assignatura, caldrà obtenir una qualificació mínima de 5.0

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