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Curs acadèmic:
Concepte, objectius i metodologia del Dret comparat. Sistemes jurídics. Sistemes de "Civil law" i sistemes de "Common Law". Altres tradicions jurídiques en el món globalitzat. El Dret Privat Europeu.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Alberto Ruda Gonzalez
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CG1. Buscar i gestionar de manera adequada la informació jurídica relativa als diversos sectors de l'ordenament jurídic
  • CG1. Llegir, comprendre, redactar i comentar textos científics.
  • CG2. Conèixer les tècniques informàtiques d'obtenció d'informació jurídica bàsica: bases de dades de legislació, jurisprudència i bibliografia.
  • CG3. Comprendre i avaluar críticament la informació jurídica relativa als diferents sectors de l'ordenament jurídic
  • CG4. Llegir i interpretar textos jurídics pertanyents a les diferents branques de l'ordenament jurídic
  • CG5. Redactar correctament textos jurídics.
  • CG6. Raonar i argumentar jurídicament en relació amb els diversos sectors de l'ordenament jurídic
  • CG7. Conèixer una llengua estrangera
  • CG7. Utilitzar la llengua anglesa.
  • CG8. Aprendre de manera autònoma
  • CG9. Treballar en equip
  • CG9. Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit
  • CG10. Desenvolupar i sostenir en públic un discurs jurídic
  • CG11. Comprendre les funcions socials del dret com a instrument de govern de les societats modernes
  • CE1. Avaluar els costos i la sostenibilitat de les propostes legislatives i de determinades solucions doctrinals i jurisprudencials
  • CE6. Analitzar el llenguatge jurídic i comentar-ho


1. COMPARATIVE LAW. 1. Concept of comparative law. 2. History of comparative law 3. Functions and goals of comparative law. 4. Comparative methodology. 5. The limits of comparative law. 6. The theory of legal systems. 6.1. The style of the legal system. 6.2. The Western legal tradition.

2. THE “CIVIL LAW” LEGAL SYSTEMS. 1. From the reception of Roman law to national codifications. 2. History of French law. 3. Main characteristics of the Civil Code. 4. Reception of the French Civil Code around the globe.

3. THE GERMANIC LEGAL SYSTEMS. 1. History of German law. 2. The BGB. 3. The Austrian ABGB 4. The Swiss Civil Code.

4. THE COMMON LAW. 1. The development of English common law. 2. The extension of common law in the world. 3. The law in the United States. 4. The so-called “mixed” legal systems.

5. OTHER GLOBAL WORLD TRADITIONS.1. The legal systems of the Far East. 1.1 Japan. 1.2 China. 2. Islamic law.

6. SOURCES AND APPLICATION OF LAW. 1. The role of the judge and the position of the written law in comparative perspective. 2. Sources of law. Interpretation and application of legislative acts. 3. Comparative approach to procedural rules and practices.

7. EUROPEAN PRIVATE LAW. 1. European private law. 2. Contract and tort law 2.1. The principles of European contract law (PECL). 2.2. The principles of European tort law (PETL). 3. The CEFL Principles of European family law. 4. Towards a European civil code? The Draft Common Framework of Reference (DCFR) and the private law of the European Union.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 10,00 15,00 5,00 30,00
Prova d'avaluació 5,00 10,00 0 15,00
Sessió expositiva 15,00 10,00 5,00 30,00
Total 30,00 35,00 10,00 75


  • Zweigert, Konrad (1998 ). Introduction to comparative law (3rd rev. ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. Catàleg
  • Glenn, H. Patrick (2010 ). Legal traditions of the world : sustainable diversity in law (4rd ed.). Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press. Catàleg
  • Hartkamp, A. S. Bar, Christian von, 1952- (cop. 2011 ). Towards a European civil code (4th revised and expanded ed.). The Hague: Kluwer Law International. Catàleg
  • Menski, Werner (2006 ). Comparative law in a global context : the legal systems of Asia and Africa . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Catàleg
  • De Cruz, Peter (2007). Comparative law in a changing world (3ª). Cavendish. Catàleg
  • Youngs, Raymond (2014). English, French and German comparative law (3ª). Routledge. Catàleg
  • Bogdan, Michael (2013). Concise introduction to comparative law. Groningen, Amsterdam: Europa Law Publishing. Catàleg
  • Mattei, Ugo (2009). Schlesinger's comparative law : (7th ed.). New York: Foundation Press. Catàleg
  • Reimann, Mathias (2019). The Oxford handbook of comparative law (Segona edició). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Catàleg
  • Zimmermann, Reinhard (2001). Roman law, contemporary law, European law :. New York: Oxford University Press. Catàleg
  • Gordley, James. (2021). An introduction to the comparative study of private law : (Second edition). New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Catàleg
  • Siems, Mathias M. (2021). Comparative law. Cambridge, United Kingdom ;: Cambridge University Press. Catàleg
  • Fekete, Balázs (2021). Paradigms in modern European comparative law : a history. Oxford, UK ;: Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Theoretical-practical explanations of the course materials. Minimum attendance: 80% of the classroom sessions. 20 No
Analysis of suggested readings (texts and case law materials). Participation in classroom discussions on suggested readings. Deliverables proposed during the course. Quality of practical reasoning. 35 No
Synthesis assessment test Capacity to connect concepts; ability to synthesise the main ideas emerging from the material proposed; and mastering the special technical concepts of the subject. 45


Students who have successfully completed the learning activities included in the continued evaluation plan are NOT required to sit the final exam. The continued evaluation plan consists of a) a minimum of 80% attendance in scheduled classroom sessions, b) classroom preparation and discussion of deliverables and suggested readings and c) writing a brief essay (3 pages) analysing an issue of comparative law (synthesis assessment test).

The final exam will consist of a written test including a choice of one (1) short question from among three (3) possible questions and one longer question dealing with a topic of Unit 7 (European private law). It will assess the ability of students to connect concepts, to synthesise the main ideas emerging from the topics chosen and to master the special technical concepts of the subject.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Any student who does not show up to take the final test scheduled according to the official calendar of exams will be given a mark of “incomplete”. Students who have successfully completed the activities of continued evaluation plan are not required to take the final exam.

Avaluació única:
Students who have NOT successfully completed the learning activities included in the continued evaluation plan can sit the final exam.

The final exam will consist of a written test including a choice of one (1) short question from among three (3) possible questions and one longer question dealing with a topic of Unit 7 (European private law). It will assess the ability of students to connect concepts, to synthesise the main ideas emerging from the topics chosen and to master the special technical concepts of the subject.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To pass the subject, a minimum grade of 5.0 must be obtained.


Tutoring will be scheduled whenever the student needs it, in person or through virtual communication.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Teacher communications with students will be developed by email or through the Moodle platform.


Subject included in the ENGLISH PROGRAMME of the Faculty of Law. All learning activities and materials are in English. A minimum level of English and a certain familiarity with legal English are necessary to be able to follow the lessons and work with the materials properly.

This subject is especially suitable for those interested in continuing their legal studies abroad, as well as for ERASMUS students who want to expand their knowledge of other legal systems.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
In the event that the law school is closed due to lockdown, the classes will be developed online through streaming sessions, explanatory videos and interactive sessions commenting on the material digitally available to students.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
The evaluation will be done in person, in particular the synthesis assessment test. In case that the law school is closed, it would be carried on online using the tools available to students.

Tutoria i comunicació:
You can contact via email: or

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